
A term referring to a group of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas which are biologically heterogeneous and lack definitive and accepted criteria for… »
A syndrome characterized by multiple, benign nodular smooth muscle neoplasms of the esophagus, tracheobronchial tree and the genitourinary tract. Clinical signs include… »
A neoplastic process characterized by a diffuse poorly circumscribed overgrowth of adipose tissue. It has been associated with several genetic disorders… »
An antiquated term referring to non-Hodgkin lymphomas with a diffuse architectural pattern. »
A malignant neoplasm that arises from the mesothelial cells. Histologic variants include biphasic, epithelioid, sarcomatoid, and desmoplastic mesothelioma. »
A diffuse or multifocal proliferation of uniform nevoid polygonal cells in the leptomeninges. Cells may spread into the Virchow-Robin spaces without frank… »
An antiquated term referring to non-Hodgkin lymphomas with a mixed cellular composition. This term applies to both B- and T- cell non-Hodgkin… »
The increase in cell numbers is located in widespread crypts »
A procedure that uses light waves to create 2-dimensional (2-D) or 3-dimensional (3-D) pictures of tissues inside the body. Diffuse optical imaging… »
A procedure that uses light waves to create 3-dimensional (3-D) pictures of tissues inside the body. The pictures are created by a… »
An inherited disorder characterized by the development of keratotic lesions on the palms and soles. It appears in childhood as redness on… »
A morphologic architectural pattern in which a cellular population is distributed in a relatively uniform fashion throughout a specified tissue area; not… »
Lymphangiomatosis diffusely involving the lung parenchyma. »
A retinoblastoma characterized by the absence of a distinct retinal mass and the presence of malignant cells diffusely infiltrating the retina. It… »
An adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of a diffuse cellular infiltrate which is composed of poorly cohesive cells with minimal or no… »
The movement of chemical species under the influence of a concentration difference and as a result of random thermal agitation. The species… »
A property of tissues such that a substance shows variable rates of diffusion in different spatial dimensions. »
A solid, semi-solid, solution or suspension covered with an outer permeable polymeric membrane designed to release active and/or inert ingredient(s) at a… »
MRI method that measure the diffusion of water in the tissue, rather than the content of water as measured in conventional… »
A diffusion MRI technique in which diffusion-sensitizing gradients are applied to the imaging sequence. »
A synthetic glucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. Like other glucocorticoids, diflorasone enters the cell by diffusion across the cell membrane and… »
The acetate salt form of diflorasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. Like other glucocorticoids, diflorasone enters the cell by… »
A difluorophenyl derivate of salicylic acid and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Diflunisal competitively inhibits both… »
A substance being studied in the treatment of cancer. Also called DFMO. »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento de cáncer. También se llama DFMO. »
La difteria es una infección bacteriana seria. Se puede adquirir de una persona infectada que tose o estornuda. Suele afectar la nariz… »
Ampliamente diseminado; no localizado ni encerrado. »
A congenital anomaly characterized by immunodeficiency, abnormal facies, congenital heart disease, hypocalcemia, and increased susceptibility to infections. Pathologic characteristics include conotruncal abnormalities… »
An agent that favors or assists the process of digestion. »
The process of breaking down food into substances the body can use for energy, tissue growth, and repair. »
Proceso de descomponer los alimentos en sustancias el cuerpo puede usar para disponer de energía, el crecimiento de los tejidos y la… »
When you eat, your body breaks food down to a form it can use to build and nourish cells and provide… »
A question about whether an individual has or had digestive problems that interfered with their usual activities. »
The organs that take in food and turn it into products that the body can use to stay healthy. Waste products the… »
Surgery performed on any part of the digestive system. »
The organs through which food and liquids pass when they are swallowed, digested, and eliminated. These organs are the mouth, esophagus, stomach,… »
A question about whether an individual digests or has digested their food well. »
A finger or toe in human beings or corresponding part in other vertebrates. »
A form of representation in which distinct objects (or digits) are used to express or represent something in the real world. … »
An enlargement of the tips of the fingers or toes and a change in the angle where the nails emerge. It occurs… »
A method in which an image or other type of data is changed into a series of dots or numbers so that… »
Equipment used to analyze, enhance, interpret or display digital images. »
The Digital Imaging Shared Resource provides Cancer Center investigators with support in high-resolution deconvolution microscopy, digital epi-fluorescence and brightfield microscopy, quantitative image… »
The use of a computer, rather than x-ray film, to create a picture of the breast. »
A unique code used by publishers in the identification and exchange of the content of a digital object, such as a journal… »
An adenocarcinoma arising from the sweat glands. Most cases present as nodular lesions on the digits, usually in the hands. It is… »
A type of photography in which images can be viewed on a computer screen. »
An examination in which a doctor inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to feel for abnormalities. Also called DRE. … »
A technique which subtracts two images that are obtained before and after contrast media is administered to the patient for the purpose… »
Any vein containing deoxygenated blood that is located in a finger or toe. »
Acquisition or display of radiographic images using digital techniques; includes digital video fluoroscopy, scan-projection radiography (SPR), digital subtraction and angiography (DSA), digital… »
A glycoside compound, extracted from the leaves and seeds of the common foxglove, with anti-arrhythmic property. Digitalin inhibits the enzymatic activity of… »
A substance used to make drugs that are used to treat several heart conditions, including congestive heart failure. Digitalis is made from… »
Sustancia que se usa para elaborar medicamentos para tratar varias afecciones cardíacas como la insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva. El digitalis se extrae de… »
A device designed to convert analog signal to digital signal. »
A lipid soluble cardiac glycoside that inhibits the plasma membrane sodium potassium ATPase, leading to increased intracellular sodium and calcium levels and… »
A combustible, yellowish liquid with a slight phenolic odor. Diglycidyl resorcinol ether is used as a liquid spray epoxy resin and in… »
A drug used to treat irregular heartbeat and some types of heart failure. It is also being studied in the treatment of… »
Medicamento que se usa para tratar el latido cardiaco irregular y algunos tipos de insuficiencia cardíaca. Asimismo, está en estudio para el… »
Used in photodynamic therapy, a drug that is absorbed by tumor cells; when exposed to light, it becomes active and kills the… »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento de algunos tipos de cáncer. El dihidrocloruro CEP-2563 bloquea ciertas proteínas que participan en la formación… »
