Philosophy and Religion / Rig Veda

    Rig Veda

    Book 1, Hymn XL. Brahmaṇaspati

    1 O BRAHMAṆASPATI, stand up: God-serving men we pray to thee.
    May they who give good gifts, the Maruts, come to us. Indra, most swift, be thou with them.

    2 O Son of Strength, each mortal calls to thee for aid when spoil of battle waits for him.
    O Maruts, may this man who loves you well obtain wealth of good steeds and hero might.

    3 May Brahmaṇaspati draw nigh, may Sūnṛtā the Goddess come,
    And Gods bring to this rite which gives the five-fold gift the Hero, lover of mankind.

    4 He who bestows a noble guerdon on the priest wins fame that never shall decay.
    For him we offer sacred hero-giving food, peerless and conquering easily.

    5 Now Brahmaṇaspati speaks forth aloud the solemn hymn of praise,
    Wherein Indra and Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman, the Gods, have made their dwelling place.

    6 May we in holy synods, Gods! recite that hymn, peerless, that brings felicity.
    If you, O Heroes, graciously accept this word, may it obtain all bliss from you.

    7 Who shall approach the pious? who the man whose sacred grass is trimmed?
    The offerer with his folk advances more and more: he fills his house with precious things.

    8 He amplifies his lordly might, with kings he slays: e’en mid alarms he dwells secure
    In great or lesser fight none checks him, none subdues,—the wielder of the thunderbolt.


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