Health / Medical Topics

    Recombinant Methionyl Human Brain-Derived Factor

    A recombinant form of neurotrophic growth factor that regulates the development and maintenance of motor neurons expressing trk B receptor tyrosine kinase, with potential use in neurodegenerative disorders. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A recombinant tumor-specific melanoma antigen. Vaccination with recombinant MAGE-3.1 antigen may induce a host immune response against MAGE-expressing cells, resulting in antitumoral…
    A formulated therapeutic analog of the endogenous pro-inflammatory alpha (CXC) chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-2 beta that stimulates neutrophil chemotaxis and induces neutrophil…
    A therapeutic analogue of the endogenous CXC cytokine macrophage inflammatory protein-2 alpha. Macrophage inflammatory protein-2 alpha attracts and activates neutrophils and may…
    A recombinant therapeutic agent which is chemically identical to or similar to endogenous macrophage inflammatory protein-1, a member of the CC chemokine…
    A recombinant therapeutic agent which is chemically identical to or similar to the endogenous protein cytokine macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF). Synthesized endogenously…
    Lymphotoxin is a cytokine that orchestrates lymphoid neogenesis and is present on the surface of activated T-, B-, and LAK cells as…

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