Hormona elaborada con la testosterona de la próstata, los testículos y ciertos otros tejidos. Es necesaria para desarrollar y mantener las características… »
A polyunsaturated long-chain fatty acid with a 20-carbon backbone and 3 double bonds, originating from the 6th, 9th and 12th positions from… »
A synthetic nucleoside analogue of deoxycytidine. Dihydro-5-azacytidine inhibits DNA methyltransferase, thereby interfering with abnormal DNA methylation patterns that are associated with genetic… »
Capsaicinoid compound with side chain CO(CH2)6CH(CH3)2. The chemical structure is CC(C)CCCCCCC(=O)NCC1=CC(=C(C=C1)O)OC. »
A synthetic opioid analgesic. Dihydrocodeine bitartrate mimics the actions of the endogenous opioid peptides due to its agonistic effects on the opioid… »
The determination of the amount of dihydrocodeine present in a sample. »
An ergot derivative with agonistic activity for alpha-adrenergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic receptors. Dihydroergotamine mesylate most likely relieves migraine headaches by binding to… »
Dihydrofolate reductase (187 aa, ~21 kDa) is encoded by the human DHFR gene. This protein is involved in folate metabolism and the… »
A substance that can build up in cancer cells and block them from using folate. Folate is a nutrient that rapidly dividing… »
A butyrophenone that has been investigated for antineoplastic activity. »
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone), mitochondrial (395 aa, ~43 kDa) is encoded by the human DHODH gene. This protein plays a role in the… »
Any substance that inhibits dihydroorotate reductase, an enzyme required for de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidine. Inhibition of dihydroorotate reductase interferes with DNA… »
Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP(+)] (1025 aa, ~111 kDa) is encoded by the human DPYD gene. This protein is involved in the degradation of… »
A rare disorder characterized by an inborn error in pyrimidine metabolism. It results in the deficiency or complete absence of the enzyme… »
Any substance that inhibits dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, a rate limiting enzyme in the degradation of pyrimidines. Inhibition of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase increases the biological… »
A derivative of streptomycin, aminoglycoside antibiotic, with bactericidal property. Dihydrostreptomycin depends on active transport across the bacterial cell membrane before irreversibly binding… »
A semi-synthetic aminoglycoside antibiotic with bactericidal properties. Dihydrostreptomycin sulfate inhibits protein synthesis by binding to the 30S ribosomal subunit. This antibiotic is… »
A hormone made from testosterone in the prostate, testes, and certain other tissues. It is needed to develop and maintain male… »
The determination of the amount of dihydrotestosterone hormone present in a sample. »
Any therapeutic procedure that employs an inhibitor of 3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenases, and results in reduced production of dihydrotestosterone from testosterone. Dihydrotestosterone suppression is… »
Any therapeutic procedure that administers dihydrotestosterone, often transdermally, as androgen replacement therapy. Dihydrotestosterone therapy is intended to activate various biochemical processes that… »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata y la prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino. El diindolilmetano se encuentra… »
A substance being studied in the treatment of prostate cancer and in the prevention of cervical cancer. Diindolylmethane is found in cruciferous… »
A drug used to treat or prevent seizures or convulsions that may be caused by epilepsy, brain surgery, or treatment for brain… »
Medicamento que se usa para tratar o prevenir las convulsiones que puede causar la epilepsia, la cirugía cerebral o el tratamiento para… »
Procedimiento para extraer tejido del canal cervical o del revestimiento interno del útero. El cuello uterino se dilata (se hace más grande)… »
Aparato usado para estirar o agrandar una abertura. »
Ensanchar o agrandar una abertura o estructura hueca más allá de su tamaño habitual, como la pupila del ojo o un vaso… »
A procedure to remove tissue from the cervical canal or the inner lining of the uterus. The cervix is dilated (made larger)… »
To widen or enlarge an opening or hollow structure beyond its usual size, such as the pupil of the eye or a… »
A characteristic sign of impending birth where the anal opening becomes wider due to increased pressure in the perineal region during the… »
Cardiomyopathy which is characterized by dilation and contractile dysfunction of the left and right ventricles. It may be idiopathic, or it may… »
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heart muscle disease characterised by dilation and impaired contraction of the left or both ventricles that results… »
The condition of being dilated or stretched. »
A procedure to remove tissue from the cervical canal or the inner lining of the uterus. The cervix is dilated (made larger)… »
Procedimiento para extraer tejido del canal cervical o del revestimiento interno del útero. El cuello uterino se dilata (se hace más grande)… »
A device used to stretch or enlarge an opening. »
A drug used to treat moderate to severe pain. It may also be used to treat certain types of cough. Dilaudid is… »
Medicamento que se usa para aliviar el dolor grave o moderado. También se puede usar para tratar ciertos tipos de tos. Dilaudid… »
The oil extracted from the seeds of Anethum graveolens. Dill seed oil is believed to sooth the nerves and is also used… »
The essential oil of Anethum graveolens. Dill weed oil is used as treatment for digestive complaints. »
A benzothiazepine derivative with anti-hypertensive, antiarrhythmic properties. Diltiazem blocks voltage-sensitive calcium channels in the blood vessels, by inhibiting the ion-control gating mechanisms,… »
A benzothiazepine calcium channel blocking agent. Diltiazem hydrochloride inhibits the transmembrane influx of extracellular calcium ions into select myocardial and vascular smooth… »
A malate salt of diltazem, a benzothiazepine calcium channel blocking agent. Diltiazem inhibits the transmembrane influx of extracellular calcium ions into select… »
Any liquid or solid material used to lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture of another ingredient. »
A therapeutically inactive ingredient of a fluid pharmaceutical dosage form that is used to increase the volume of the material to accommodate… »
A water-based solution with 0.1 % v/v trifluoro acetic acid (TFA) for the preparation and use of the peptide ESO-1. »
Hacer un líquido menos espeso, más débil, menos concentrado o menos puro mediante el agregado de algo. »
To make something thinner, weaker, less concentrated, or less pure by adding something to it. »
A measurement of the time it takes a plasma sample to clot after adding dilute Russell's viper venom. »
The determination of the ratio of the dilute Russell's viper venom time in a subject sample to a control sample. The measurement… »
Theory that attributed most geological features of the earth to the great flood described in the Bible. »
Sustancia que se usa para prevenir y tratar los coágulos de sangre en los vasos sanguíneos y el corazón. También se llama… »
