Health / Medical Topics

    RAD54-Like Protein

    RAD54-Like Protein (RAD54L), encoded by the RAD54L gene, belongs to the DEAD-like helicase superfamily. RAD54L plays a role in homologous recombination related repair of DNA double-strand breaks. The binding of RAD54L to double-strand DNA induces a DNA topological change, which facilitates homologous DNA paring and stimulates DNA recombination. (NCI Thesaurus/LocusLink)


    Human RAD52 wild-type allele is located within 12p13-p12.2 and is approximately 79 kb in length. This allele, which encodes DNA repair protein…
    This gene is involved in both double-strand break repair and homologous recombination.
    Human RAD51C wild-type allele is located within 17q22-q23 and is approximately 3 kb in length. This allele, which encodes DNA repair protein…
    This gene plays a role in DNA repair and meiotic recombination.
    A fusion protein encoded by the RAD51B/HMGA2 fusion gene. This protein is comprised of the N-terminal region of the DNA repair protein…
    A fusion gene that results from a chromosomal translocation t(12;14)(q14-15;q22-24) which fuses exon 5, 7, 9 or 10 of the RAD51B gene…

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