Health / Medical Topics

    Vaginal Birth after Cesarean

    The method referring to the delivery of a fetus through the vaginal canal after the mother has had a cesarean delivery with a previous pregnancy. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Removal of tissue from the vagina for microscopic examination.
    A squamous cell carcinoma that arises from the vagina and is characterized by the presence of nests of malignant basaloid squamous cells…
    A condition in which the tissues lining the inside of the vagina (birth canal) become thin, dry, and inflamed. This is caused…
    The method referring to the use of medical devices such as vacuum extractor or forceps to assist with the delivery of a…
    An angiomyofibroblastoma arising from the vagina.
    Leakage due to breakdown of a vaginal anastomosis.

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