A substance being studied in the treatment of prostate cancer and in the prevention of cervical cancer. DIM is found in cruciferous… »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata y la prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino. El DIM se encuentra… »
An ethanolamine and first-generation histamine antagonist with anti-allergic activity. Dimenhydrinate competitively blocks H1 receptors, thereby preventing the actions of histamine on bronchial… »
The magnitude of something in a particular direction, especially length or width or height. »
The result or product of multiplying dimensions. »
The state of having dimensions; an indication of the dimensions associated with an object. »
A metal chelating agent that is used as an antidote in arsenic, gold, lead, mercury and other heavy metal poisoning. Metals form… »
A protein complex containing one alpha tubulin and one beta tubulin. »
A lotion being studied in the treatment of skin cancer and a skin condition called xeroderma pigmentosum. It has an enzyme contained… »
Loción en estudio para el tratamiento del cáncer de piel y una afección de la piel que se llama xeroderma pigmentoso. La… »
A physical interaction between exactly two molecules or subunits to create a lasting compound. »
A lipid-permeable tacrolimus analogue with homodimerizing activity. Dimerizer drug AP1903 homodimerizes an analogue of human protein FKBP12 (Fv) which contains a single… »
A drug that belongs to the family of drugs called chemoprotective agents. »
Medicamento que es un tipo de quimioprotector. »
A commercial combination preparation, by Wyeth, containing brompheniramine maleate and phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride, with antihistaminergic and vasoconstrictive properties. Brompheniramine maleate, a propylamine antihistamine… »
A colorless volatile poisonous liquid compound used as a solvent, fuel, aerosol, propellant and refrigerant. »
An odorless, corrosive, oily liquid with an onion-like odor that emits toxic fumes upon heating. Dimethyl sulfate is used in industry as… »
A colorless liquid that readily dissolves many chemicals and penetrates animal and plant tissues. It is used in human medicine, veterinary medicine,… »
A polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon produced during combustion of fuels exhibiting carcinogenic activity. In addition, dimethylbenzanthracene is found in tobacco smoke. … »
A colorless liquid that is rapidly hydrolyzed in water. Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride is used as a chemical intermediate in the production of pharmaceuticals,… »
Hydrazines substituted with two methyl groups in any position. »
An aliphatic analogue of busulfan with potential antineoplastic activity. As an alkylating agent, dimethylbusulfan induces neutropenia and has been shown to… »
A clear, colorless, highly volatile and flammable liquid chlorinated hydrocarbon that emits highly toxic fumes of hydrochloric acid and other chlorinated compounds… »
An anticancer drug that is a type of angiogenesis inhibitor. »
Líquido incoloro que disuelve rápidamente muchos productos químicos y penetra los tejidos animales y vegetales. Se usa en medicina humana, medicina veterinaria… »
A myristoylated phosphatidylcholine, and a synthetic phospholipid used in liposomes and lipid bilayers with drug delivery property. »
A condition in which abnormal cells are found in the lining of a breast duct (milk duct). Having DIN may increase the… »
A substance being studied in the treatment of advanced melanoma (a type of skin cancer) and other types of cancer. It blocks… »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento del melanoma (un tipo de cáncer de piel) en estadio avanzado, así como otros tipos de… »
A skin irritant that may cause dermatitis of both primary and allergic types. Contact sensitization with DNCB has been used as a… »
Irritants and reagents for labeling terminal amino acid groups. »
A small molecule containing 2 phenol rings, characterized as a hapten for use in vaccine preparation. Dinitrophenyl by itself will not elicit… »
Nitroaromatic compounds containing two nitrogen groups on a phenyl ring used as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, explosives, and comprise a group of environmental… »
A cancer vaccine consisting of autologous renal cell carcinoma (RCC) tumor cells modified with the hapten 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) with potential immunostimulating and… »
A synthetic analogue of the naturally occurring prostaglandin F2 alpha. Prostaglandin F2 alpha stimulates myometrial activity, relaxes the cervix, inhibits corpus… »
A synthetic analogue of the naturally occurring prostaglandin F2 alpha. Prostaglandin F2 alpha stimulates myometrial activity, relaxes the cervix, inhibits corpus… »
A synthetic prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) analogue with smooth muscle contraction inducing property. It has been suggested that PGE2 regulates the intracellular levels… »
A drug used with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), aldesleukin (IL-2), and 13-cis-retinoic acid to treat high-risk neuroblastoma. It is used in children… »
An electronic component designed to pass current in one direction only. »
A unit of measurement of the optical power of a curved mirror or lens represented by the inverse of the focal length… »
An herbal remedy derived from the dried root of Dioscorea villosa, a perennial vine native to North America, Mexico and Asia. The… »
Gas sin color ni olor. Es un producto de desecho producido por el cuerpo. El dióxido de carbono circula en la sangre… »
A beta-2 -adrenergic agonist with bronchodilator activity. Dioxifedrine selectively binds to and activates beta-2 adrenergic receptors in bronchiolar smooth muscle, thereby causing… »
Any of the toxic or carcinogenic chlorinated hydrocarbons that occur as impurities in herbicides. »
Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (766 aa, ~88 kDa) is encoded by the human DPP4 gene. This protein is involved in proteolytic regulation of… »
The determination of the amount of the biological activity of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 in a sample. »
Any inhibitor of the proline-specific serine protease dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4), with hypoglycemic activity. DPP-4 inhibitors bind to DPP-4 and inhibit the… »
A parasitic infection caused by genus of filarial worms called Dipetalonema. It produces microfilariae in the blood and body fluids. »
A synthetic, potent allergic contact sensitizer with potential immunostimulatory activity. After sensitization process by repeated topical application of diphencyprone to a specific… »
A drug used to treat allergies and relieve cough and itching caused by insect bites, sunburn, and poison oak or ivy. It… »
The hydrochloride salt form of diphenhydramine, an ethanolamine and first-generation histamine antagonist with anti-allergic activity. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride competitively blocks H1receptors, thereby preventing… »
An oral suspension containing diphenydramine hydrochloride, dexamethasone and nystatin, with anithistaminic, antiinflammatory, and antifungal activities. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride/dexamethasone/nystatin magic mouthwash inhibits the cytokine-mediated… »
A piperidine derivate, chemically related to narcotic meperidine with antidiarrheal activity and devoid of central nervous system (CNS) activity. Diphenoxylate acts on… »
The hydrochloride salt form of diphenoxylate, a piperidine derivate, chemically related to narcotic meperidine, with antidiarrheal activity and devoid of central nervous… »
