Health / Medical Topics

    Ampullary Noninvasive Pancreatobiliary Papillary Neoplasm with Low Grade Dysplasia

    An ampullary noninvasive papillary neoplasm of the pancreatobiliary type characterized by the presence of low grade dysplasia. (NCI Thesaurus)


    An ampullary noninvasive papillary neoplasm of the pancreatobiliary type characterized by the presence of high grade dysplasia.
    Paired exocrine glands of the male reproductive system located at the medial termination of the ductus deferens that produce and secrete lipids…
    A non-polypoid, preinvasive neoplasm that arises from the ampulla of Vater. It is characterized by the presence of high grade…
    A sensory receptor of the ear located in the membranous ampulla of the semicircular duct.
    Cancer that forms in the ampulla of Vater (an enlargement of the ducts from the liver and pancreas where they join and…
    An intestinal-type adenoma arising from the ampulla of Vater. It is characterized by the presence of villous epithelial structures and it…

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