Health / Medical Topics

    Ambulatory Care Nursing

    Nursing care provided in an ambulatory setting, such as a clinic or physician's office. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Those facilities which administer health services to individuals who do not require hospitalization or institutionalization.
    A natural polyketide isolated from the myxobacteria Sorangium cellulosum with antifungal activity. Ambruticin interferes with the osmoregulatory system by activating fungal high…
    The oil extracted from the seeds of Abelmoschus moschatus. Ambrette seed oil is used for aches and stiffness and for its aromatic…
    A rare congenital abnormality in which the infant's external genitalia do not have the typical appearance of a male's or female's…
    The quality of having an uncertain or inexact meaning.
    Issue associated with compromised device-performance at the ambient room temperature.

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