A drug or substance used to treat hypercalcemia (abnormally high blood calcium) and bone pain caused by some types of cancer. Forms… »
A Gram-positive bacterial infection caused by Corynebacterium diphtheria. It usually involves the oral cavity, pharynx, and nasal cavity. Patients develop pseudomembranes in… »
The determination of the amount of the Diphtheria IgG antibodies in a sample. »
A 60 kD single chain protein elaborated by Corynebacterium diphtheriae that causes the sign and symptoms of diphtheria; it can be broken… »
Diphtheria Toxin Receptor, encoded by the human DTR gene, is a heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor. It is mitogenic for fibroblasts and smooth… »
A vaccine containing detoxified tetanus toxoid and detoxified diphtheria toxoid adsorbed on aluminum phosphate with active immunizing activity against diphtheria and… »
A vaccine consisting of detoxified tetanus toxoid, detoxified diphtheria toxoid, acellular pertussis antigens, inactivated poliovirus (IPV) types 1,2 and 3 and hepatitis… »
A vaccine containing detoxified tetanus toxoid, detoxified diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis antigens, adsorbed on aluminum phosphate, with active immunizing activity against… »
A vaccine containing detoxified tetanus toxoid, detoxified diphtheria toxoid and inactivated pertussis antigens. »
Medicamento que previene que las células sanguíneas se agrupen y mejora la eficacia del fluorouracilo y otras sustancias usadas en quimioterapia. … »
An ester prodrug of epinephrine, with sympathomimetic activity. Due to its lipophilicity, dipivefrin penetrates more easily to the anterior chamber of the… »
An ester with sympathomimetic activities. Dipivefrin hydrochloride is a prodrug of epinephrine that, due to its greater lipophilicity, allows for better penetration… »
A document certifying the successful completion of a course of study. »
The condition in which a single object appears as two objects. Also called "double vision." (from »
A strip of paper or other composite material that is coated or impregnated with reagents designed to detect the presence of an… »
A large order of insects having a single pair of wings and sucking or piercing mouths; includes true flies and mosquitoes and… »
Any of a number of rod shaped bacteria that resemble Corynebacterium diphtheriae, either in morphology or etiology. »
A drug that prevents blood cell clumping and enhances the effectiveness of fluorouracil and other chemotherapeutic agents. »
This gene plays a role in signal transduction and suppression of cell growth. »
Human DIRAS3 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 1p31 and is approximately 6 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene may be involved in renal cell carcinoma. »
Human DIRC3 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 2q35 and is approximately 473 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
A fusion gene that results from a chromosomal translocation t(2;3)(q35;q21) which fuses the first 2 exons of the DIRC3 gene with the… »
As an immediate result; having nothing intervening; without deviation or interruption. »
A measurement of the antibody or complement-coated erythrocytes in a blood specimen in vivo. »
The bilirubin is bound to glucuronide to form conjugated bilirubin (direct bilirubin). Direct Bilirubin measurement is accomplished by a colorimetric method. Direct… »
A Benzidine-based azo dye that is metabolized to free Benzidine in vivo. Direct blue 6 is primarily used for the dyeing of… »
A Benzidine-based azo dye that is metabolized to free Benzidine in vivo. Direct brown 95 is primarily used for the dyeing of… »
A bundle of neuronal fibers originating in the lumbosacral spinal cord that ascend to the ipsilateral cerebellum conveying proprioceptive information for the… »
Infection produced by direct contact with another person. »
Costs that can be identified with a particular project or program. »
An immunoassay in which a fluorescent-labeled antibody binds directly to a target antigen. »
Removal of laryngeal tissue under direct visualization for microscopic examination. »
Direct Mail (CDM/CLT/PLT) »
An identifier that is marked directly on a device. »
Death resulting from conditions or complications which are unique to pregnancy and occur during the antepartum, intrapartum, or postpartum period. »
An exam of the inside of the back of the eye using an ophthalmoscope (a flashlight-sized instrument with a light source and… »
The procedure in which the exposed pulp is covered with a dressing that protects the pulp and promotes healing and repair. … »
A small bundle of ipsilateral neuronal fibers originating in the motor region of the cerebral cortex that descend down the spinal… »
A graph whose edges are ordered pairs of vertices or nodes and which contains no path that starts and ends at the… »
The manipulation of stem cell culture conditions to induce differentiation into a particular cell type. »
The spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves. »
A valve designed to control the flow of fluid in a hydrolic system. »
Operating most effectively in a particular direction. »
¿Qué tipo de atención médica quisiera recibir si estuviera demasiado enfermo o lesionado para expresar su voluntad? Las instrucciones médicas por adelantado… »
Medication is dispensed and consumed under the direct supervision of personnel at a clinical site. »
Jefe médico y educador de la salud de los Estados Unidos. La misión del Director General de Sanidad de los Estados Unidos… »
The Director of Cancer Research Center is professional, administrative, research and academic position with Cancer Center. The incumbent is responsible for the… »
Ad hoc "think tanks" appointed to address key scientific issues. Their members include leaders in laboratory, clinical, and population-based research drawn from… »
A document that points out the location of people, places, or objects. »
A semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic pro-drug. Dirithromycin is converted by hydrolysis during intestinal absorption into the microbiologically active erythromycylamine. Eryhtromylamine binds to the… »
A morphologic finding indicating the presence of necrotic epithelial cells, neutrophils, karyorrhectic debris, and fibrin in the lumen of malignant glands. It… »
This gene is involved in RNA processing. »
Human DIS3 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 13q22.1 and is approximately 27 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
Disabilities make it harder to do normal daily activities. They may limit what you can do physically or mentally, or they… »
A 30-item, self-report questionnaire designed to measure physical and social function along with symptom impact associated with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper… »
Any physical or mental impairment that interferes with an individual's ability to perform desired activities. »
A standardized questionnaire developed by Gelinas et al in 1998, which is used to measure the changes in functional activities in patients… »
A sustained and substantial impairment or disruption of a person's ability to conduct normal life functions for the remainder of his/her… »
No longer able to be activated or utilized. »
Disabled homolog 2 (770 aa, ~82 kDa) is encoded by the human DAB2 gene. This protein plays a role in signal… »
Disabled homolog 2-interacting protein (1189 aa, ~132 kDa) is encoded by the human DAB2IP gene. This protein may play a role in… »
Groups with similar restrictions or lack or ability to perform physical or mental activities in a manner or within the range considered… »
