Health / Medical Topics

    Yucatan Minipig

    A strain of Yucatan pig that is found in the wild in Costa Rica and Mexico. It is a hairless, black or grey colored swine and weighs less than 70 kilograms at adulthood. It is used extensively in biomedical research. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A strain of Yucatan pig that weighs less than 55 kg when full grown. It was developed at Colorado State University in…
    A polycarbonate-based semicylindrical plaque impregnated with yttrium Y 90 with radioisotopic and antineoplastic activities. An yttrium-90 polycarbonate brachytherapy plaque may be applied…
    A humanized BrE-3 monoclonal antibody (MoAb) conjugated with either Yttrium Y90 or Indium 111. MoAb BrE-3 is an IgG1-kappa murine monoclonal antibody,…
    A radioimmunoconjugate comprised of the chimeric monoclonal antibody cG250 conjugated with the bifunctional, macrocyclic chelating agent tetra-azacyclododecanetetra-acetic acid (DOTA) and labeled with…
    A radioimmunoconjugate comprised of the humanized monoclonal antibody tacatuzumab, directed against alpha fetoprotein, that is conjugated to the chelating agent tetraxetan and…
    A radioimmunotherapeutic agent consisting of a murine monoclonal anti-CD20 antibody (ibritumomab) linked by the chelator tiuxetan to the radioisotope yttrium-90 (Y…

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