Health / Medical Topics

    CTCAE Grade 3 Lip or Perioral Infection Documented Clinically or Microbiologically with Grade 3 or 4 Neutrophils

    IV antibiotic, antifungal, or antiviral intervention indicated; interventional radiology or operative intervention indicated (NCI Thesaurus/CTCAE)


    Complete resection or reconstruction of injured organ/structure indicated
    Complete resection or reconstruction of injured organ/structure indicated
    Complete resection or reconstruction of injured organ/structure indicated
    Severe increase in SAS; severe ventriculomegaly; near total white matter T2 hyperintensities or diffuse low attenuation (CT)
    <2000 - 1000/mm(3) <2.0 - 1.0 x 10e9 /L
    Complete resection or reconstruction of injured organ/structure indicated

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