An adverse event, and/or its immediate sequelae which is associated with physical or mental disabilities that affect or limit the ability of… »
A carbohydrate comprised of two monosaccharides joined by an ether bridge (covalent bonds centered by an oxygen). »
A lipophilic disaccharide tripeptide derivative of muramyl dipeptide (MDP) with immunomodulatory activity. Disaccharide tripeptide glycerol dipalmitoyl (DTP-GDP)stimulates macrophage activity and increases serum… »
To be at odds. »
Inconsistency or lack of agreement between data, facts, claims, or opinions. »
An action that is deemed unsatisfactory or unacceptable. »
The act of taking something apart; to come apart. »
Preparing for a disaster can reduce the fear, anxiety and losses that disasters cause. A disaster can be a natural disaster,… »
Any body structure resembling a flat circular plate. »
A flat, circular shaped form composed of a solid or powder that contains active and/or inert ingredient(s). »
A flat circular plate or anything with a similar shape. »
Las discapacidades dificultan la participación en las actividades cotidianas normales. Pueden limitar lo que puede hacer física o mentalmente o afectar los… »
Surgical excision of an intervertebral disc. Often performed for pain relief. »
In medicine, a fluid that comes out of the body. Discharge can be normal or a sign of disease. Discharge also means… »
Activities designed to promote appropriate behavior, conduct, or action including time out, limits, and controls. »
The making known of a fact that had previously been hidden; release of information. »
A chronic form of cutaneous lupus erythematosus (LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS, CUTANEOUS) in which the skin lesions mimic those of the systemic form but… »
Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 (855 aa, ~97 kDa) is encoded by the human DDR2 gene. This protein plays a role in environment-to-cell… »
Issue associated with an undesired streak, pattern, and/or a noticeable change in color from the rest of the materials used in device… »
A feeling of mental or physical uneasiness, pain, or distress. »
A question about whether an individual has or had discomfort or pain when eating. »
An indirect pain assessment scale used by nurses and other professionals to evaluate level of pain/discomfort in demented or otherwise uncommunicative… »
Issue associated with the linking of device and/or device components having a sufficient open space to prevent gas, liquid or electrical current… »
To stop or end, permanently or temporarily. »
Narrow blood vessels found in the liver, spleen and bone marrow with gaps rather than tight junctions between endothelial cells creating a… »
The situation when there is a disconnected event or divergent incident. »
A rare congenital cardiovascular abnormality in which the aorta arises from the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery arises from the left… »
See for the first time; identify. »
Improve understanding of the structure and function of molecular targets in order to develop improved assays for such targets; conduct screening, discovery,… »
The collection and/or analysis of data with the objective of identifying patterns or correlations that may lead to hypothesis formation. »
Enfermedad. Por lo general, se refiere a enfermedades de la sangre. »
Constituting a separate entity or part. »
A device that exists separate from other devices; can refer to electronic components that are not part of an integrated circuit. … »
A statistical distribution whose elements may only assume discreet values. »
Representation of data as a chronological sequence of events. Each event occurs at an instant in time and marks a change of… »
A data type comprised of a collection of a discrete set of coded values that are distinct. »
A data type comprised of a collection of a discrete set of coded string values that are distinct. »
A data type comprised of a collection of values that are distinct and discrete. »
A data type comprised of a collection of a discrete set of entity names. »
A data type comprised of a collection of a discrete set of organization entity names. »
A data type comprised of a collection of instance identifier values that are distinct. »
A data type comprised of a collection of a discrete set of organization names. »
A data type comprised of a collection of a discrete set of person names. »
A data type comprised of a collection of a discrete set of string values that are distinct. »
A method to normalize data. In this normalization process, each value subtracts the column mean and is divided by the column… »
A statistical technique used to determine which variables discriminate between two or more naturally groups and to determine whether groups differ with… »
The unfair treatment of a person or group based on class or category bias. »
An extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic. »
A coded value specifying the amount of disease present in a subject. »
A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to disease characteristics. »
A public health activity whereby individuals who have been exposed to a person with a suspected or confirmed contagious illness are identified,… »
An indication or description that a particular disorder is being managed successfully. »
A term that refers to the cellular differentiation of a malignant cellular infiltrate. A cancer is defined through grades I-IV (or 1-4),… »
Specific molecular signature of disease, physiological measurement, genotype structural or functional characteristic, metabolic changes, or other determinant that may simplify the diagnostic… »
Disease objects specify a disease name and ID; disease objects also provide access to: ontological relations to other diseases; clinical trial protocols… »
Disease objects specify a disease name and ID; disease objects also provide access to: ontological relations to other diseases; clinical trial protocols… »
The disease relationship specifies the relationship among diseases. »
Any abnormal condition of the body or mind that causes discomfort, dysfunction, or distress to the person affected or those in contact… »
A measurable result or effect of treatment on a disease. Examples of outcomes include decreased pain, reduced tumor size, or worsening of… »
A sequence of biological or biochemical events that are manifest during the course of a disease. »
Characteristics and conditions that have a bearing on the likelihood of a person developing a disease or disorder. »
The compilation of symptoms and/or clinical manifestation of any abnormal condition of the body or mind that causes discomfort, dysfunction, or distress… »
Cancer that continues to grow or spread. »
An adjectival term used to specify and describe a disease appearance or processes. »
The disease relationship specifies the relationship among diseases. »
The pathologic and/or clinical changes that result from treatment. The changes may include eradication of detectable disease, stabilization of disease, or disease… »
A domain for disease response evaluations. »
The use of any device, marker, or other means for the purpose of detecting the presence of disease, usually in asymptomatic… »
A standardized rating scale developed by Hohol et al in 1995, which is a self-assessment scale of functional disability in multiple sclerosis… »
An invertebrate animal (e.g., tick, mite, mosquito, bloodsucking fly) capable of transmitting an infectious agent among vertebrates. »
A gene alteration that causes or predisposes an individual to a specific disease. »
In cancer, the length of time after primary treatment for a cancer ends that the patient survives without any signs or symptoms… »
