Health / Medical Topics

    Amendment Regulatory Submission

    A submission that contains additional supportive material to augment information previously submitted. Examples include responses to information requests, additional draft labeling during negotiations, etc. (Food and Drug Administration)


    A document, memo or brief that enumerates the differences between two versions of a study protocol document.
    A change in a document made by correction, adding, substituting or omitting a certain part. Amendments are the mechanism of changes introduction,…
    Indicates the person or authoritative body who made an amendment.
    Corrected, or altered formally.
    A novel helicase-primase inhibitor that is active against varicella-zoster virus and herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. Amenamenir stabilizes the interaction…
    The most common odontogenic tumor, arising from the epithelial component of the embryonic tooth and usually affecting the molar-ramus region of the…

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