Health / Medical Topics

    Ras Peptide VAL

    A synthetic form of the Ras peptide containing a point mutation at position 12 (glycine to valine) with potential antineoplastic activity. Vaccination with this peptide may stimulate the host immune system to mount a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response against tumor cells positive for this Ras mutation, resulting in decreased tumor growth. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A synthetic form of the Ras peptide containing a point mutation at position 12 (glycine to cysteine) with potential antineoplastic activity. …
    A cancer vaccine containing a RAS oncogene-encoded peptide with potential antineoplastic activity. RAS peptide cancer vaccine may stimulate a RAS peptide-specific…
    A synthetic form of the ras peptide containing a point mutation at position 12 (glycine to aspartic acid) with potential antineoplastic…
    A short piece of the ras protein, which is made by the ras gene. The ras gene has been found to cause…
    An agent designed to inhibit the signal transduction process by interfering with the action of the ras protein.
    Encoded by human ARHI Gene, the 229-amino acid 26 kD RHO-Related GTP-Binding Protein RHOI (RHO Family) appears to be a tumor suppressor…

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