Health / Medical Topics

    Williams Syndrome

    A rare syndrome caused by multiple gene deletions from a region of chromosome 7, including the deletion of CLIP2, ELN, GTF2I, GTF2IRD1 and LIMK1 genes. It is characterized by distinctive facial appearance (elfin facies), mild-to-moderate mental retardation, cheerfulness, cardiovascular abnormalities and infantile hypercalcemia. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A legal document in which a person states what is to be done with his or her property after death, who is…
    A serotype 3 Dearing strain (T3D) of reovirus (Respiratory Enteric Orphan VIRUS). Reovirus, a dsRNA virus, is able to replicate specifically in…
    A term used to describe a gene called KRAS when it is found in its natural, non-mutated (unchanged) form. The KRAS gene…
    An herbal remedy derived from the dried root of Dioscorea villosa, a perennial vine native to North America, Mexico and Asia. The…
    A designation used to describe a wild-type zebrafish line that is of unknown stock.
    Wild Type and Mutant MGMT Vectors are genetic carrier vehicles containing an in vivo selection marker derived from natural or mutant O-6…

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