Health / Medical Topics

    Progressive Hairy Cell Leukemia Initial Treatment

    A hairy cell leukemia requiring initial treatment because of the presence of signs of progression. Signs of progression include cytopenia (especially if symptomatic), increasing splenomegaly, and infectious complications. Therapy is not necessary if the patients are asymptomatic and the blood counts are maintained in an acceptable range. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A rare, inherited disorder marked by a buildup in the liver of bile (fluid that helps digest fat). This can lead to…
    Cancer that is growing, spreading, or getting worse.
    Failure of therapy to control chronic Graft versus Host Disease (cGVHD).
    A critical care nurse with specialized training in progressive care, which describes areas referred to as intermediate care units, direct observation units,…
    A progressive motor neuron disorder affecting the muscles which are innervated by cranial nerves of the lower brain stem. Signs and symptoms…
    Advancing in extent or severity.

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