Health / Medical Topics

    Cloth Dosage Form

    Definition 1

    A solid composed active and/or inert ingredient(s) in a woven absorbent material. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    A large piece of relatively flat, absorbent material that contains a drug. It is typically used for applying medication or for cleansing. (NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)


    Material formed by weaving, knitting, felting, or pressing fibers together.
    Any of several methods used to detect the presence of or quantify the formation of a thrombus in a specimen.
    Repair of ventricular septum.
    Repair of atrial septum.
    Refers to the closing of a study to further enrollment.
    A species of anaerobic, Gram positive, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Firmicutes. This species is sporulating, ferments glucose and xylose…

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