The percentage of people in a study or treatment group who have not died from a specific disease in a defined period… »
A condition that is relevant to human neoplasms and non-neoplastic disorders. This includes observations, test results, history and other concepts relevant… »
Cirugía para extirpar los ganglios linfáticos que se encuentran en la región de la axila. También se llama disección de ganglios linfáticos… »
Procedimiento quirúrgico en el que se extraen los ganglios linfáticos y se examina una muestra del tejido bajo un microscopio para… »
Cirugía para extirpar los ganglios linfáticos que se encuentran en la región de la axila. También se llama disección axilar. »
Cirugía para extirpar los ganglios linfáticos y otros tejidos del cuello. »
Procedimiento quirúrgico para extraer la mayoría o todos los ganglios linfáticos que drenan linfa desde el área que rodea el tumor. A… »
Procedimiento quirúrgico utilizado para extraer algunos de los ganglios linfáticos que drenan linfa desde el área que rodea el tumor. A continuación,… »
Esparcir o distribuir sobre un área grande o extensión. »
Afección por el cual se distorsiona un sentido, especialmente el del tacto. La disestesia puede causar que un estímulo común sea desagradable… »
Dificultad para tragar. »
Trastorno caracterizado por la anemia causada por la falta de hierro y un crecimiento similar a una red de membranas en la… »
Dificultad con la voz al tratar de conversar, incluida la ronquera y el cambio en el tono o la calidad o la… »
Medicamento o sustancia que se usa para tratar la hipercalcemia (calcio anormalmente alto en la sangre) y el dolor de hueso causado… »
Estado anormal de funcionamiento. »
Incapacidad de lograr una erección del pene adecuada para el acto sexual. También se llama impotencia. »
Desarrollo anormal de una gónada (ovario o testículo). Los hombres con disgenecia gonadal tienen un riesgo más alto de contraer cáncer de… »
Tipo de tumor que empieza en el tipo de células que producen los óvulos y que se encuentra con mayor frecuencia en… »
Mal gusto en la boca. También se llama parageusia. »
Any substance or process that is used primarily on non-living objects to kill germs, such as viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms that… »
Disintegrant excipient is a therapeutically inactive ingredient of a solid pharmaceutical dosage form that helps the form to dissolve within the gastrointestinal… »
A tablet that dissolves or melts quickly (usually within a matter of seconds) when it comes into contact with a liquid. … »
Issue associated with material breaking into small fragments or particles. »
A unit of radioactive decay expressed in atoms of radioactive material that decay over a period of time equal to sixty… »
A unit of radioactive decay expressed in atoms of radioactive material that decay over a period of time equal to one… »
The number of radioactive transformations per unit time and expressed as disintegrations per minute or disintegrations per second. It is the unit… »
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 10 (748 aa, ~84 kDa) is encoded by the human ADAM10 gene. This protein plays a role… »
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 11 (769 aa, ~83 kDa) is encoded by the human ADAM11 gene. This protein plays a role… »
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 12 (909 aa, ~100 kDa) is encoded by the human ADAM12 gene. This protein plays a role… »
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 15 (863 aa, ~93 kDa) is encoded by the human ADAM15 gene. This protein is involved in… »
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 17 (824aa, ~93 kDa) is encoded by the human ADAM17 gene. This protein is involved in protein… »
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 8 (824 aa, ~89 kDa) is encoded by the human ADAM8 gene. This protein is involved in… »
It is an integrin binding domain originally identified in ADAM family proteins. »
Any device component shaped like a disk, especially those used for data storage. »
A method to determine microbial susceptibility to antibiotics in which filter paper disks containing known concentrations of antibiotics are placed on the… »
A dosing unit equal to the amount of active ingredient(s) contained in a disk. »
Disks large homolog 1 (904 aa, ~100 kDa) is encoded by the human DLG1 gene. This protein plays a role in protein… »
Disks large homolog 4 (724 aa, ~80 kDa) is encoded by the human DLG4 gene. This protein is involved in synaptic signal… »
Las dislocaciones (o luxaciones) son lesiones en las articulaciones que arrancan los extremos de los huesos y los sacan de su… »
A displacement of a part (especially a bone) from its normal position. »
Dislocations are joint injuries that force the ends of your bones out of position. The cause is often a fall or a… »
Bar from attention or consideration; cease to consider. »
Respiración difícil, dolorosa o deficiencia respiratoria. »
A class IA anti-arrhythmic agent with cardiac depressant property. Disopyramide blocks the fast sodium channel in normal cardiac cell membranes within atrial… »
A class Ia antiarrhythmic agent with cardiac depressant properties. Disopyramide phosphate exerts its actions by blocking both sodium and potassium channels in… »
In medicine, a disturbance of normal functioning of the mind or body. Disorders may be caused by genetic factors, disease, or… »
A term that refers to the classification of a disorder according to the anatomic site that is involved in the pathologic… »
An alteration in skin pigmentation relative to normal for a specific age, mouse strain, and skin site. »
An alteration in the normal structure of the hair follicle relative to normal for a specific age, mouse strain, and skin… »
An alteration in the normal structure of the squamous epithelium relative to normal for a specific age, mouse strain, and skin… »
A subtype of schizophrenia characterized by disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and a flat or inappropriate affect; associated features include grimacing, mannerisms, and… »
A mental state marked by confusion about time, place, or who one is. »
A compound with activity against human picornaviruses. Disoxaril binds to the hydrophobic pocket within the viral VP1 capsid protein and prevents structural… »
Las disparidades en la salud se refieren a las diferencias existentes entre grupos de personas. Estas diferencias pueden afectar la frecuencia con… »
Give or apply. »
The quantity of a product that has been dispensed. »
A character or string used to name or characterize the reference identifier for a dispensed treatment label. »
A container designed to give out the contents in convenient or/and prescribed amounts. »
A bottle that is used by the pharmacist to dispense the prescribed medication. It includes preparations for which a dropper accompanies the… »
A tablet composed of a large amount of active and/or inert ingredient(s) that can be used in compounding prescriptions to ensure accurate… »
A vial that is used by the pharmacist to dispense the prescribed medication. »
Trastorno gástrico. »
The substance in an emulsion that is suspended or dispersed within another substance of greater volume. »
An inactive ingredient of the solid pharmaceutical dosage form added to cement the active and inert components of tablets together to maintain… »
The variation between data values in a sample. »
Células que parecen anormales bajo un microscopio, pero que no son cancerosas. »
Afección en la cual los glóbulos rojos inmaduros (células eritroides) de la médula ósea cuyo tamaño, forma, organización o número son… »
