Health / Medical Topics


    Definition 1

    A milky pleural effusion resulting from accumulation of lymph fluid in the pleural cavity. Causes include malignancies (usually lymphoma), trauma to the thoracic duct, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, and congenital causes. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    A disorder characterized by milky pleural effusion (abnormal collection of fluid) resulting from accumulation of lymph fluid in the pleural cavity. (NCI Thesaurus/CTCAE)


    A milky-white fluid that forms in the small intestine during digestion. It is made of lymph fluid and fats. Special…
    Denotes the inhabitants of the island of Chuuk, a person from there, or their descendants elsewhere.
    An autoimmune necrotizing vasculitis with the formation of granulomas. It is a pulmonary and systemic vasculitis associated with eosinophilia.
    A building for public worship or religious services. (WEBS84)
    Human CHUK wild-type allele is located within 10q24-q25 and is approximately 80 kb in length. This allele, which encodes inhibitor of nuclear…
    This gene plays a role in signal transduction and regulation of transcription.

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