
This gene plays a role in mTOR-mediated signaling. »
Human DEPTOR wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 8q24.12 and is approximately 177 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
Depudecin is a fungal metabolite that reverts the rounded phenotype of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts transformed with v-ras and v-src oncogenes to the… »
Sustancia, como los antioxidantes, que ayuda a proteger las células del daño que causan los radicales libres. Los radicales libres son moléculas… »
Depurination involves cleavage of the N-glycosidic link between a purine base and the remaining deoxyribose portion of the effected nucleotide in DNA,… »
A feeling of altered reality characterized by a feeling of unreality, or being unreal. »
Como paciente, usted tiene ciertos derechos. Algunos están garantizados por las leyes federales, tales como el derecho a recibir una copia de… »
The act or process of removing restrictions and controls. »
Cirugía en la que se toma un vaso sanguíneo sano de otra parte del cuerpo y se crea una vía nueva para… »
Cirugía en la que se toma un vaso sanguíneo sano de otra parte del cuerpo y se crea una vía nueva para… »
Procedimiento de cirugía mediante el que se crea un nuevo conducto para que la orina abandone el cuerpo. Puede incluir reorientar la… »
Procedimiento quirúrgico por el cual el médico crea una nueva vía para la circulación de los líquidos corporales (del cuerpo). »
Proceso usado para drenar el líquido que se ha acumulado alrededor del cerebro y la médula espinal. Se coloca una cánula de… »
En el campo de la química, un compuesto producido sobre la base de otro o relacionado con otro compuesto. »
Medicamento que se utiliza en la terapia fotodinámica que es absorbido por las células tumorales. Cuando se expone a la luz, se… »
Sustancia en estudio para la prevención de cáncer colorrectal. Es una forma de aspirina que libera gas de ácido nítrico y es… »
Tomado del tejido del tumor del individuo mismo; puede usarse para crear una vacuna que mejore la capacidad del cuerpo de producir… »
A drawing of fluids from one part of the body to another, to relieve symptoms, reduce the inflammation or to otherwise lessen… »
A character string containing a formal language expression that specifies how attributes are, should be, or have been derived from input parameters… »
The logical, mathematical, and/or other operations specifying derivation. The rule may range from a simple operation such as subtraction to a very… »
The type of Derived Data Element that is being created. For example a Data Element that is derived/created by subtracting two dates… »
The synthesis of a material of interest using a process that is not otherwise specified. »
The Data Element that is derived from one or more data elements. ISO DEF: the relationship among a Data Element which is… »
An indication that a data element has been derived from one or more data elements. »
Derived units of the International System of Units (Systeme International d'Unites, SI) are those formed by combining base SI units according to… »
An explanation of the historical origins of a word, phrase, or object. »
A topical cream formulation containing physiological lipids with potential anti-xerotic activity. Derma-membrane-structure topical cream contains ingredients that mirror the lipid component of… »
A genus of aerobic, Gram positive, rod and cocci shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria and the family Dermabacteraceae. »
A species of aerobic, Gram positive, rod and cocci shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This species is catalase positive, ferments… »
A taxonomic family of Gram positive bacterium with high G+C DNA content in the phylum Actinobacteria that includes the genera Brachybacterium and… »
A type of surgery used to make the skin smooth and to improve the way deep scars, pits, and wrinkles look. After… »
A taxonomic family of bacterium in the phylum Actinobacteria that includes the genera dermacoccus and micrococcus, among others. »
A genus of aerobic, Gram positive, cocci shaped bacterium in the phylum Actinobacteria and the family Dermacoccaceae. »
A species of aerobic, Gram positive, cocci shaped bacterium in the phylum Actinobacteria. This species is catalase, urease and oxidase positive, coagulase… »
Of or relating to or located in the dermis. »
A benign neoplasm arising from the dermis. It is characterized by the presence of spindle-shaped fibroblasts. »
Melanocytes are present in excess in the dermis. »
A projection of the dermis into the epidermis. »
Inflammation of the skin. »
Inflamación de la piel. »
Contact dermatitis caused by exposure to acids. »
Contact dermatitis caused by exposure to alkalis. »
Allergic contact dermatitis caused by exposure to dichromate. »
Dermatitis caused by an allergic reaction to ingested food. »
Dermatitis caused by an allergic reaction to an unspecified ingested substance. »
A chronic autoimmune skin disorder characterized by the development of pruritic papulovesicular and bullous lesions in the elbows, knees, buttocks, and… »
Afección de la piel que es un efecto secundario común de la radioterapia. La piel afectada se vuelve dolorosa, roja, picante y… »
Enfermedad de la piel caracterizada por parches escamosos o engrosados que generalmente resultan de la exposición prolongada al arsénico. Los parches se… »
A type of tumor that begins as a hard nodule and grows slowly. These tumors are usually found in the dermis (the… »
A morphologic variant of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans characterized by areas of fibroblastoma like-differentiation, and the presence of giant cells. »
Tipo de tumor que empieza como un nódulo duro y crece lentamente. Estos tumores se encuentran generalmente en la dermis (la capa… »
A raised, inflamed skin reaction to pressure from rubbing or scratching. »
Having to do with the skin, relating to or practicing dermatology. »
The branch of oncology concerned with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of skin cancer. »
A doctor who has special training to diagnose and treat skin problems. »
Médico especializado en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los problemas de la piel. »
A medical specialty concerned with the skin, its structure, functions, diseases, and treatment. »
The area of skin innervated by a single posterior spinal nerve (sensory nerve). »
A visual representation of the bands of skin innervated by the sensory nerves used for assessment. »
A subacute or chronic inflammatory disease of muscle and skin, marked by proximal muscle weakness and a characteristic skin rash. The illness… »
A taxonomic family of mammalian pathogenic bacterium, which produce mycelial filaments or muriform thalli, in the phylum Actinobacteria that includes the genera… »
A genus of facultatively anaerobic, Gram positive, cocci shaped bacterium in the phylum Actinobacteria and the family Dermatophilaceae. »
A species of facultatively anaerobic, Gram positive, cocci shaped bacterium in the phylum Actinobacteria. This species is catalase positive, urease negative, slightly… »
A common fungal infection of the stratum corneum of the skin, hair, or nails by a dermatophyte. It is characterized by itching,… »
Dermatophytosis involving the stratum corneum of the skin of the groin and perianal area. »
Dermatophytosis involving the stratum corneum of the skin of the scalp and beard area. »
A disorder involving lesions or eruptions of the skin, usually without inflammation. »
A benign skin condition commonly seen in dark-skinned individuals that is characterized by multiple small hyperpigmented papular lesions resembling seborrheic keratosis on… »
Enfermedad de la piel caracterizada por parches escamosos o engrosados que generalmente resultan de la exposición prolongada al arsénico. Los parches se… »
The inner layer of the two main layers of the skin. The dermis has connective tissue, blood vessels, oil and sweat glands,… »
Capa interna de las dos capas principales de la piel. La dermis tiene tejido conjuntivo, vasos sanguíneos, glándulas sebáceas y sudoríparas, nervios,… »
Capa superior delgada de la dermis (capa más interna de la piel). La dermis papilar tiene tejido conjuntivo y vasos sanguíneos… »
Capa inferior gruesa en la base de la dermis (la capa más interna de la piel). La dermis reticular tiene vasos sanguíneos… »
Tipo de cirugía que se emplea para suavizar la piel y mejorar el aspecto de las cicatrices profundas, los huecos y las… »
Dermoid; resembling skin; skinlike. »
A type of benign (not cancer) germ cell tumor (type of tumor that begins in the cells that give rise to sperm… »
En el campo de la medicina, pérdida del flujo de sangre a una parte del cerebro que daña el tejido… »
El derrame de petróleo en el Golfo de México fue el mayor derrame en la historia de los Estados Unidos. Tuvo graves… »
Acumulación anormal de líquido en la bolsa que envuelve el corazón. »
Acumulación anormal del líquido entre las capas delgadas del tejido (pleura) que recubre el pulmón y la pared de la cavidad… »
Afección en la que el cáncer hace que se acumule una cantidad anormal de líquido entre las capas finas de tejido (pleura)… »
A synthetic form of the hormone estrogen that was prescribed to pregnant women between about 1940 and 1971 because it was thought… »
Forma sintética de la hormona estrógeno que se recetó a las mujeres embarazadas entre 1940 y 1971 porque se pensaba que… »
This gene is involved in the maintenance of muscle cell structure. »
Human DES wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 2q35 and is approximately 8 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
Des-gamma carboxyprothrombin (622 aa, ~70 kDa) is encoded by the human F2 gene. This protein is involved in blood coagulation. This form… »
Como adolescente, pasas por muchos cambios físicos, mentales, emocionales y sociales. El cambio más grande es la pubertad el proceso por el… »
¿Cuándo empezará a caminar mi bebé o dirá su primera palabra? La infancia en su primera etapa, desde el nacimiento del bebé… »
¡Su hijo ya no es más un bebé! El comienzo de la escuela les recuerda a los padres que sus hijos están… »
Dominar nuevas habilidades como caminar, hablar y dejar los pañales son hitos en el desarrollo. Es emocionante ver a su pequeño aprender… »
A thin hyaline membrane between the chief part of the sclera and the endothelial layer of the cornea. »
To travel downward. »
Someone deriving or descending from an ancestor. »
The portion of the aorta following the aortic arch passing into the chest and abdomen creating the thoracic and abdominal segments. … »
The fourth portion of the large intestine (colon) that communicates with the transverse colon in the left-upper quadrant of the abdomen and… »
A well differentiated, low grade neuroendocrine tumor (carcinoid tumor) that arises from the descending colon. The mitotic count is less than… »
The descending limb of the U-shaped portion of the renal tubule. »
A prodrug of acyclovir with activity against viruses in the herpesvirus family. Desciclovir is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is converted… »
Abstract class that allows subclasses to inherit the association to Description, for detailed annotations such as Ontology entries and Database references, the… »
A question about how an individual would describe the usual quality of their erections without the assistance of medications or devices during… »
A written or verbal account, representation, statement, or explanation of something. »
A terminology concept modeled in a structured and formally well-understood way using logic-based semantics which can be given by a translation into… »
Description of the actual arm (of the clinical trial) in which the subject participated during the trial. »
A textual representation of a laboratory test result. »
Measures the sensory and affective components of pain using a magnitude ratio scale. (Gracey 1988) »
En el campo de la medicina, situación específica que pone en marcha un proceso o que causa un resultado particular. Por ejemplo,… »
Exceso o escasez de cualquier sustancia que ayuda al cuerpo a funcionar como debe. Un desequilibrio químico puede deberse a ciertos tumores… »
The process of taking a data object from a transport operation or persisted storage location and converting it back to its original… »
An ester alkaloid derived from Rauwolfia canescens with antihypertensive activity. Deserpidine is a competitive inhibitor of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). By… »
Desert hedgehog protein (396 aa, ~344 kDa) is encoded by the human DHH gene. This protein plays a role in the regulation… »
A fluorinated ether with general anesthetic and muscle relaxant activities. Although the exact mechanism of action has not been established, desflurane, administered… »
Afección causada por una pérdida excesiva de agua del cuerpo. La diarrea o los vómitos graves pueden causar deshidratación. »
Una enzima de un grupo de enzimas que se encuentra en la sangre y otros tejidos del cuerpo y que participa en… »
The act of removing moisture from something. »
The act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan) or the result of… »
The act of specifying the operational and physical requirements, respectively, for the software and hardware of an in vitro diagnostic device. … »
An element of an array. This is generally of type feature but can be specified as reporters or compositeSequence for arrays… »
Named or selected to an assignment. »
A class that serves to allow many to many relationships between Designation and ClassSchemeClassSchemeItem, providing uniqueness to the CS/CSI pairing to an… »
Design notes are notations made by NCI vocabulary curators. They are intended to provide supplemental, unstructured information to the user or additional… »
Cualquier sustancia o proceso que se usa principalmente en objetos no vivientes para destruir gérmenes, como virus, bacterias y otros microbios que… »
Hacer algo menos venenoso o dañino. Puede referirse al proceso de extraer toxinas, venenos u otras sustancias dañinas del cuerpo. »
An active metabolite of imipramine, a tertiary amine and a synthetic tricyclic derivative of the antidepressant. Desipramine enhances monoamine neurotransmission in certain… »
The hydrochloride salt form of desipramine, a secondary amine tricyclic antidepressant (TCA). In the central nervous system (CNS), desipramine hydrochloride blocks the… »
A synthetic recombinant form of the naturally occurring hirudin, the anticoagulant substance found in leech. Desirudin is a selective and almost irreversible… »
A videoconferencing system that can be used by an individual from a desktop computer. A desktop conferencing system consists of a computer,… »
A long-acting piperidine derivate with selective H1 antihistaminergic and non-sedating properties. Desloratadine diminishes the typical histaminergic effects on H1-receptors in bronchial smooth… »
