Health / Medical Topics


    An explanatory or critical comment, or other in-context information (e.g., pattern, motif, link), that has been associated with data or other types of information. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A concise, detailed, description record of cell specimen(s) or tissues for clinical and laboratory applications. The information recorded contains explanatory guidelines or…
    A common name for the tropical tree Annona muricata whose tissues contain annonaceous acetogenins, compounds with antineoplastic activity. Annonaceous acetogenins, derivatives…
    Annexin VIII belongs to the family of Ca (2+) dependent phospholipid binding proteins (annexins), and has a high 56% identity to annexin…
    Encoded by human Annexin A5 Gene, Annexin A5 is a 35 kD 320-amino acid monomeric placental protein similar to PP4-X that contains…
    Annexin A2 (339 aa, ~39 kDa) is encoded by the human ANXA2 gene. This protein is involved in ligand binding, signal transduction…
    A liposome-encapsulated form of the semi-synthetic doxorubicin analogue annamycin with antineoplastic activity. Annamycin intercalates into DNA and inhibits topoisomerase II, resulting in…

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