Afección común caracterizada por cambios benignos (no cancerosos) del tejido de la mama. Estos cambios pueden incluir nódulos o quistes irregulares, malestar… »
Exhibit, present, or demonstrate for viewing. »
Issue associated with not correctly reading the patient or test result information provided by the device. »
The standardized text associated with a code in a particular code system. »
The sequence or position of a component in a list. »
An indicator that can be set or unset in order to signal whether the identifier is intended for human display and data… »
A type of culture in which cells are grown in single use bags. »
A process that synthesizes a material of interest using a disposable bag cell culture. »
The act or means of getting rid of something. »
The tendency of something to act in a certain manner under given circumstances resulting from natural constitution; nature; quality; orderly arrangement. … »
Classification of disposition data. »
The date and time disposition data was collected. »
An indication or description that the subject will be continuing on to next phase of the trial. »
The literal identifier of a disposition as determined by a standards organization. »
A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to disposition. »
The date and time a disposition event began. »
The day of the week a disposition event began. »
A character or string that represents a disposition event group. »
A character or string used to name, or characterize a disposition reference. »
An identifier that describes the relative position of a disposition data within a series. »
One or more sponsor defined characters used to name a disposition event. »
The date on which the disposition event begins. »
The time at which the disposition event begins. »
A subdivision of disposition data. »
Objeto que tiene un uso específico. En el campo de la medicina, las sillas de ruedas, las bombas y los miembros artificiales… »
Objeto que ayuda a una persona con discapacidad a realizar cierta tarea. Por ejemplo, el bastón, la silla de ruedas, la silla… »
Dispositivo pequeño de plástico en forma de T que se usa para impedir el embarazo. Este se coloca dentro del útero (órgano… »
Instrumento, herramienta, máquina, implemento de prueba o implante que se usan para prevenir, diagnosticar o tratar la enfermedad u otras afecciones. Los… »
Instrumento que usa cantidades muy pequeñas de líquido en un microprocesador para realizar algunas pruebas de laboratorio. Un dispositivo microfluídico puede usar… »
An interruption or interference in continuity. »
A classification of disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) that are usually diagnosed in infancy, childhood or… »
The feeling of being displeased and discontent. »
A question about whether an individual is or was diissatisfied with their appearance when dressed. »
A question about whether an individual is or was dissatisfied with the appearance of their scar. »
Splitting or dissection of an arterial wall by blood entering through an intimal tear or by interstitial hemorrhage. It is most common… »
The process of cutting apart or separating tissue as, for example, in the study of anatomy or in the course of a… »
Scatter or distribute over a large area or range. »
Carcinoma that is spread throughout the body, a metastatic phenomenon. »
A pathological process where the blood starts to coagulate throughout the whole body. This depletes the body of its platelets and coagulation… »
A clotting condition characterized as a disruption in the homeostatic balance of the coagulation and fibrinolytic systems presenting as a pathological activation… »
Juvenile xanthogranuloma disseminated to extracutaneous sites including mucosal surfaces, lung, central nervous system, pituitary, lymph nodes, eye, liver, and bone marrow. It… »
Cancer that is spread throughout the body, a metastatic phenomenon. »
A rare, benign process that affects the peritoneal cavity and is characterized by the formation of multiple small nodules that are composed… »
Metastatic tumor cells found singly or in small clusters in the tissues. »
A disorder characterized by a retrospective gap in memory of important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature; the memory… »
A category of psychiatric disorders which are characterized by a disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, and/or perception… »
A disorder characterized by sudden, unexpected travel away from one's home or place of work accompanied by an inability to recall one's… »
A disorder characterized by the presence of two or more identities with distinct patterns of perception and personality which recurrently take control… »
A solid, semi-solid, solution or suspension composed of active and/or inert ingredient(s) covered with or contained within a polymeric matrix such that… »
Mixing by adding solids to agitated liquids. »
To cause to go into solution. »
In medicine, refers to a part of the body that is farther away from the center of the body than another… »
En el campo de la medicina, se refiere a una parte del cuerpo que está más lejos del centro del cuerpo que… »
One third of the tube-like structure carrying bile that is closest to the intestine and furthest from the hepatic and cystic… »
An adenocarcinoma that arises from the distal third of the common bile duct. »
A clinical finding about one or more characteristics of distal bile duct cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification… »
A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of distal bile duct cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification… »
A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of distal bile duct cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification… »
A carcinoma that arises from the distal part of the extrahepatic bile duct. »
The segment of the left circumflex artery that is between the second and third obtuse marginal branches. »
The last part of the colon. The distal colon includes the descending colon (the left side of the colon) and the sigmoid… »
The section of the tube-like structure carrying bile that is closest to the intestine and furthest from the hepatic and cystic… »
A protein complex associated with the distal end of the centriole which that is involved in centriole localization. »
Enhancer sequences found at a distance from the gene it regulates. »
Interphalangeal joint located between the second and third phalanges. »
A condyloid synovial joint within the second digit of the hand or foot connecting the middle and distal phalanges. »
A condyloid synovial joint within the thrid digit of the hand or foot connecting the middle and distal phalanges. »
A condyloid synovial joint within the fourth digit of the hand or foot connecting the middle and distal phalanges. »
A condyloid synovial joint within the fifth digit of the hand or foot connecting the middle and distal phalanges. »
The segment of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery that is distal to the third diagonal branch. »
A muscle located away from the trunk of the body. »
A group of genetic degenerative muscle disorders affecting the muscles of the lower arms, hands, lower legs, and feet. »
Removal of the body and tail of the pancreas. »
A portion of the interior of the centriole that is located near the plus ends of the microtubules. »
The five bones that form the tips of the toes. »
The five bones that form the tips of the fingers. »
The section of the right coronary artery distal to the origin of the acute marginal artery. »