A substance being studied in the treatment of cancer as a way to block sex hormones made by the ovaries or… »
A synthetic nonapeptide analogue of the natural gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) with potential antineoplastic activity. Deslorelin binds to and activates pituitary gonadotropin… »
Sustancia que está en estudio para el tratamiento del cáncer como una manera de bloquear las hormonas sexuales elaboradas por los ovarios… »
El desmayo (o síncope) es una pérdida temporal de la conciencia. Si se esta por desmayar, usted se sentirá mareado, con vértigo… »
A radiosensitizer that targets hypoxic cells and act as oxygen substitute making tumor cells sensitive to radiation damage. »
Desmin (470 aa, ~54 kDa) is encoded by the human DES gene. This protein is involved in the regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics… »
Desmoglein-3 (999 aa, ~108 kDa) is encoded by the human DSG3 gene. This protein plays a role in desmosome-mediated cell-cell adhesion. … »
A tumor of the tissue that surrounds muscles, usually in the abdomen. A desmoid tumor rarely metastasizes (spreads to other parts of… »
A type of soft tissue tumor that forms in fibrous (connective) tissue, usually in the arms, legs, or abdomen. It may also… »
Desmoplakin (2871 aa, ~332 kDa) is encoded by the human DSP gene. This protein is involved in the maintenance of desmosome… »
Que causa o forma adherencias o tejido conjuntivo fibroso dentro de un tumor. »
Causing or forming adhesions or fibrous connective tissue within a tumor. »
An ameloblastoma with prominent desmoplastic stroma that causes compression of the neoplastic epithelial islands. »
A rare benign neoplasm arising from the fibrous soft tissues. It is characterized by the presence of spindle-shaped myofibroblasts and collagenous stroma… »
A WHO grade I large cystic tumor that occurs almost exclusively in infants, with a prominent desmoplastic stroma having a neuroepithelial population… »
A WHO grade I large cystic tumor that occurs almost exclusively in infants, with a prominent desmoplastic stroma having a neuroepithelial population… »
A rare form of malignant melanoma marked by nonpigmented lesions on sun-exposed areas of the body, most commonly on the head and… »
A malignant neoplasm arising from mesothelial cells. It is characterized by the presence of a dense collagenous tissue and atypical neoplastic… »
A desmoplastic melanoma characterized by the presence of nerve infiltration by atypical spindled melanocytes. »
A rare, aggressive cancer that usually affects young males and usually is located in the abdomen. »
A Spitz nevus associated with fibrous stroma formation. »
A medulloblastoma characterized by the presence of nodular, collagenous areas which do not contain reticulin, surrounded by hypercellular areas which contain an… »
A synthetic octapeptide, and an analogue of human hormone arginine vasopressin with antidiuretic and coagulant activities. Desmopressin binds to V2 receptors in… »
An analogue of the hormone vasopressin with antidiuretic and antihemorrhagic properties. Desmopressin acetate has selective affinity for the V2 receptor and acts… »
Desmosomes are intercellular anchoring junctions that anchor intermediate filaments at membrane-associated plaques in adjoining cells. Desmosomes assemble in response to cell-cell… »
Afección que se presenta cuando no se obtienen calorías suficientes o la cantidad adecuada de nutrientes principales, como las vitaminas y los… »
Describe la afección que sufre una persona por no recibir suficientes calorías o la cantidad correcta de los nutrientes necesarios para la… »
A synthetic progestogen structurally related to levonorgestrel, with progesterone hormone receptor agonistic activity, used as a contraceptive and hormone replacement agent. Upon… »
A synthetic glucocorticosteroid for topical use, with anti-inflammatory activity. Desonide binds to glucocorticoid receptors in the cytoplasm, and the ligand-receptor complex is… »
Los eosinófilos son un tipo de glóbulo blanco. Contienen partículas llenas de sustancias químicas que combaten las infecciones y juegan un papel… »
Estado mental caracterizado por confusión con respecto al tiempo, el espacio o sobre quién es uno mismo. »
Medicamento que protege los tejidos sanos de los efectos tóxicos de las medicinas contra el cáncer. »
A synthetic glucocorticoid receptor agonist with metabolic, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activity. Desoximetasone activates specific intracellular receptors, which bind to distinct sites on… »
Aún si se utilizan correctamente, muchas sustancias químicas pueden dañar la salud humana y el medio ambiente. Cuando estas sustancias se desechan,… »
Cambio genético en el cual una pedazo de un cromosoma se rompe y se une a otro cromosoma. A veces, los pedazos… »
A state of emotional depression which may result in a negative outlook on life. »
La retina es una capa de tejido en la parte posterior del ojo que percibe la luz y envía las imágenes al… »
Después de una operación, usted sentirá algunos efectos secundarios. A veces hay dolor. También puede haber hinchazón e inflamación en el área… »
Shedding of the outer layer of skin or mucosal tissue. »
A finding referring to a medical device that has been demolished. »
The act of destroying; demolition or annihilation. »
Arthritis associated with the destruction of the cartilage and the articular surface of the bone of the joint. This process severely interferes… »
A genus of anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Desulfovibrionaceae. »
A species of anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This species is motile by single polar flagellum,… »
A species of anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This species is motile, catalase positive, oxidase, urease… »
A species of anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This species is nonmotile, non-hemolytic and cannot reduce… »
A taxonomic family of mostly sulfate-reducing bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria that includes the genera Bilophila, Desulfovibrio and Lawsonia, among others. … »
A synthetic phenethylamine bicyclic derivative with antidepressant activity. Desvenlafaxine is a selective reuptake inhibitor of serotonin and norepinephrine due to its high… »
The succinate salt form of desvenlafaxine, a synthetic phenethylamine bicyclic derivative with antidepressant activity. Desvenlafaxine is a selective reuptake inhibitor of serotonin… »
Diferente de lo que es normal o estándar; en especial, en relación con la conducta. »
Issue associated with the unintentional separation of the device and/or its components from something to which it is connected or attached. … »
Issue associated with the unintentional separation of the device and/or its components from something to which it is connected or attached. … »
Particulars considered individually and in relation to a whole. »
The capability of being noticed, identified or discovered. »
Perceived, discerned, discovered or identified. »
The activity of perceiving, discerning, discovering or identifying. »
The smallest concentration of an analyte that can be determined with a stated precision or confidence. »
The discovery of a tumor or cancer after primary, potentially curative therapy. »
A mechanical, electrical, or chemical device with sensor properties, that automatically identifies and records or registers a stimulus, such as change in… »
A device designed to signal the presence of a specific condition. »
A symptom or state of reduced quality or strength. »
Pérdida de una parte o de toda la capacidad física o mental; por ejemplo, la capacidad de ver, caminar o aprender. … »
Algunos olvidos pueden ser parte normal del envejecimiento. Sin embargo, algunas personas tienen más problemas de memoria que otras de su misma… »
A semi-synthetic derivative of the anthracycline antineoplastic antibiotic daunorubicin. Detorubicin intercalates into DNA and interacts with topoisomerase II, thereby inhibiting DNA replication… »
A cancer vaccine adjuvant consisting of a combination of the active monophosphoryl lipid A component of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isolated from the bacterium… »
A cancer vaccine adjuvant that consists of an oil droplet emulsion of monophosphoryl lipid A and mycobacterial cell wall skeleton. Detox-B… »
Reduction of pharmacologic activity or toxicity of a drug or other foreign substance by a living system, usually by enzymatic action. It… »
A Detoxification Process consists of activities of biologic molecules, complexes, or subcellular components involved in reducing the pharmacologic activity or toxicity of… »
To make something less poisonous or harmful. It may refer to the process of removing toxins, poisons, or other harmful substances from… »
A detoxified, nonspecific immunostimulant consisting of a combination of the active monophosphoryl lipid A component of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isolated from the bacterium… »
Crystalline calcium carbonate found in ocean sediments, usually derived from continental weathering of carbonate rock. Detrital carbonate is more resistant to dissolution… »
Deubiquitinating Enzymes are hydrolases that catalyze cleavage of ubiquitinated substrates with addition of H2O at the point of cleavage. Protein ubiquitination regulates… »
The generation of ubiquitin from proproteins and the processing of polyubiquitin chains to release monomeric ubiquitin. »
A derivative of the amino acid histidine labeled with heavy hydrogen (D) used in diagnostic procedures. Upon intake of deuterated 3-methylhistidine (3-MH),… »
A noncarcinogenic and structural analogue of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), phenanthrene labeled with deuterium ([D10]Phe) with potential use in assessing an individual's… »
A stable, non-radioactive isotopic form of water, containing 2 atoms of deuterium (D) and one atom of oxygen (2D2O), with DNA-labeling… »
Processes that involve and promote formation of more mature organs, organ systems, or organisms; general development. »
This initiative will encourage applications that apply imaging technologies in the assessment of investigational cancer therapeutic agents. The proposed research projects will… »
This initiative is intended to advance the state-of-the-art in digital mammography displays and workstation design to facilitate clinical acceptance and implementation of… »
Stability data for a developmental lot. »
The process by which the ovarian follicle becomes the corpus luteum. It occurs after ovulation. »
The branch of anatomy concerned with the structural changes that take place between fertilization and maturity. »
The branch of biochemistry concerned with biochemical changes that take place between fertilization and maturity. »
The study of how a multicellular organism develops from its early immature forms (e.g., zygote, larva, embryo) into an adult. »
The branch of cell biology concerned with the cellular changes that take place between fertilization and maturity. »
A disorder characterized by an impairment in the development of an individual's motor coordination skills; this impairment in motor development is not… »
Refers to diagnostic methods for evaluating developmental problems. »
Mission and Organization: To identify broad scientific opportunities that would enable the National Cancer Institute to develop tests that will allow treatment… »
Developmental disabilities are severe, long-term problems. They may be physical, such as blindness. They may affect mental ability, such as learning… »
Nursing care provided for children and adults with developmental disabilities in the homes, schools, and communities to maximize their ability to interact… »
A disorder diagnosed in childhood that is marked by either physical or mental impairment or both, which in turn affects the child… »
The branch of endocrinology concerned with changes in the metabolism and physiology of hormonal secretions that take place between fertilization and… »
The branch of biology concerned with how genes control development. »
Physical or behavioral signs of maturation or skills gained by a developing child, which should be achieved by a given age that… »
A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to developmental milestones. »
The branch of neurobiology concerned with the changes that take place in the nervous system between fertilization and maturity. »
The branch of physiology concerned with the changes that take place between fertilization and maturity. »
Developmental pluripotency-associated protein 3 (159 aa, ~18 kDa) is encoded by the human DPPA3 gene. This protein plays a role in the… »
A process that promotes the formation of new, more mature, or differentiated tissues, organs, or organ systems. May be, and often is,… »
The study of the psychological and behavioral changes that occur in an organism between birth and old age. »
Developmental psychology research focusing on the adolescent years. »
Developmental psychology research focusing on the adult years. »
Developmental psychology research focusing on the years after age 65. »
Developmental psychology research focusing on the childhood years. »
Developmental psychology research focusing on the infant period. »
The physical, mental, and emotional stages a child goes through as he or she grows and matures. »
As the drug discovery and development arm of the National Cancer Institute, the Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) plans, conducts, and facilitates development… »
Different from what is normal or standard, especially in terms of behavior. »
A coded value specifying a classification of a deviation. »
An object that has a specific use. In medicine, wheelchairs, pumps, and artificial limbs are examples of devices. »
Testing the device for its response to variations in air pressure produced by the vibration of an object. »
Testing the device's response to variations in air pressure for detecting any unwanted or unintentional sound. »
A measure (or best estimate) of the length of time during which a device existed, measured from manufacture date (and time) to… »
Testing the device for the presence of chemicals or other agents that do not belong on the device (contamination). »
The device affects the ability of the blood to clot which may be induced by chemical, mechanical, or thermal properties of the… »
Evaluating the device for characteristics that may cause blood to clot. »
The device software performed an incorrect arithmetic operation. »
Performing a review of the assembly and packaging processes and records for a specific device or lot that may have contributed to… »
A device problem that occurred because the device was assembled or put together incorrectly. »
