Health / Medical Topics

    Benign Intraocular Medulloepithelioma

    A rare, unilateral, benign embryonic neoplasm typically presenting as a cilliary body mass during childhood. It is composed of medullary epithelial cells. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A grade I, slowly growing meningioma within the cranial cavity.
    A non-metastasizing neoplasm arising from the small or large intestine.
    A non-metastasizing neoplasm that arises from the hypopharynx.
    A benign dermal neoplasm comprising of round cells, resembling histiocytes. The tumor commonly occurs in young dogs and may regress spontaneously. …
    Clonal proliferations that arise in the skin that have histiocytic differentiation and lack features of locally aggressive growth or metastasis.
    A hemangiopericytoma without malignant morphologic or clinical characteristics.

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