Health / Medical Topics

    Tissue Slice Technology

    A technology used for preclinical research as an alternative to some animal testing. Micrometer-thin slices of various organs are incubated with various experimental compounds for assays involving toxicology, absorption, distribution, and metabolism. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A piece of tissue cut on a microtome so that it rolls up on itself, giving it an appearance similar to a…
    A piece of tissue removed from an organism for examination, analysis, or propagation.
    A technique used in developmental biology to investigate the effects of one tissue upon another in induction of differentiation and tissue and…
    The isolation of proteins or protein solutions from a biological source material.
    The Tissue Procurement and Distribution Shared Resource provides centralized procurement, storage, and transfer of neoplastic and control human tissues from clinical and…
    An automated system used to process tissue specimens for examination through fixation, dehydration, and infiltration.

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