Indicates whether the device is available for evaluation by the manufacturer. »
Specifies whether or not the medical device is accessible for assessment by the manufacturer. »
A rigid, removable sheet that covers the back of a device. »
Measuring the effects of a substance on a living organism. Bioassays may be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative bioassays are used for assessing… »
The device causes cellular or tissue responses that elicit an undesirable local or systemic effect in the recipient or beneficiary of that… »
Testing the device to determine if it elicits an undesirable local or systemic biological effect in the cells or tissues of the… »
The device's ability to promote cancer or facilitate its propagation. »
Testing the device's ability to promote cancer or facilitate its propagation. »
Evaluating a device's characteristics that may affect cells. »
A device that experienced damage as the result of a chemical agent used during the sterilization process e.g. excessive residual chemical or… »
A device problem that occurred during or as the result of the cleaning, disinfecting, or sterilizing process. »
Devices that do not send or receive adequate signals (this speaks to the interoperability between devices). »
The device interferes with an organism's ability to clear pathogens which may be caused by an interaction with chemicals or materials. … »
Evaluating a device's ability to activate the process of clearing pathogens from a organism. »
A finding related to problems arising from the use of a medical device. »
A device or a component of a device that has moved from its original location due to external forces (e.g. stent or… »
A group of independent but interrelated devices working together. »
Testing the device to determine if the correct combination of materials or elements is present (e.g., the composition of the materials of… »
Testing the device for problems that can occur as the result of excessive stress or pressure applied to the device resulting in… »
Testing the ability of a device's conducted emissions to cause another device to fail (i.e. electromagnetic disturbance for which the energy is… »
A device that experienced electromagnetic interference (EMI) by physical contact with conductors (e.g. wires, resistors, terminals) as opposed to radiated EMI which… »
Device problems due to incorrect version or change control. »
Testing the device to detect the presence of any substance that can cause infection or fever. »
Testing the device's ability to withstand a constant tensile load at elevated temperatures. (Creep is the form of plastic deformation that takes… »
Testing to detect the amount of electricity leakage from the device. »
Data was lost or corrupted during the operation of reducing storage space or communication bandwidth. »
Ensuring that data used and generated by a program is correct. »
Device problems caused by changes in the shape or size of the device or device component due to an applied force. This… »
Testing the device for its corrosive behavior to specific environments or materials. Tests may include polarization, potentiostatic, galvanic, critical pitting/crevice temperature, and… »
Device problems that occur when the device becomes worn, weakened, corroded, or broken down due to processes such as aging, permeation, and… »
A device designed to install something or distribute something in a systematic way. »
The device problem was traced back to the design specifications (e.g. in the requirements, testing processes, hazard analysis, implementation strategy). »
The device or component had faulty (incomplete or incorrect) software design. »
Validating that the device meets the user's needs and intended uses. »
A device consisting of a flexible sheet or partition. »
Device problems including set-up, operation, and disassembly of equipment. »
A device designed to present information visually. »
A device that experienced problems due to dust or dirt that has adhered to its surfaces. »
Testing the device's ability to recover its size and shape after being deformed during the test. »
A device that experiences problems related to small currents which may cause electric shock. Leakage current is the current that flows through… »
Testing the device for failures related to interference voltage tests which are bursts of electrical pulses (e.g. when a switch is turned… »
Testing the device to detect malfunctions caused by a sudden reduction of the voltage at a particular point in an electricity supply… »
Evaluating a device to detect malfunctions caused by electromagnetic interference (unwanted disturbances from an external force e.g. radios, cell phones, or unintentional… »
A device-to-device or device-environment problem resulting from electromagnetic disturbances »
Inspection of objects or surfaces requiring magnification using an electron microscope. »
A device that experienced problems due to sudden and momentary bursts of electrical current flowing between 2 objects at different electrical… »
Testing the device for malfunctions related to the transfer of an electrostatic charge (by direct contact or from electrostatic fields) between objects… »
Movement of a medical device to an unintended location within the body with resulting obstruction of an organ or vessel. »
Testing the device for adequately controlled electromagnetic emissions. »
Device problems that occur from its reaching the end of its useful life. »
The undesirable presence of toxins associated with certain bacteria (e.g. gram negative bacteria). »
Device problems related to the energy storage system (e.g. the rechargeable battery, charging system, or capacitor) and includes problems such as premature… »
A device problem that occurred due to factors within the environment e.g. dust, dirt, humidity, temperature. »
Evaluating devices for responses to physical characteristics in their surroundings. »
Terminology used in Individual Case Safety Reports to specify a type of device evaluation. »
A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to device events. »
A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to device exposure. »
A device problem that occurred in part or in total related to the patient's physiology. »
A device that cannot calibrate (establish the relationship between a measuring device and the units of measure) to ensure accurate readings. … »
A device problem related to the user not following the manufacturer's instructions. »
Device problems due to the weakening or breakdown of its material when subjected to stress or a series of repeated stresses. … »
Testing the device's capability to withstand the progressive and localized structural damage that occurs when a material is subjected to cyclic… »
Testing the device to assess the volume of fluid moving per unit of time. This may also include filter testing. »
Testing the fluid pressure (pressure at some point within a fluid e.g. water or air) within a device. »
The undesirable presence of any substance that does not belong either on the device or in an organism and may lead to… »
Device problems caused by the separation of a component, object, or material into two or more pieces including shear. »
Testing the device's ability to resist local separation into two, or more, pieces under the action of stress. »
A device problem caused by its surface coming in contact with another surface or fluid. »
The device has a generator malfunction. »
The device's ability to cause damage to genetic material (e.g., leading malignant tumors). (See ISO 10993) »
Testing the device's ability to cause damage to genetic material. (e.g., leading to outgrowths -- malignant tumors). »
Testing the RF shield around the coils of an MRI device for its ability to provide effective screening against electrical (eddy) currents… »
Device problems that result from the gradient induced fields generated during radiologic procedures e.g. magnetic resonance imaging. »
Evaluating a device's characteristics that may affect the self healing ability of an organism. »
A coded value specifying special handling requirements for the device. EXAMPLE(S): keep at room temperature, store upright. »
User handling not in accordance with specification. »
Testing the device's ability to resist deformation. Hardness is the property of a material that enables it to resist plastic deformation, usually… »
A problem that results from improper sequencing or activation of electronic components. »
The device affects or impacts the blood or its components. (See ISO 10993) »
Testing the device for its affect or impact on the blood or its components. »
A device that malfunctions as the result of exposure to undesirable levels of humidity »
Testing the device's protective materials to prevent moisture penetration or ingress. »
A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to device identifiers. »
The unacceptable distortion of an image due to signal loss that may occur during a radiologic procedure such as magnetic resonance… »
Testing an imaging device to determine the amount of distortion or signal loss (artifacts) produced in an image. »
Macroscopic inspection commonly used to describe physical objects that are measurable and observable by the naked eye. »
Testing the device for adequate immunity or capability to resist electromagnetic interference (EMI). »
Testing the device's response to a suddenly applied stress. The test ascertains whether the material is tough or brittle. »
A device that experienced problems due to insufficient or excessive resistance to AC current flow either by the device or circuit. … »
Testing the resistance to current flow in a device's circuit or component. »
Device problems associated with the improper combination of materials or elements present in the device (e.g., improper composition of the materials of… »
Device problems that occur due to the presence of a material that should not be present or part of the device. … »
Observing the device in the exact same conditions and setting in which the device was used. »
A device that malfunctions due to a component(s) that does not operate correctly and according to the device's specifications. »
A device that is incorrectly modified or prepared for use by distributor, service provider, or user facility. »
Device problems related to problems with the underlying framework, systems, and processes of an organization (e.g. as building power supply, network, oxygen… »
A consumable material that is added to a device and is used to make a finished product or becomes part of a… »
Testing the device's ability to protect against ingress or access of unwanted fluids or solids. »
A device that malfunctions because it was incorrectly installed, set-up, or configured (e.g., misconfiguration of an automatic defibrillator to semi-automatic leading to… »
Performing a review of the processes used to install a device and the records reflecting these processes performed for a specific… »
A device that has inadequate or incorrect insulation material. »
Testing the ability of a device's or component's material to resist the flow of electric current. »
The device software was found to contain errors in the user interface (including usability problems) or the interfaces with other systems. … »
A test used with in vitro diagnostic analytic systems to detect substances that may be interfering with test results and causing… »
Testing devices for problems with the mechanical, electrical, or communication interface between two or more separate devices or components. »
A problem with the mechanical, electrical, or communication interface between two or more separate devices or components. »
Testing that ionizing radiation is delivered at the appropriate energy and dose to the appropriate region of interest for the exam or… »
Device problems known and documented in the labeling (including both short or long term known complications or adverse reactions). »
A device that is intended for one use, or on a single patient during a single procedure (Title 21 Chapter 9 Federal… »
An individual that labels a device. »
Support contact information for a device labeler. »
Device problems that occur as the result of problems with the labeling (including package inserts, instruction manuals, instructions for use). »
Reviewing all labeling (including instructions for use, manuals, and packaging) for language related to reported device problems. »
Insufficient, inadequate, or incorrect information provided on a device's label or documentation regarding e.g. as the intended use, directions for use, and… »
Testing the optical properties of a device such as diopter, glare, and irradiance or glistening. »
Testing the device's characteristics when subjected to variations of ambient light within its surroundings. »
Tests to determine whether a device's insulation has the strength to prevent any current from reaching the operator. »
Location of the automated observation device during an observation. »
A device that experienced problems due to a loss in the power supply. »
A device problem that occurred because of the presence of either too much or too little lubricant where required (e.g., connectors, leading… »
Testing the static magnetic field gradients on medical imaging devices for their ability to move objects. »
Problems due to excessive torque created by the application of magnetic fields. »
Testing the static magnetic field gradients on medical imaging devices for their ability to rotate objects. »
Device problems that result from improper routine or preventative maintenance. »
A device malfunction or problem that occurs because the device was not properly maintained according to the instructions (e.g., maintenance may be… »
Performing a review the technical and corresponding administrative actions and records intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a… »
A coded value specifying the defect or malfunction that occurred during use of the device. »
The date (and time) on which the medical device is made. »
The device problem was traced back to the manufacture of the device as opposed to systems used to control the manufacture of… »
Problems with a device that can be traced back to a problem in the manufacturing and/or production process. »
Performing a review of the manufacturing steps and processes to ensure that they were met and followed and that the device records… »
Testing devices for malfunctions that arise from problems with its components or materials or how its materials or components react to other… »
The undesirable presence of pyrogens or fever-producing organisms caused by materials that permeate through the device. »
Testing the device for the presence of unwanted agents (e.g. pyrogens) caused by materials that permeate through the device. »
Device malfunctions that arise from problems with its components or materials or how its materials or components react to other elements either… »
