Health / Medical Topics

    Undecylenic Acid

    A natural or synthetic fungistatic fatty acid, antifungal Undecylenic Acid is used topically as a zinc salt in various creams against fungal infections, eczemas, ringworm, and other cutaneous conditions. The zinc provides an astringent action, reducing rawness and irritation. (NCI Thesaurus)


    NIH: Subcategory of alternative medical systems in CAM. This sub-category deals with alternative medical systems developed in the West that are…
    Unconventional prefoldin RPB5 interactor (535 aa, ~60 kDa) is encoded by the human C19orf2 gene. This protein is involved in transcriptional…
    Approaches that use substances or methods of treating cancer that have not been shown to be effective by accepted scientific methods, such…
    Approaches that use substances or methods of treating cancer that have not been shown to be effective by accepted scientific methods, such…
    A clinical study that lacks a comparison (i.e., a control) group.
    Changes in the fluid pressure inside the eye.

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