Health / Medical Topics

    Prophase Process

    The first phase of mitosis, in which the chromosomes become visible, the nucleus starts to lose its identity, the spindle appears, and the centrioles migrate toward opposite poles. (NCI Thesaurus)


    The type of characteristic that is being evaluated about the component. For example, some kinds of properties are: mass, concentration, velocity,…
    A distinguishing quality or prominent aspect of a person, object, action, process, or substance.
    A basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class.
    The hydrochloride salt form of proparacaine, a benzoic acid derivative with local anesthetic property. Proparacaine hydrochloride stabilizes the neuronal membrane by binding…
    The bromide salt form of propantheline, a quaternary ammonium compound structurally related to belladonna alkaloids. Propantheline bromide competitively antagonizes acetylcholine activity mediated…
    A synthetic, colorless liquid or white crystalline solid that is readily soluble in water and many organic solvents such as ketones, esters…

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