Health / Medical Topics

    Undiluted Dose Administered

    Definition 1

    The amount of undiluted agent administered to a subject. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    Undiluted dose of Drug, Contrast agent, or Infusate administered. (NCI Thesaurus/DICOM)


    A subtype of schizophrenia in which the individual exhibits the characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia but the overall picture is not one of…
    An infiltrating high grade mesenchymal tumor arising from the uterine corpus, cervix, vagina, and the ovary.
    Sex could not be determined; not uniquely defined; undifferentiated.
    A group of rare cancers that do not look like other types of sarcomas under a microscope and may be hard to…
    A retinoblastoma composed of small, undifferentiated cells. It is often associated with necrotic changes.
    An invasive prostate carcinoma without evidence of cellular differentiation.

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