Health / Medical Topics

    Radioactive Sodium Iodide

    A radioactive iodide salt that distributes mainly within the extracellular body fluid and selectively concentrates in certain organ tissues, including the thyroid gland. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Classical technique for sequencing nucleic acids in which visualization of the bases in the sequence relies on the use of radioactive materials,…
    A dosing unit in a form of an incapsulated radioactive material that constitutes an implantable pellet designed for brachytherapy administration.
    A small, radioactive pellet that is placed in or near a tumor. Cancer cells are killed by the energy given off as…
    A radioactive form of palladium (a metallic element that resembles platinum). When used to treat prostate cancer, radioactive seeds (small pellets that…
    A substance containing a radioisotope that has an affinity for and binds to a chosen biologic substance of interest to enable quantification…
    A radioactive form of iodine, often used for imaging tests or to treat an overactive thyroid, thyroid cancer, and certain other…

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