Health / Medical Topics


    A specific complex of toxic proteins from the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus (South American rattlesnake). It can be separated into a phospholipase A and crotapotin fragment; the latter consists of three different amino acid chains, potentiates the enzyme, and is specifically neurotoxic. (NLM, Medical Subject Headings)


    An unsaturated aldehyde with commercial applications, including the manufacture of sorbic acid, that is also found in tobacco smoke, gasoline and diesel…
    A yellow to brown colored, thick, foul smelling, very toxic oil obtained from the seeds of a tropical plant, Croton Tiglium. Croton…
    A type of clinical study in which each study subject receives the same series of treatments but in a random order that…
    A protein that links cytoskeletal filaments to one another and modulates both the formation and stability of cellular structures.
    An oval shaped area within the corticospinal tract that runs the entire length of the spinal cord just medial to the posterior…
    The procedure of matching and synchronizing ring-width variations and other structural characteristics among trees that have grown in nearby areas, allowing the…

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