Health / Medical Topics

    AML mRNA Positive Lysate Loaded Autologous Dendritic Cell Vaccine

    A cancer vaccine consisting of autologous dendritic cells loaded with separate preparations of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) cell lysate and AML-specific messenger RNA (mRNA) with potential immunostimulatory and antineoplastic activities. Upon administration, AML mRNA plus lysate loaded autologous dendritic cell vaccine may elicit a potent cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) response against AML cells, resulting in tumor cell death. Autologous dendritic cells doubly-loaded with AML cell lysate and AML-specific mRNA may elicit superior primary, recall, and effector lytic immune responses compared to autologous dendritic cells loaded with tumor lysate or tumor mRNA alone. (NCI Thesaurus)


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