Health / Medical Topics

    Ventricular Assist Device Placement

    A surgical procedure in which a mechanical pump is implanted to enhance the function of the left or right heart ventricle. (NCI Thesaurus)


    An electrocardiographic assessment of the atypical cardiac rhythms originating in the ventricle.
    An electrocardiographic finding of an atypical cardiac rhythm resulting from a pathologic process in the cardiac ventricles.
    A disorder characterized by an electrocardiographic finding of an atypical cardiac rhythm resulting from a pathologic process in the cardiac ventricles. …
    Cardiac surgical procedure performed for the removal of an aneurysm from the ventricular wall.
    A bulge or ballooning in the wall of the ventricle of the heart.
    A invasive therapeutic procedure to destroy tissue in the cardiac ventricles that is the source of an arrhythmia.

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