Health / Medical Topics

    Verrucous Carcinoma of the Penis

    A slow growing, locally recurring, very well differentiated papillary squamous cell carcinoma that arises from the penis. It is characterized by the presence of acanthosis and hyperkeratosis. The neoplastic infiltrate extends into the underlying stroma with a pushing border. Koilocytotic atypia is not present. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma characterized by a papillary growth pattern, acanthosis, mild cytologic atypia, and pushing tumor margins. The most…
    A wart caused by human papillomavirus. It can appear anywhere on the skin.
    A wart in the plantar surface of the foot. It is caused by human papillomavirus.
    A recombinant chimeric protein composed of the heat shock protein 65 (Hsp65) from Mycobacterium bovis, and the human papilloma viral (HPV) protein…
    A white cheese-like protective material that covers the skin of a fetus.
    A medical device that is a combination of ruler and caliper that can measure the distance between two points. The configuration of…

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