Health / Medical Topics

    Radiation-Induced Change

    Techniques used for altering the genetic material of an organism by exposure to ionizing radiation. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Issue associated with too little radiation emitted from radiological or diagnostic devices. Results in insufficient production of normal image contrast.
    A multi-institutional cooperative organization, a national cancer study research group comprised of 250 of the major research institutions nationally and in Canada,…
    The use of high-energy radiation from x-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, protons, and other sources to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation…
    A health professional who gives radiation treatment.
    A type of external radiation therapy that uses special equipment to position the patient and precisely give a single large dose of…
    A sterilization process that uses radiation such as electron beams, X-rays, gamma rays, or subatomic particles to kill microorganisms.

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