Health / Medical Topics

    Prophylactic surgery


    Surgery to remove an organ or gland that shows no signs of cancer, in an attempt to prevent development of cancer of that organ or gland. Prophylactic surgery is sometimes chosen by people who know they are at high risk for developing cancer. (NCI Dictionary)


    Surgery intended to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by removing the ovaries before disease develops.
    Surgery to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by removing one or both breasts before disease develops. Also called preventive…
    Radiation therapy to the head to reduce the risk that cancer will spread to the brain.
    In medicine, something that prevents or protects.
    The first phase of mitosis, in which the chromosomes become visible, the nucleus starts to lose its identity, the spindle appears, and…
    The type of characteristic that is being evaluated about the component. For example, some kinds of properties are: mass, concentration, velocity,…

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