Health / Medical Topics

    Vein of Galen Malformation

    An arteriovenous malformation in the vein of Galen that is located at the base of the brain. The malformation may result in developmental delays, hydrocephalus, seizures, and congestive heart failure. (NCI Thesaurus)


    The thin layer of cells that line the lumen of a vein carrying deoxygenated blood.
    A blood vessel that carries blood to the heart from tissues and organs in the body.
    A taxonomic family of Gram negative, obligately anaerobic bacterium in the phylum Firmicutes that includes the genera Megasphaera, Misuokella, Acidaminococcus and Selenomonas,…
    A species of anaerobic, Gram negative, cocci shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Firmicutes. This species is catalase negative and does not…
    A species of anaerobic, Gram negative, cocci shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Firmicutes. This species is peroxidase positive and requires either…
    A genus of anaerobic, Gram negative, cocci shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Firmicutes and the family Veillonellaceae.

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