Testing the device for problems that result from external forces including fluids, other objects, or environmental or physiologic influences. »
Device problems that result from internal or external forces including fluids, other objects, or environmental or physiologic influences. »
Device problems caused by the sudden violent blow or collision to the whole device (e.g. by dropping). »
The undesirable presence of microorganisms or microbes such as bacteria and fungi (yeasts and molds). »
Testing the device for the presence of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi (yeasts and molds). »
Inspection of objects or surfaces requiring magnification using a microscope e.g. with electron, optical, or scanning probe microscopy. »
The device's ability to change genetic information (usually DNA) of an organism and thus increasing the frequency of mutations. »
Testing the device's ability to change genetic information (usually DNA) of an organism and thus increasing the frequency of mutations. »
The device either functioned as designed or a failure was not found. »
For use when no methods were performed and therefore no results will be obtained. »
Testing was not performed on the device. »
The device software contained software errors that did not impact its operation. »
The device software failed to provide a safe exit from a repeating code segment. »
The manufacturer of an observation device. »
The model name of the observation device. »
The identifier of the observation device. »
The serial number of an automated observation device. »
A unique identifier for an automated observation device. »
A device with an electrical circuit that does not conduct current because a switch is open, a wire is broken, etc. … »
A device problem related to the operator's technique or use environment. »
Device problems that occur during the performance, use, or functioning of the device. »
Inspection of objects or surfaces requiring magnification using an optical microscope. »
A problem with the device's ability to pass light energy. »
A process that involves designing, fabrication, assembly and/or processing of a device or device component. »
The device software attempted to write data outside the allowed memory location. »
Specifies whether a device is available over-the-counter. »
Testing the device's over-current protection circuitry for its response to situations of overload, short circuit, or ground fault. »
Device packaging that is missing the insert or that contains an incorrect or inadequate insert (e.g. an insert with either the incorrect… »
Issue associated with the non-conformance to device specifications and minimum packaging requirements as the device may not be operating and functioning as… »
Device packaging that has been opened purposefully or inadvertently thus exposing the device to the outside environment and rendering it unsterile or… »
Reports related to the outer, protective wrapping of a device (e.g. a broken seal or ripping (compromised), lack of correct contents). … »
Verifying that the device packaging met proper sterilization conditions and that the effectiveness of the packaging kept the device free viable… »
Technical specifications about a device that are issued by the manufacturer. »
Examining material that may have contributed to the disease or damage. Often performed using a microscope by measuring structural changes that occur… »
Testing the device for problems related to the incorrect or inadequate arrangement of the parts, components, elements, or materials. »
A device that affects the body's ability to activate platelets which are essential to stop bleeding and repair the tissue. Platelets also… »
Testing the device for characteristics that lead to the activation of platelets which are essential to stop bleeding and repair the… »
The device or component failed due to fluctuations within the power supply (e.g. transient power, power spike, power dip, or power… »
Tests performed to verify a device's level of protection (immunity) against magnetic disturbances while operating. »
Problems that are related to the device that provides power. »
Testing the power sources in a device e.g., battery, internal power supply to detect any malfunction. »
Testing the device's characteristics when subjected to high or low pressure conditions. »
Medical device failure or malfunction associated with device functions, including any deviations from documented specifications, requirements, and intended uses. »
Performing a review of the manufacturing and production processes and/or records for a specific device or lot that may have contributed to… »
A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to device properties. »
A device that fails when the system designed to ensure its safe operation fails. »
Device problems that result from the failure to maintain or establish techniques for controlling and verifying the product specifications identified by the… »
Performing a review of the processes used in developing systems to ensure that products are designed and produced and services are developed… »
A defect in the processes or systems used in the design and manufacture of the device. Examples include problems within the change… »
Testing the ability of a device's radiated emissions to cause another device to fail (i.e. electromagnetic disturbance for which the energy is… »
Testing the static magnetic field gradients on medical imaging devices for their ability to induce heat in objects. »
An unacceptable or unexpected RF-induced temperature rise in the vicinity of a medical device or body part (usually caused by a closed… »
A device that experienced problems due to radiofrequency interference. RFI is a disturbance that affects an electrical circuit due to either electromagnetic… »
Testing the device to detect device malfunctions caused by a disturbance affecting an electrical circuit due to electromagnetic radiation emitted from an… »
Problems that occur with devices used for radiographic or imaging procedures e.g. CT scanners, magnetic resonance imaging, etc. »
Evaluating the safety provisions in a device used for medical imaging, i.e., if the device can cause injury to individuals during imaging… »
A device problem related to how the materials react inappropriately (e.g. over-react or under-react). »
Testing the device for problems related to how the materials react to other factors (e.g. over-react or under-react). »
The device was repaired and returned to the user (reporter) following a reported device problem. »
A coded value specifying whether a device is reconditioned. »
Evaluating a device for chemicals or other agents that may have caused problems with the reproductive system. This includes evaluating a device… »
The device or component affects reproductive function, embryo development (teratogenicity), and prenatal and early postnatal development. (ISO 10993 part 3) »
The date (and time) on which the device was returned to the manufacturer or reprocessor. »
To use a device again. »
A coded value specifying the type of hazard or threat associated with the device. »
The device software attempted to access an illegal or corrupted memory location. »
Evaluating a device's characteristics for its affects on the reproduction of tissues. »
Inspection of objects or surfaces requiring magnification using a scanning probe microscope. »
A device that has exceeded the period of time recommended by the manufacturer for storing the device without a degradation in… »
Device problems traced back to how the device was shipped (some examples may include the temperature of the shipping compartment or the… »
Examining a device for problems resulting from transient physical insults such as dropping or shaking the device. »
A device experiencing problems due to an unintentionally low-resistance connection between two points in an electric circuit, resulting in either excessive current… »
Problems with a device due the loss or weakening of a signal or signals. »
Testing the devices in situations that mimic real life settings but do not involve patients. »
Specifies whether a device is intended to be used only one time. »
Information about the size of the device that is not represented elsewhere. »
The device software locked up because two or more processes were waiting for each other to finish. »
The device software was not installed as per the specifications or failed to properly install. »
The device software failed because two or more processes compete with each other such that the program does not perform as… »
The software requirements for the device are either incomplete, inadequate, or in conflict. »
The device software failed during operation as a result of a coding error. »
The device software failed to provide adequate authorization, access control, and accountability features. »
Tests conducted to evaluate a software application at or beyond the limits of its specified requirements. »
A device problem that results from the incorrect sequencing or activation of software modules. »
Validating that a system or component during or at the end of the development process satisfies specified requirements (the process may include… »
A process used to verify that a system or component performs according to the original set of conditions at any point in… »
A systematic review of source code intended to find and fix mistakes possibly overlooked in the initial development phase. »
Ensuring that common error patterns and violations of best practices in coding have been followed. »
Testing the device using a spectrometer or spectrograph for the dispersion of visible light (includes electromagnetic, electron, and acoustic spectroscopy). »
The process of analyzing the software code without running it. For example, formal verification, which is proving or disproving the correctness of… »
Verifying that the methods used to free a medical device from viable microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses were followed. … »
Performing a review of the records and processes used to render a product free from viable microorganisms. »
A device problem that occurred when its material is either too flexible/pliable or inflexible/rigid when in contact by an applied force. … »
Performing a review of the storage and shipping processes and requirements. »
Device problems that result from storing the device in an uncontrolled or improper environment (e.g., moisture sensitive devices stored in a humid… »
Testing the device's ability to resist forces that attempt to break or deform the device. This evaluation includes testing tension such as… »
Device problems caused by either excessive or inadequate physical force exerted on it by another object resulting in problems e.g. wear, bending,… »
Testing the device for failures caused by applying force per unit area. This test includes durability testing. »
Device problems related to the presence of an inappropriate molecular geometry somewhere in the device (i.e., the spatial arrangement of atoms in… »
Testing devices for problems related to the presence of an inappropriate molecular geometry somewhere in the device (i.e., the spatial arrangement of… »
Testing the device's ability to protect itself of other devices against sudden bursts of current or voltage. »
Testing for a response to a transient electrical current or voltage. »
Tests conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. »
Testing the device's characteristics when subjected to temperature change (cycling), and high or low temperatures. »
Testing the device for conditions related to extremes of temperature. »
Device problems related to the temperature of the component, device or use environment. »
The device or component caused the formation of a stationary blood clot along the walls of a blood vessel resulting in an… »
Testing the device for characteristics related to forming blood clots along the walls of blood vessels which can cause blockages and affect… »
Evaluating a device's characteristics that may affect tissues (e.g. bone, cartilage, blood vessels, bladder). »
Tests conducted to assess the mechanical, electrical, or electronic compatibility of two or more devices. »
Tests conducted to assess the interaction between a device and the user »
A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to device to subject… »
Device problems that result from a combination of specification variances of the components. »
A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to device tracking and… »
A device problem related to inadequate training. »
The device software assigned one type of value into a variable of another type. »
Testing the devices response to variations in air pressure for detecting sound with frequencies greater than upper limit of human hearing (>… »
A situation when a procedure or operation involving use of medical device is performed without required level of care, supervision, or constant… »
The device software did not correctly address abnormal execution of the code. »
Testing of individual hardware or software components or groups of related units. »
The device software contained code that could never be executed under any circumstance. »
An unused device that has been returned in packaging that remains intact. »
Terminology used in Individual Case Safety Reports to specify a type of device usage, section H8 of FDA MedWatch Form. »
Any testing performed that simulates real use situations experienced by users. »
Questioning a pre-defined group of users about their practices. »
Device problems caused by the constant rhythmic motion of the device, a device's component, or something in the environment to which the… »
Evaluating a device for problems resulting from periodic or random mechanical oscillations which could induce damage. »
Testing the device for its immunity when subjected to positive and negative low amplitude voltage fluctuations. »
Device problems due to the premature or expected erosion of its material by use, deterioration, or change. »
Examining a device for signs of unexpected erosion on its surface or other components or parts. »
Communications problems between devices within a wired system. »
Communications problems between devices within a wireless system. »
Issue associated with the incompatibility of two or more devices while being operated in the same use environment thereby leading to a… »
A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to device-in-use. »
An infectious disorder caused by the use of a medical device. »
An herbal combination of two plants, devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) and jambul (Eugenia jambolana) that may be administered both orally and topically… »
An herb obtained from the plant Harpagophytum procumbens. Devil's claw has been used as a tonic, as a hypoglycemic, to cleanse… »
