Health / Medical Topics

    Wandering Atrial Pacemaker by ECG Finding

    An electrocardiographic finding of a supraventricular arrhythmia characterized by 3 or more distinct P wave morphologies with an isoelectric baseline, variable PR intervals and no predominant atrial rhythm. The ventricular rate is typically below 100 beats per minute. (NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)


    The oil pressed from English walnut seeds, Juglans regia. Walnut oil is most often used as a flavoring ingredient in cooking. …
    A characteristic of a medicinal product, specifying that its most predominant agreeable savor detected by the unified sensation of taste and olfactory…
    A group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand, northeast of Fiji…
    A condition caused by degeneration, atrophy, and destruction of the distal part of a nerve fiber's axon and myelin, when continuity with…
    Wall of body of uterus is composed of three layers: endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium. Endometrium is the inner mucosal layer lining and…
    A layer of material that encloses space or that encloses a structure.

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