Health / Medical Topics

    Crypt of Lieberkuhn

    Definition 1

    The tube-like glands in the mucosal lining of the small and large intestines which secrete various enzymes that aid in digestion. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    Tube-like gland found in the lining of the colon and rectum. Colon crypt cells renew the lining of the intestine and make mucus. (NCI Dictionary)


    The lumen of the glandular structures of a crypt.
    Epithelial cell lining of a crypt.
    Accumulation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in the mucosal crypts of the colon. It occurs in ulcerative colitis.
    A pitlike depression or tubular recess.
    A vial used to store specimens in a cryopreservative at very low temperatures.
    A procedure in which an extremely cold liquid or an instrument called a cryoprobe is used to freeze and destroy abnormal…

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