A container, usually made of glass or metal, that has at least two walls with the space between each wall evacuated so… »
A dosing unit equal to the amount of active ingredient(s) contained in a dewar. »
An imaging test that measures bone density (the amount of bone mineral contained in a certain volume of bone) by passing x-rays… »
Prueba de imaginología que mide la densidad ósea (la cantidad de mineral óseo contenido en un cierto volumen de hueso) al pasar… »
An imaging test that measures bone density (the amount of bone mineral contained in a certain volume of bone) by passing x-rays… »
Esteroide sintético (similar a hormonas esteroideas producidas naturalmente en la glándula suprarrenal). La dexametasona se usa para tratar la leucemia y el… »
A synthetic steroid (similar to steroid hormones produced naturally in the adrenal gland). Dexamethasone is used to treat leukemia and lymphoma and… »
The acetate salt form of Dexamethasone, a synthetic adrenal corticosteroid with potent anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to binding to specific nuclear steroid… »
An intravitreal implant containing the corticosteroid dexamethasone embedded in a biodegradable polymer matrix, with anti-inflammatory and macular edema relieving activity. Upon insertion… »
A sodium phosphate salt form of Dexamethasone, a synthetic adrenal corticosteroid with potent anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to binding to specific nuclear… »
A self-administered questionnaire designed to determine the incidence, severity, and change of side effects between cycles of chemotherapy. »
A self-administered questionnaire for patients with brain tumors that is designed to determine the incidence, severity, and change of side effects between… »
A synthetic, terpene-based cannabinoid derivative devoid of cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 agonist activity and with potential neuroprotective, antiinflammatory and antineoplastic… »
An alkylamine derivative with anticholinergic and sedative properties. Dexbrompheniramine is a histamine H1-receptor antagonist that competes with histamine for the H1-receptor sites… »
The maleate salt form of dexbrompheniramine, an alkylamine derivative with anticholinergic and sedative properties. Dexbrompheniramine is a histamine H1-receptor antagonist that competes… »
An alkylamine, and first-generation histamine antagonist with anti-allergic activity. Dexchlorpheniramine competitively blocks H1 receptors, thereby preventing the actions of histamine on bronchial… »
The maleate salt form of dexchlorpheniramine, an alkylamine, and first-generation histamine antagonist with anti-allergic activity. Dexchlorpheniramine maleate competitively blocks H1 receptors, thereby… »
A nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor analog of cytosine. »
The R-isomer of lansoprazole and a substituted benzimidazole prodrug with selective and irreversible proton pump inhibitor activity. As a weak base, dexlansoprazole… »
An imidazole derivate and active d-isomer of medetomidine with analgesic, anxiolytic and sedative properties. Dexmedetomidine selectively binds to presynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors located… »
The hydrochloride salt form of dexmedetomidine, an imidazole derivate and active d-isomer of medetomidine with analgesic, anxiolytic and sedative activities. Dexmedetomidine selectively… »
A substance being studied in the treatment of fatigue and nervous system side effects caused by chemotherapy. It is a type of… »
A synthetic sympathomimetic amine with CNS stimulating properties. Dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride acts by facilitating the release of catecholamines, particularly noradrenaline and dopamine, from… »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento de la fatiga y los efectos secundarios que causa la quimioterapia al sistema nervioso. Es un… »
Dexniguldipine is the (+)-enantiomer of the dihydropyridine derivate niguldipine. Dexniguldipine showed a binding affinity to the P-glycoprotein and therefore it is to… »
An alcoholic analogue of D-pantothenic acid and cholinergic agent. Dexpanthenol acts as a precursor of coenzyme A necessary for acetylation reactions and… »
A mouthwash containing 5% dexpanthenol, the alcoholic analogue of the dextrorotatory isomer of pantothenic acid with potential antimucositis activity. Although the exact… »
The active ingredient in a drug used to treat severe side effects caused by certain anticancer drugs. Under the brand name Totect… »
A drug used to treat severe side effects caused by certain anticancer drugs. It is used under the brand name Totect to… »
Ingrediente activo de un medicamento que se usa para tratar los efectos tóxicos agudos causados por ciertos fármacos anticancerosos. Bajo la marca… »
A plasma volume expander. »
A long chain polymer of sulfated glucose with strong hydrophilic properties that binds to various membranes. Dextran sulfate has been shown to… »
An osmotically neutral fluid generally consisting of 7.5-10% Dextran-40 and 5% human albumin in saline. »
A cyanotic congenital cardiovascular abnormality characterized by the transposition of the aorta and the pulmonary artery. »
A congenital heart defect in which there is an abnormal arrangement of any of the primary blood vessels of the heart in… »
A congenital heart defect in which there is an abnormal arrangement of any of the primary blood vessels of the heart in… »
A synthetic substance related to natural sympathomimetic amines and the synthetic agent amphetamine. In the central nervous system (CNS), dextroamphetamine induces the… »
The determination of the amount of dextroamphetamine present in a sample. »
The saccharate salt form of the dextro-isomer of amphetamine, a synthetic substance related to natural sympathomimetic amines, with CNS stimulating properties. Dextroamphetamine… »
The salt of the dextro-isomer of amphetamine and sympathomimetic amine with CNS stimulating properties. Dextroamphetamine sulphate acts by facilitating the release of… »
A combination of drugs used as a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy (a sleep disorder). It is a… »
Combinación de medicamentos que se usan para tratar el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) y la narcolepsia (un… »
A rare congenital abnormality in which the heart is located in the right side of the chest. It is associated with other… »
An electrocardiographic finding suggestive of dextrocardia with situs inversus, characterized by reversal of normal anterior R wave progression and the appearance of… »
A congenital heart defect in which the heart is located in the right side and the other organs are in their normal… »
A synthetic, methylated dextrorotary analogue of levorphanol, a substance related to codeine and a non-opioid derivate of morphine. Dextromethorphan exhibits antitussive activity… »
An anticancer drug that is a type of angiogenesis inhibitor. »
The hydrobromide salt form of dextromethorphan, a synthetic, methylated dextrorotary analogue of levorphanol, a substance related to codeine and a non-opioid derivate… »
The hydrochloride salt form of the d-isomer of synthetic diphenyl propionate derivative propoxyphene, with narcotic analgesic effect. This agent mimics the effects… »
The ability of an optically active substance to rotate the plane of polarized light clockwise (to the right). »
The monohydrate form of D-glucose, a natural monosaccharide and carbohydrate. Dextrose serves to replenish lost nutrients and electrolytes. The agent provides metabolic… »
The dextrorotary isomer of thyroxine, a thyroid hormone with antihyperlipidemic activity. Dextrothyroxine stimulates the formation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and increases the… »
The R-enantiomer of the calcium channel blocker verapamil. Dexverapamil competitively inhibits the multidrug resistance efflux pump P-glycoprotein (MDR-1), thereby potentially increasing the… »
A purine nucleoside analogue with antineoplastic and antiviral activities. By replacing guanine, dezaguanine incorporates into DNA and inhibits de novo purine… »
The mesylate salt form of dezaguanine, a purine nucleoside analogue with antineoplastic and antiviral activities. By competing with guanine, dezaguanine gets… »
A substance being studied in the treatment of cancer. Also called difluoromethylornithine. »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento de cáncer. También se llama difluorometilornitina. »
In cancer, the length of time after primary treatment for a cancer ends that the patient survives without any signs or symptoms… »
This gene plays a role in microRNA processing. »
Human DGCR8 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 22q11.2 and is approximately 32 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene is involved in phospholipid metabolism. »
Human DGKA wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 12q13.3 and is approximately 27 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
Deoxyguanosine triphosphate (dGTP) triphosphohydrolase (EC Highly specific for dGTP, producing deoxyguanosine and inorganic tripolyphosphate. (Seto et al, JBC 1988) … »
The Dbl homology (DH) or RhoGEF domain consists of a 150 amino acid region that induces Rho family GTPases to displace… »
A combination of DHA (a natural fatty acid) and paclitaxel (an anticancer drug) being studied in the treatment of cancer. It is… »
Combinación de DHA (un ácido graso natural) y paclitaxel (un medicamento contra el cáncer) en estudio para el tratamiento de cáncer. Es… »
A chemotherapy regimen consisting of dexamethasone, high-dose cytarabine (Ara-C) and cisplatin, used to treat relapsed and refractory non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's lymphoma. … »
A substance being studied in the prevention of cancer. It is a type of steroid. Also called dehydroepiandrosterone. »
Sustancia en estudio para la prevención de cáncer. Es un tipo de esteroide. También se llama dehidroepiandrosterona. »
A steroidal alkylating agent with potential antineoplastic activity. Alkylating agents exert cytotoxic and, in some cases, chemotherapeutic effects by transferring alkyl… »
A British Overseas Territory on the southeast coast of Cyprus. »
A cancer vaccine consisting of a truncated recombinant HER2/neu peptide (dHER2) combined with the immunoadjuvant AS15 with potential immunostimulatory and antineoplastic… »
This gene is involved in biosynthesis, nucleotide metabolism and the immune response. »
A substance that can build up in cancer cells and block them from using folate. Folate is a nutrient that rapidly dividing… »
Human DHFR wild-type allele is located within 5q11.2-q13.2 and is approximately 29 kb in length. This allele, which encodes dihydrofolate reductase protein,… »
This gene plays a role in regulating morphogenesis. »
Human DHH wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 12q13.12 and is approximately 5 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
The U.S. federal government agency responsible for protecting the public’s health and providing important services, especially for people in need. The DHHS… »
Agencia del gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos responsable de la protección de la salud pública y la prestación de servicios importantes,… »
A rare, aggressive (fast-growing) type of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma caused by changes in the DNA that affect a gene called the MYC… »
This gene plays a role in pyrimidine metabolism. »
Human DHODH wild-type allele is located within 16q22 and is approximately 16 kb in length. This allele, which encodes dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial… »
A childhood condition in which abnormal tissue grows on the outer part of one or both kidneys. DHPLN usually develops into Wilms… »
Afección infantil por la que crece tejido anormal sobre la parte exterior de uno o ambos riñones. Si la DHPLN (por sus… »
This gene plays a role in cell proliferation and protein synthesis. »
Human DHPS wild-type allele is located within 19p13.2-p13.1 and is approximately 6 kb in length. This allele, which encodes deoxyhypusine synthase protein,… »
A hormone made from testosterone in the prostate, testes, and certain other tissues. It is needed to develop and maintain male… »
Hormona elaborada con la testosterona de la próstata, los testículos y ciertos otros tejidos. Es necesaria para desarrollar y mantener las características… »
This gene plays a role in RNA splicing. »
Human DHX16 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 6p21.3 and is approximately 20 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
The progression of a myelodysplastic syndrome in which there is erythroid predominance into erythroleukemia (M6a or erythroleukemia, erythroid/myeloid). »
An anticancer drug that is a combination of a monoclonal antibody (RFB4) and an immunotoxin (dgA). »
Medicamento contra el cáncer que es una combinación de un anticuerpo monoclonal (RFB4) con una inmunotoxina (dgA). »
An immunotoxin of monoclonal antibody (MoAb) RFB4 covalently linked to two deglycosylated ricin toxin A-chain (Di-dgA). This agent can be extracted from… »
A recombinant fusion protein consisting of de-immunized and humanized anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody Leu16 fused to human cytokine interleukin-2 (IL2) with potential antineoplastic… »
Any of several diseases in which the kidneys make a large amount of urine. Diabetes usually refers to diabetes mellitus in which… »
Cualquiera de las distintas enfermedades por las que los riñones elaboran una gran cantidad de orina. Por lo general, la diabetes se… »
Diabetes is a disease in which your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. When you are pregnant, too much… »
Organ or tissue damage due to diabetes mellitus. It includes heart disease and stroke, renal disease and renal failure, retinopathy, neuropathies, and… »
If you have diabetes, your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Over time, this can cause problems with other… »
A question about whether an individual's diabetes was diagnosed after they started steroid treatment. »
Hasta hace poco, la diabetes más común en niños y adolescentes era la tipo 1 conocida también como diabetes juvenil. En… »
Until recently, the common type of diabetes in children and teens was type 1. It was called juvenile diabetes. With Type 1… »
Afección por la que una persona está muy sedienta y elabora grandes cantidades de orina. Los tipos más comunes de diabetes insípida… »
A condition in which a person is very thirsty and makes large amounts of urine. The most common types of diabetes insipidus… »
The Advanced Diabetes Management Practitioner has an advanced degree and is able to (1) perform complete and/or focused assessments, (2) recognize and… »
Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. If you can't control your diabetes with wise food choices… »
A disease in which the body does not control the amount of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood and the… »
Enfermedad por la que el cuerpo no controla la cantidad de glucosa (un tipo de azúcar) en la sangre y los riñones… »
A therapeutic modality used to aide in the management of an individual's diabetes. »
La diabetes indica que el nivel de glucosa, o azúcar, se encuentra muy elevado en la sangre. En la diabetes tipo 1,… »
La diabetes significa que la glucosa en la sangre o el azúcar de la sangre, está muy alta. Con la diabetes tipo… »
Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. With type 1 diabetes, your pancreas does not make… »
Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. With type 2 diabetes, the more common type, your… »
La diabetes es una enfermedad en la que los niveles de glucosa (azúcar) de la sangre están muy altos. Durante el embarazo,… »
Se ha determinado que usted tiene diabetes tipo 1 o tipo 2. También está embarazada o espera quedar embarazada pronto. A pesar… »
¿En qué consisten los problemas de la diabetes? »
Los problemas de la diabetes surgen cuando hay demasiada glucosa (azúcar) en la sangre por mucho tiempo. Los niveles altos de glucosa… »
Los problemas de la diabetes surgen cuando hay demasiada glucosa en la sangre por mucho tiempo. Los niveles altos de glucosa en… »
Los problemas de la diabetes surgen cuando hay demasiada glucosa en la sangre por mucho tiempo. Los niveles altos de glucosa en… »
La diabetes es una enfermedad grave que afecta a casi todas las partes del cuerpo. Es por eso que tal vez sea… »
If you have diabetes, your body cannot make or properly use insulin. This leads to high blood glucose, or blood sugar,… »
A group of disorders affecting the eye in patients with diabetes mellitus. It includes cataract, glaucoma, retinopathy, and blindness. »
If you have diabetes, your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Over time, this can damage your… »
Fetopathy found in infants of diabetic mothers that includes fetal macrosomia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperglycemia. »
If you have diabetes, your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Over time, this can damage your nerves… »
If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes you have an increased risk for heart disease. Diabetic heart disease can be coronary heart … »
The metabolic condition resulted from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, in which the shift of acid-base status of the body toward the acid side… »
If you have diabetes, your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Over time, this can damage your… »
Progressive kidney disorder caused by vascular damage to the glomerular capillaries, in patients with diabetes mellitus. It is usually manifested with nephritic… »
If you have diabetes, your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Over time, this can damage the covering… »
A chronic, pathological complication associated with diabetes mellitus, where nerve damages are incurred due to diabetic microvascular injury involving small blood vessels… »
A chronic, pathological complication associated with diabetes mellitus, where retinal damages are incurred due to microaneurysms in the vasculature of the retina,… »
This gene plays a role in the positive regulation of apoptosis. »
Diablo homolog, mitochondrial (239 aa, ~27 kDa) is encoded by the human DIABLO gene. This protein plays a role in the activation… »
Human DIABLO wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 12q24.31 and is approximately 20 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
A narcotic analgesic that may be habit-forming. It is a controlled substance (opium derivative) listed in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations,… »
The hydrochloride salt of a diacetyl derivative of the opiate morphine, a naturally occurring alkaloid extracted from the seedpod of the Asian… »
A synthetic oil with anti-obesity activity. The enzymatically synthesized isoform, 1,3-isoform diacylglycerol, is suggested to decrease formation of chylomicrons as well as… »
Diacylglycerol kinase alpha (735 aa, ~83 kDa) is encoded by the human DGKA gene. This protein is involved in the negative regulation… »
Trastorno hereditario y poco común caracterizado por tumores del tracto gastrointestinal y tumores que se forman en el tejido nervioso embrionario de… »
Trastorno hereditario y poco común caracterizado por tumores del tracto gastrointestinal y tumores que se forman en el tejido nervioso embrionario de… »
Músculo delgado ubicado debajo de los pulmones y el corazón, que separa el pecho del abdomen. »
The process of identifying a disease, such as cancer, from its signs and symptoms. »
A grouping of individuals on the basis of a shared procedure or disease, or lack thereof (e.g. healthy volunteers, type 2 diabetic… »
A type of study designed to evaluate method(s) aimed at identifying a disease or condition. »
Characteristic or indicative of a condition. »
Tthe proportion of all the observations that have been classified correctly by the diagnostic procedures in given population, or using some diagnostic… »
A qualitative characteristic or quantitative parameter used to provide a reliable and valid estimate of the degree to which patients who were… »
Published by the American Psychiatric Association, the DSM is a listing of currently recognized mental health disorders and their diagnostic criteria, for… »
Published by the American Psychiatric Association, the DSM is a listing of currently recognized mental health disorders and their diagnostic criteria, for… »
The ability of a detection reagent or method to differentiate between positive and negative cases. »
A biological, physiological, behavioral, or molecular indicator of the presence or predisposition towards development of a specific disease. »
Any method that uses a visual display of structural or functional patterns of organs or tissues for diagnostic evaluation. »
A color scale or grayscale display of polar maps as concentric annuli. »
Initiative to bring together imaging experts from around the nation to perform multi-institutional clinical trials on diagnostic imaging tools related to… »
(1) Plans and coordinates the development; (2) coordinates the clinical testing of new approaches in academia, industry, or in other parts of… »
X-ray of the breasts used to check for breast cancer after a lump or other sign or symptom of breast cancer has… »
X-ray of the breasts used to check for breast cancer after a lump or other sign or symptom of breast cancer has… »
1A4; Basic Science Research (includes vaccine and chemotherapy development), Biomedical Research »
A characteristic of an organism that contributes to the diagnosis or treatment of a disease or to the prediction of clinical… »
A test perfomed to identify a disease or make a prediction of the course of the disease. »
A type of test used to help diagnose a disease or condition. Mammograms and colonoscopies are examples of diagnostic procedures. Also called… »
Indicates a biomedical image that is of acceptable quality, with no technical defect likely to impair using the image for diagnosis. … »
The branch of radiology concerned with the use of ionizing or nonionizing radiation for diagnostic purposes. »
Any reagent that is used in vitro or in vivo for detection or screening of a particular disease or any health-related… »
3C; Product Evaluation, Research, and Monitoring; Diagnostic Reagents and Test Kits (FMB) »
The probability that a test will produce a true postive result when used on effected subjects as compared to a reference or… »
The probability that a test will produce a true negative result when used on non-effected subjects as compared to a reference or… »
A type of method or test used to help diagnose a disease or condition. Imaging tests and tests to measure blood… »
A type of test used to help diagnose a disease or condition. Mammograms and colonoscopies are examples of diagnostic tests. Also called… »
A qualitative characteristic or quantitative parameter used to evaluate the performance of particular diagnostic test. »
A research study that evaluates methods of detecting disease. »
Use of ultrasound for imaging or diagnostic purposes. Employs frequencies ranging from 1.6 to 10 megahertz. (DCTD-DIP) »
A manufactured object that is used to perform diagnostic, therapeutic or research activities. »
Proceso por el que se identifica una enfermedad, como el cáncer, por sus signos y síntomas. »
Diagnóstico final al que se llega después de obtener los resultados de pruebas, como análisis de sangre y biopsias, las cuales se… »
Una persona con diagnóstico doble tiene un problema mental y de alcohol o drogas al mismo tiempo. Estos problemas se dan juntos… »
Proceso que se usa para identificar una enfermedad por medio del estudio de las moléculas, tales como proteínas, ADN y ARN, de… »
El diagnóstico por imágenes se refiere a las tecnologías que usan los médicos para observar el interior del cuerpo y buscar indicios… »
Proposed NCI supported network to provide research community with means to evaluate and validate signatures and possible diagnostic value. »
Reagents and techniques used for the diagnosis of cancer. »
At an angle; having an oblique or slanted direction. »
One of the arteries arising from the left anterior descending (LAD) artery that supply the anterolateral wall. »
A drawing intended to explain how something works; a drawing showing the relation between the parts. »
Diagrama que muestra el orden de los diferentes pasos para completar un proceso complejo. También se llama hoja de flujo. … »
Either a circular indicator or a control knob on a device. »
Proceso mediante el que se filtra la sangre cuando los riñones no pueden limpiarla. »
An allyl-S compound with the structure C=CCSSCC=C. »
An allyl-S compound with the structure C=CCSSSCC=C. »
A dose pack container designed to assist with patient compliance. The patient turns a dial to the correct day and the correct… »
A dosing unit equal to the amount of active ingredient(s) contained in a reusable circular compact package. »
A reduced-volume form of the liquid that is used in a dialysis machine to carry away waste products. »
The process of filtering the blood when the kidneys are not able to cleanse it. »
Failure to perform hemodialysis due to blockage of the artery-vein grafts which provide the requisite vascular access. »
A severe, often fatal encephalopathy which has been attributed to accumulation in the brain of aluminum from dialysate prepared with inadequately purified… »
The fluid which runs through a dialysis machine and captures, for discard or analysis, the excess water and waste from the blood… »
A symptom complex characterized by nervousness, chest pain, back pain, palpations, pruritus, and other usually mild symptoms occurring minutes following the initiation… »
The length of a straight line that extends from one edge of a tumor or other object, through its center and to… »
Largo de una línea recta que se extiende desde un extremo de un tumor u otro objeto hasta el otro extremo, pasando… »
Diamine acetyltransferase 1 (171 aa, ~20 kDa) is encoded by the human SAT1 gene. This protein is involved in polyamine metabolism. … »
The diammonium salt of glycyrrhizin and the active constituent in the traditional Chinese medicinal herb Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chinese liquorice or Gan-Cao) with… »
The shape has four distinct sides making a parallelogram with two inner obtuse angles and two inner acute angles. »
A very rare disorder in which the bone marrow doesn’t make enough red blood cells. It is usually seen in the first… »
A substance made from morphine. Diamorphine hydrochloride is very addictive, and it is illegal to use or sell it in the United… »
A bifunctional hexitol derivative with potential antineoplastic activity. Dianhydrogalactitol alkylates and cross-links DNA via an epoxide group during all phases of the… »
A colorless, highly toxic, crystalline compound that turns violet when exposed to air. Dianisidine is used exclusively as an intermediate for the… »
The oil extracted from the flowers of Dianthus caryophyllus. Carnation flower oil is used as a fragrance component. »
A barrier garment or padding used to absorb urine and stool, thereby helping to protect the skin and keep clothing and bedding… »
An inflammatory skin condition in the diaper area that may be caused by irritation of infection. »
Passage of light through body tissues or cavities for examination of internal structures. »
Pertaining to, characterized by, or promoting sweating, e.g. procedure or an agent that promotes sweating. »
The thin muscle below the lungs and heart that separates the chest from the abdomen. »
A congenital or acquired abnormality characterized by elevation of the hemidiaphragm. »
Any component of the fibromuscular tissue that separates the thoracic from the abdominal cavity. »
A meningioma that affects the diaphragma sellae. »
A congenital or acquired weakness or opening in the diaphragm which allows abdominal contents to protrude into the chest cavity; congenital diaphragmatic… »
Diaphranography (transillumination light scanning) is a non-invasive imaging procedure for the detection and evaluation of breast disease, by visualizing lesions through a… »
Evacuaciones intestinales frecuentes y acuosas. »
Frequent and watery bowel movements. »
A form of articulation admitting considerable motion. »
A sulfonylurea compound containing aryl groups with potential antineoplastic activity. Originally developed as herbicides, diarylsulfonylureas have shown a broad spectrum of antitumor… »
A rare congenital abnormality in which the spinal cord is split in half by fibrous or bony tissue. It may present as… »
The widening of the chambers of the heart between two contractions when the chambers fill with blood. »
The blood pressure after the contraction of the heart while the chambers of the heart refill with blood. »
Impairment in the filling of the ventricles during diastole. Causes include hypertrophic and restrictive cardiomyopathies, coronary artery disease, chronic high blood pressure,… »
Hypertension characterized diastolic blood pressure greater than 90 mmHg on two occasions. »
Procedimiento mediante el que se calienta el tejido para destruir células anormales. El calor puede venir de corrientes eléctricas, microondas, ondas de… »
A procedure in which tissue is heated to destroy abnormal cells. The heat may come from electric currents, microwaves, radio waves, or… »
Single celled phytoplankton that produce silica skeletons. Diatoms are one of the most abundant, widely distributed primary producers in the ocean. Different… »
The meglumine salt form of diatrizoate, an organic, iodinated, radiopaque X-ray contrast medium used in diagnostic radiography. The iodine moiety of diatrizoate… »
An iodinated radiopaque X-ray contrast medium. Diatrizoate sodium blocks X-rays, thereby allowing body structures containing iodine to be delineated in contrast to… »
An organic, iodinated radiopaque X-ray contrast medium used in diagnostic radiography. The iodine moiety of diatrizoate is not penetrable by X-rays, therefore… »
A drug used to treat mild to moderate anxiety and tension and to relax muscles. It is a type of benzodiazepine. Also… »
Medicamento usado para tratar la ansiedad leve a moderada y la tensión, y para relajar los músculos. Es un tipo de… »
The determination of the amount of diazepam present in a sample. »
A potent inhibitor of the RAS/RAF/MAPK signaling pathway with potential antineoplastic activity. Diazepinomicin binds to and inhibits Ras kinase, thereby preventing the… »
Medicamento contra el cáncer que puede atravesar la barrera hematoencefálica y destruir las células cancerosas del sistema nervioso central. También se llama… »
An anticancer drug that is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and kill cancer cells in the central nervous system. Also called… »
An orange crystalline solid compound that is metabolized to benzene in vivo. Diazoaminobenzene is used as a chemical intermediate, complexing agent and… »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento del cáncer »
The salt form of diazo compounds, compounds containing the N2 nitrogen attached to only one hydrocarbon, formulated by replacing three hydrogen atoms… »
An L-glutamine diazo analogue amino acid antibiotic isolated from a species of the bacterial genus Streptomyces with potential antineoplastic activity. Diazooxonorleucine inhibits… »
A benzothiadiazine derivate with antihypertensive and hyperglycemic activities. Diazoxide increases membrane permeability to potassium ions in vascular smooth muscle, thereby stabilizing the… »
An aminoglycoside antibiotic derived from kanamycin B. Dibekacin is active against bacterial strains that are resistant to kanamycin. »
A aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of five fused rings formed during the incomplete burning of organic matter. Benz[a,h]acridine is primarily found in petroleum… »
A yellowish aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of five fused rings formed by the incomplete burning of organic matter. Dibenz[a,j]acridine is primarily found in… »
A yellowish-reddish, carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of six fused rings and produced by the incomplete combustion of organic matter. Dibenzo[a,e]pyrene is primarily… »
A yellowish-reddish, aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of six fused rings and produced by incomplete combustion of organic matter. Dibenzo[a,e]pyrene is primarily found in… »
A crystalline, carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of five fused benzene rings, produced by the incomplete combustion of organic matter. Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene is primarily… »
A crystalline, aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of six fused rings and formed during the incomplete combustion of organic matter. Dibenzo[a,h]pyrene is primarily found… »
An aromatic hydrocarbon that consists of six fused rings and is produced by the incomplete combustion of organic matter. Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene is primarily… »
A sulfur-containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) derivate consisting of 3 fused rings with keratolytic activity. Dibenzothiophene is a component of petroleum… »
A dark amber to dark brown colored, halogenated liquid with a pungent odor. Dibromochloropropane is a formerly known pesticide that was used… »
A dispirotripiperazine derivative and alkylating agent with potential antineoplastic and anti-inflammatory activities. Dibrospidium chloride has been examined for the treatment of bone… »
A quinoline derivative and amino amide with anesthetic activity. Dibucaine reversibly binds to and inactivates sodium channels in the neuronal cell… »
An abnormal chromosome with two centromeres as opposed to the normal one centromere. »
The degradation of endogenous mRNA in a sequence-specific manner can be induced by dsRNA [RNA interference (RNAi)], antisense transcription, or viral… »
This gene is involved in the RNA interference pathway. »
A rare, inherited disorder that is caused by a mutation (change) in a gene called DICER1. Having this mutation increases the risk… »
Human DICER1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 14q32.13 and is approximately 71 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
A triazine derivative with antineoplastic activity. Dichloroallyl lawsone inhibits mitochondrial dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHOD), an enzyme that catalyzes the only redox step… »
A chlorinated methotrexate derivative. Dichloromethotrexate inhibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, thereby preventing the synthesis of purine nucleotides and thymidylates and inhibiting… »
A nontoxic laxative vermicide of chlorinated phenol compound. Dichlorophen is used as a veterinary fungicide, anthelmintic, and anti-protozoan, as well as an… »
An arsenic-containing agent formerly used in the treatment of syphilis. »
A hydrochloride salt form of dichlorophenarsine, an arsenic-containing agent formerly used in the treatment of syphilis. »
A pregnancy involving two fetuses that each have separate chorions and amniotic sacs. »
A response format that has two possible responses (e.g.,Yes/No, True/False, Agree/Disagree). »
Dickkopf-related protein 1 (266 aa, ~29 kDa) is encoded by the human DKK1 gene. This protein is involved in both receptor binding… »
Dickkopf-related protein 2 (259 aa, ~28 kDa) is encoded by the human DKK2 gene. This protein plays a role in the inhibition… »
Dickkopf-related protein 3 (350 aa, ~38 kDa) is encoded by the human DKK3 gene. This protein plays a role in cellular communication,… »
Dickkopf-related protein 4 (224 aa, ~25 kDa) is encoded by the human DKK4 gene. This protein is involved in the negative regulation… »
The active ingredient in a drug that is used to treat the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and is being studied in the… »
The potassium salt form of diclofenac, a benzene acetic acid derivate and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory… »
A drug that is used to treat the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and is being studied in the prevention and treatment of… »
The gel form of a drug that is used to treat the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and is being studied in the… »
Ingrediente activo de un medicamento que se usa para tratar los síntomas de la artritis reumatoide y que está en estudio para… »
Medicamento que se usa para tratar los síntomas de la artritis reumatoide y que está en estudio para la prevención y tratamiento… »
Medicamento en forma de gel que se usa para tratar los síntomas de la artritis reumatoide y que está en estudio para… »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento de algunos tipos de cáncer. El diclorhidrato de canertinib bloquea la acción de las proteínas llamadas… »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento de algunos tipos de cáncer y otras afecciones. Cuando se usa en combinación con la interleucina-2,… »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento de algunas leucemias y linfomas. Impide el crecimiento de las células y puede destruir células… »
Medicamento que se usa para tratar el cáncer de próstata que se diseminó hasta los huesos y no mejoró con otro… »
A broad-spectrum, semi-synthetic, beta-lactam, penicillin antibiotic with bactericidal and beta-lactamase resistant activity. Dicloxacillin binds to penicillin binding proteins (PBP) located on the… »
The sodium salt form of dicloxacillin, a broad-spectrum, semi-synthetic beta-lactam with bactericidal and beta-lactamase resistant activity. Dicloxacillin sodium binds to penicillin binding… »
A comprehensive set of standards for communications between medical imaging devices, including handling, storing and transmitting information in medical imaging. It includes… »
A uniquely defined quantity appearing in the computer file created according to the DICOM standard of transmitting images. It is important for… »
One or more series of images taken on a single visit to a medical facility. »
A set of standard terms for communications regarding medical imaging. »
A name given to a reference source that lists words and gives their meaning. »
The literal identifier of a thing as determined by a standards organization. »
An oral anticoagulant that interferes with the metabolism of vitamin K. It is also used in biochemical experiments as an inhibitor of… »
A carboxylic acid derivative and a selective anticholinergic with antispasmodic activity. Dicyclomine blocks acetylcholine from binding to muscarinic receptors on smooth… »
The hydrochloride salt form of dicyclomine, a synthetic analog of acetylcholine with antimuscarinic activity. Dicyclomine hydrochloride antagonizes muscarinic receptors on smooth muscle… »
A third-generation, supramolecular platinum-based compound composed of carboplatin linked, by a strong hydrogen bond, to 1,1-cyclobutane dicarboxylate (CBDCA), with potential antineoplastic… »
A question about whether an individual does or did become confused and start several actions at a time. »
A question about whether an individual does or did ever think about taking their own life. »
A question about whether an individual does or did feel isolated from others. »
A question about whether an individual feels or felt left out. »
A question about whether an individual feels or felt that others would be better off if they were dead. »
A question about whether an individual feels or felt that they had nothing to look forward to. »
A question about whether an individual feels or felt that their love relationships are full and complete. »
A question about whether an individual does or did have difficulty trying to calm down. »
A question about whether an individual does or did forget things that happened recently. »
A question about whether an individual does or did get rattled or flustered. »
A question about whether an individual has or had difficulty doing activities involving concentration and reasoning. »
A question about whether an individual has or had difficulty reasoning and solving problems. »
A question about whether an individual does or did have trouble keeping their attention on any activity for long. »
A question about whether an individual reacts or reacted slowly to things that were said or done. »
A question about whether an individual took any medication, except the study drug, for nausea during the specified time period. »
A question about whether an individual took any medication, except the study drug, for nausea in the past 24 hours. »
A question about whether an individual took any medication, except the study drug, for vomiting during the specified time period. »
A question about whether an individual took any medication, except the study drug, for vomiting in the past 24 hours. »
Medicamento usado para tratar infecciones causadas por virus. »
A drug used in the treatment of infections caused by viruses. »
An antimetabolite and folate analogue with anti-proliferative activity. Dideazatetrahydrofolic acid inhibits activity of glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (GARFT), the first folate-dependent enzyme of… »
A cyclic depsipeptide extracted from the Caribbean tunicate Trididemnum cyanophorum. Didemnin B activates caspase, thereby inducing apoptosis, and prevents eukaryotic elongation… »
DNA sequencing in which chain termination is caused by incorporation of a dideoxynucleotide into a growing DNA strand. »
A variation of SSCP analysis in which the DNA fragments are generated by chain terminating sequencing reactions. Can be more sensitive… »
A prodrug form of didanosine, a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor analog of adenosine. »
A ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor with activity against retroviruses. Didox inhibits retrovirus replication by depleting the deoxynucleotides obligatory for synthesis of the proviral… »
A process that forms a solid dosage unit by continuously cutting a uniform material into equally sized segments. »
The patient died while in a medical center such as a hospital, skilled nursing facility (SNF), intermediate care facility (ICF), or a… »
The paired caudal parts of the prosencephalon from which the THALAMUS, HYPOTHALAMUS, EPITHALAMUS, and SUBTHALAMUS are derived. »
An orally-active, semisynthetic, fourth generation, nonethinylated progestogen with antiproliferative, antiandrogenic, anti-inflammatory and antiangiogenic activities that is used in hormone therapy and as… »
A type of breast reconstruction in which blood vessels called deep inferior epigastric perforators (DIEP), and the skin and fat connected to… »
A colorless, highly flammable, liquid cyclic ether. Diepoxybutane is primarily used for research purposes, but is also used as a curing agent… »
A complex mixture of combustion products of diesel fuel including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, volatile hydrocarbons, aldehydes, alkenes,… »
The things a person eats and drinks. »
Epidemiology studies looking at the role of dietary patterns, foods, and nutrients or other dietary components in cancer incidence and prevention. … »
Epidemiology studies looking at the role of dietary patterns, foods, and nutrients or other dietary components in cancer incidence and prevention. … »
Dieta que consta de alimentos blandos, que se ablandan al cocinarlos, triturarlos, hacerlos papilla o licuarlos. »
Si tiene diabetes, su cuerpo no puede producir o utilizar la insulina adecuadamente. Esto conduce a una elevación del nivel de glucosa… »
Una dieta vegetariana se enfoca a la alimentación con verduras. Esto incluye frutas, verduras, guisantes y alubias secas, granos, semillas y… »
A compound found in foods and consisting of two carbons with a hydroxy group attached to one carbon. »
Forms of the element aluminum found in foods. »
A class of twenty organic compounds which are the building blocks for proteins, found in food. Each has a central carbon with… »
Forms of the element arsenic found in foods. »
Inorganic material remaining after incineration of a food substance. »
Forms of the element boron found in foods. »
Forms of the element cadmium found in foods. »
Forms of the element calcium found in foods. »
A class of macronutrients constructed from carbon, oxygen and hydrogen that have the general formula Cn(H2O)m. »
Forms of the element chlorine found in foods. »
Forms of the element chromium found in foods. »
Forms of the element cobalt found in foods. »
Forms of the element copper found in foods. »
A process by which a health professional with special training in nutrition helps people make healthy food choices and form healthy eating… »
The study of the role of diet in the development of disease. »
The consideration of dietary factors as a variable in disease incident, transmission, and control. »
Fat is a type of nutrient. You need some fat in your diet but not too much. Fats give you energy and… »
A class of organic compound that is found in various foods, comprising an alkyl chain with a carboxylic acid end. Naturally occurring… »
Compounds in food which are not digested by the digestive processes in the human stomach or small intestine. »
A class of polyphenols which are biogenetically derived from a phenylpropane (C6-C3 unit) and three C2 units to form a benzopyran with… »
Form of the element fluorine found in foods. »
A term used to describe the Recommended Dietary Allowance of folate; the term accounts for the easier absorption of folate in supplements… »
A class of water soluble polysaccharides usually isolated from seeds and typically viscous in aqueous solution. (DRI) »
A history of daily food intake. »
Any alteration or treatment in an individual's diet with a planned goal, usually designed to improve the individual's overall health. »
Form of the element iodine found in foods. »
Forms of the element iron found in foods. »
Forms of the element lead found in foods. »
A class of food constituents, also known as fats and oils, that serve as a source of energy and essential fatty acids… »
Forms of the element magnesium found in foods. »
Forms of the element manganese found in foods. »
Forms of the element mercury found in foods. »
Forms of the elemental minerals found in foods. »
Forms of the element molybdenum found in foods. »
Forms of the element nickel found in foods. »
A class of dietary nitroso-compounds that are salts of nitric acid (HNO3). »
A class of dietary nitroso-compounds that are salts of nitrous acid (HNO2). »
A class of dietary nitroso-compounds that are formed when nitrites combine with amine groups. »
A class of organic compounds found in foods and containing a nitroso (nitrosyl) group (-N=O). »
Any substance found in the diet, comprising a glycerol backbone covalently bound to fatty acids in 2 positions, and to a… »
Any substance found in the diet, comprising a glycerol backbone covalently bound to fatty acids in 2 positions, and to a phosphate… »
Forms of the element phosphorus found in foods. »
A bioactive food component with at least 2 phenol rings (two benzene rings each bearing at least one hydroxyl group). »
A carbohydrate comprised of eleven or more monosaccharides joined by ether bridges (covalent bonds centered by an oxygen). »
Forms of the element potassium found in foods. »
Dietary Practices refers to a person's choices in food consumption. »
A macronutrient which forms the major structural components of all the cells of the body. They can function as enzymes, membrane carriers,… »
Protein is in every living cell in the body. Our bodies need protein from the foods we eat to build and maintain… »
A detailed diet plan that states what, how, and when a person will eat and drink. It may be used to test… »
A set of guidelines developed by U.S. and Canadian scientists to give information about the role of nutrients in human health. These… »
Administration by way of food stuff. »
Forms of the element selenium found in foods. »
Forms of the element silicon found in foods. »
Forms of the element sodium found in foods. »
Any substance found in the diet, comprising a terpenoid characterized by a conjugated carbon structure of four rings: three cyclohexane rings and… »
Any substance found in the diet, comprising a cholestane skeleton with a hydroxyl group at the position C-3. They occur naturally in… »
Forms of the element sulfur found in foods. »
A product that is added to the diet. A dietary supplement is taken by mouth, and usually contains one or more dietary… »
A category specifying that a product is marketed as a dietary supplement under the statutory definition found in section 201(ff) of Federal… »
Dietary supplements are vitamins, minerals, herbs, and many other products. They can come as pills, capsules, powders, drinks, and energy… »
Forms of the element vanadium found in foods. »
Forms of the element zinc found in foods. »
Su dieta es lo que usted come. Hay muchos tipos diferentes de dietas. Una dieta sana: »
A colorless, corrosive, oily liquid that darkens with age and has a faint peppermint odor. Diethyl sulfate is mainly used as an… »
A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma that would be cleared of Diethylenetriamine pentaacetate (DTPA) through its excretion for a… »
A colorless, oily organic carcinogen with a slight odor. Bis(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate is mainly used as a plasticizer for fabricating flexible materials for… »
A polyamine analogue with antiproliferative and potential anti-diarrheal activities. Diethylhomospermine (DEHSPM) antagonizes polyamine activity via NMDA receptor glutamine binding site, thereby modulating… »
A synthetic bis-ethyl analogue of spermine with potential antineoplastic activity. N(1),N(11)-bis(ethyl)norspermine (DENSPM), a N-terminally alkylated tetraamine and polyamine mimetics, disrupts polyamine pool… »
An amphetamine derivative and a sympathomimetic stimulant with anti-obesity and appetite-suppressant properties. Diethylpropion stimulates neurons to release and maintain high levels of… »
A sympathomimetic amine structurally similar to amphetamine with anorexiant activity. Diethylpropion hydrochloride stimulates the central nervous system and increases the release of… »
A synthetic form of the hormone estrogen that was prescribed to pregnant women between about 1940 and 1971 because it was thought… »
The dipropionate ester of a synthetic, nonsteroidal form of estrogen. A well-known teratogen and carcinogen, diethylstilbestrol inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, thereby blocking… »
A disorder likely to occur in children and grandchildren of a woman treated with diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy. Manifestations include vaginal adenosis, cervical… »
Forma sintética de la hormona estrógeno que se recetó a las mujeres embarazadas entre 1940 y 1971 porque se pensaba que… »
Profesional de la salud que se especializa en nutrición y que puede ayudar en la elección de alimentos. También se llama… »
Profesional de la salud con capacitación especial en el uso del régimen alimentario y la nutrición para mantener sano el cuerpo. Un… »
A health professional with special training in nutrition who can help with dietary choices. Also called nutritionist. »
Your diet is made up of what you eat. There are many different types of diets. A healthy diet »
Medicamento empleado para tratar las alergias y aliviar la tos y la picazón causados por mordeduras de insectos, quemaduras de sol y… »
A phenylpiperidine with antidiarrheal activity and an active metabolite of diphenoxylate. Difenoxin is chemically related to the narcotic opioid meperidine. Difenoxin acts… »
A phenylpiperidine with antidiarrheal activity and active metabolite of diphenoxylate. Difenoxin is chemically related to the narcotic opioid meperidine. Difenoxin hydrochloride acts… »
En el campo de la biología, describe los procesos mediante los que las células inmaduras se vuelven células maduras con funciones… »
Proceso durante el cual las células jóvenes, inmaduras (no especializadas) adoptan las características individuales y alcanzan su forma y función maduras… »
Diff-Quick is an alcoholic, quick staining method for cytology. It consists of two solutions: an eosinophilic (red) solution and a basophilic (blue)… »
The quality of being unlike or dissimilar. »
Variation of the polymerase chain reaction used to identify differentially expressed genes. mRNA from two different tissue samples is reverse transcribed,… »
A form of gel electrophoresis where up to three different protein samples can be labeled with fluorescent dyes prior to two-dimensional electrophoresis… »
A hematologic procedure for the evaluation of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the white cells in peripheral blood smears and bone… »
A granulocytic sarcoma composed of promyelocytes and more mature neutrophils (WHO 2001). --2003 »
A retinoblastoma with well differentiated features. It often produces Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes or Homer-Wright rosettes. In some cases the tumor cells form… »
An adenocarcinoma arising from the thyroid gland showing extensive evidence of follicular cell differentiation. According to the nuclear features of the… »
A substance that causes a cell to change from an immature form to a mature form. In cancer, a differentiating agent may… »
A neuroblastoma in which the differentiating neuroblasts constitute more than five-percent of the tumor cells. »
The process whereby an unspecialized embryonic cell acquires the features of a specialized cell such as a heart, liver, or muscle… »
A funding category for studies concerned with cell growth or cell differentiation. »
Antigens expressed primarily on the membranes of living cells during sequential stages of maturation and differentiation. As immunologic markers they have high… »
An agent that induces the differentiation or maturation of cells, specifically neoplastic cells, resulting in decreases in tumor growth and metastasis. … »
An agent that inhibits the differentiation or maturation of cells, specifically neoplastic cells. »
Drug therapy aimed at forcing cancer cells to resume the process of maturation and therefore to induce tumor to a more differentiated,… »
Issue associated with difficulty moving the device or its components to an intended location (e.g. difficulty in advancing guidewire). »
Issue associated with the use of the device in terms of user experiencing difficulty to close or to spread out/extend length of… »
Issue associated with problems introducing or inserting the device, even if the user is operating the device in accordance with the instructions… »
Issue associated with difficulty of a transponder system to trigger a response. »
A question about whether an individual finds or found it difficult looking at themselves naked. »
Issue associated with difficulty for end-users to operate device, specifically as it relates to the opening or removal of the outer… »
Issue associated with the user's ability to cause device settings or actions to change to the state desired by the user. … »
Access to the subject's vasculature is troublesome or formidable. »
Something not easily done, accomplished, comprehended, or solved. »
A question about an individual's difficulty concentrating at its worst. »
A question about whether an individual has or had difficulty concentrating while reading a newspaper or watching the television. »
Placement of intracoronary devices across the coronary stenosis is troublesome or formidable. »
A question whether an individual has or had difficulty doing their usual jobs due to problem with their teeth, denture or… »
A question about whether an individual has or had difficulty expressing their thoughts. »
A question about whether an individual has or had difficulty moving their neck or shoulders because of stiffness. »
A question about whether an individual finds or has found it difficult to relax because of problems with their teeth, denture or… »
A question about an individual's difficulty speaking at its worst. »
A question about an individual's difficulty swallowing at its worst. »
A question about whether an individual has or had difficulty swallowing liquids. »
A question about whether an individual has or had difficulty swallowing soft or mashed foods. »
A question about whether an individual has or had difficulty swallowing solid foods. »
A question about an individual's difficulty understanding at its worst. »
A question about whether an individual has or had difficulty urinating. »
Widely spread; not localized or confined. »
The inflammation is spread over a large area of the intestinal tract. »
A low-grade (WHO grade II) astrocytic neoplasm. It is characterized by a high degree of cellular differentiation, slow growth, and diffuse… »
A non-neoplastic proliferation of morphologically bland C-cells with a diffuse growth pattern in the thyroid gland. »
A rare congenital demyelinating disorder affecting the central nervous system. It is characterized by a demyelinating destructive lesion affecting an entire brain… »
The inflammation is spread over a large area of the intestinal tract. »
Inflammation is composed of neutrophils and epithelioid macrophages. »
Inflammation is primarily composed of lymphocytes and plasma cells. »
T-cell immune response with diffuse perivillous fibrin deposition associated with intrauterine growth restriction, pre-term birth and recurrent fetal loss. »
Congestion is widespread over an extended area of the intestine. »
A variant of cutaneous mastocytosis which is seen almost exclusively in children. (WHO, 2001) -- 2003 »
A lymphoma with the morphologic and immunophenotypic features of a follicular lymphoma that shows entirely a diffuse pattern. It is usually… »
An adenocarcinoma arising from the stomach. Microscopically, it is characterized by the presence of a diffuse infiltrate, composed of individual adenocarcinoma… »
A locally aggressive, diffusely infiltrating tumor, arising in the tendon sheath. It is composed of synovial-like mononuclear cells, hemosiderin-laden macrophages, foam… »
Hyperplasia characterized by the presence of a diffuse cellular infiltrate. »
Generally associated with physiological hyperplasia »
A childhood condition in which abnormal tissue grows on the outer part of one or both kidneys. Diffuse hyperplastic perilobar nephroblastomatosis usually… »
Diffuse accumulation of groups of neuroendocrine cells confined to bronchiolar epithelium in the absence of airway inflammation or diffuse interstitial fibrosis. Not… »
A rare degenerative disorder that affects the spine. It is characterized by ossification of ligaments resulting in calcifications along the sides of… »
This is usually an oligoclonal CD8+ lymphocytic infiltration of various organs. »
A type of central nervous system tumor that forms from glial (supportive) tissue of the brain and spinal cord. Diffuse intrinsic pontine… »
Resembles human disease, was mouse follicular lymphoma, variants - centroblastic, immunoblastic, B220+. »
A type of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (cancer of the immune system) that is usually aggressive (fast-growing). It is the most common type… »
A diffuse large B-cell lymphoma arising in body cavities or narrow spaces of long standing chronic inflammation. The classic example is… »