The part of the urethra closest to the outside of the body. The urethra is the tube through which urine leaves the… »
A rare cancer that forms in the part of the urethra that is closest to the outside of the body. The cancer… »
An epithelioid sarcoma involving the extremities. It usually presents as nodular masses in the dermis and subcutaneous tissues or in the… »
An antineoplastic antibiotic isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces distallicus. Distamycin antibiotics bind to the minor groove of DNA, preferentially to adenine-thymine (A-T)… »
The space separating two objects or points. »
Refers to the process by which students and teachers at different sites carry out learning and instruction via cable connection, conventional phone… »
The physical distance between a radiation source and the detector plane. »
Far apart in space, time, or relevance from a point of origin. »
Refers to cancer that has spread from the original (primary) tumor to distant organs or distant lymph nodes. Also known as distant… »
The presence of brain metastasis that originates from a cancer growth in a distant anatomic site. »
A lymph node located distant to the anatomic site of interest. »
Refers to cancer that has spread from the original (primary) tumor to distant organs or distant lymph nodes. Also known as distant… »
A malignant tumor that has spread from its original (primary) site of growth to another site distant from the primary site. … »
An ultra-pure form of water with potential antineoplastic activity. Derived by boiling impure water and condensing the resultant steam in a sterile… »
The number of products (resulting from different collections) used for this substance administration. EXAMPLE(S): If blood is taken from 2 people (two… »
Describes a location in the mouth that is toward the back and to the cheek side. »
Describes a location in the mouth that is toward the back and to the tongue side. »
La distonía es un trastorno del movimiento que causa contracciones involuntarias de los músculos. Estas contracciones resultan en torsiones y movimientos… »
An undesired change to the shape of an object, or to inaccurately alter the meaning of a concept. »
En el campo de la medicina, un método para aliviar el dolor que atrae la atención del paciente lejos del dolor. … »
In medicine, a pain relief method that takes the patient's attention away from the pain. »
A method of pain control used primarily in pediatrics that combines distracting the patient's attention away from the painful procedure or… »
Emotional, social, spiritual, or physical pain or suffering that may cause a person to feel sad, afraid, depressed, anxious, or lonely. People… »
A question about whether an individual feels those close to them are distressed by their disease or treatment. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their emotional problems with depression. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their emotional problems with fear. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their emotional problems with loss of interest in usual activities. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their emotional problems with nervousness. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their emotional problems with sadness. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their emotional problems with worry. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their family problems dealing with children. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their family problems dealing with partner. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their family problems with the ability to have children. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their family problems dealing with family health issues. »
A question about an individual's distress related to other problems not included in the list. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with appearance. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with bathing or dressing. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with breathing. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with changes in urination. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with constipation. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with diarrhea. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with nose dryness or congestion. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with skin dryness or itchiness. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with eating. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with fatigue. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with feeling swollen. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with fevers. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with getting around. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with indigestion. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with memory or concentration. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with mouth sores. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with nausea. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with pain. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with sexual activity. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with sleep. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their physical problems with tingling in hands or feet. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their practical problems with child care. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their practical problems with housing. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their practical problems with insurance or finances. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their practical problems with transportation. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their practical problems with treatment decisions. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their practical problems with work or school. »
A question about an individual's distress related to their spiritual or religious concerns. »
A question about an individual's level of distress during the past week. »
Cuando se refiere a un experimento o estudio clínico, es el proceso mediante el que se asigna al azar a distintos grupos,… »
Indicates the person or authoritative body who has distributed something. »
The act of distributing or spreading or apportioning. »
The apparent volume occupied by an exogenous compound after it is administered to an organism. This value assumes that the compound is… »
A person or group with authority to allot or deal out or apportion. »
The area in the United States comprised of a 68 square mile area northeast of the Potomac River donated by the state… »
The capital of Mexico and seat of the federal powers of the Mexican Union. It is a federal entity separate from the… »
La distrofia muscular (DM) se refiere a un grupo de más de 30 enfermedades hereditarias que causan debilidad muscular y pérdida de… »
A departure or divergence from that which is considered normal. »
Abnormal functioning of the small and/or large intestine. »
A question about an individual's disturbed sleep at its worst. »
A benzenedisulfonamide and carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitor with diuretic activity. Disulfamide inhibits CA, thereby preventing sodium, bicarbonate and thus water reabsorption in… »
A disulfide linkage is a covalent bond between 2 sulfide atoms from the thiol group of 2 cysteine residues (S-S). They occur… »
A drug that slows the metabolism of retinoids, allowing them to act over a longer period of time. »
Medicamento que desacelera el metabolismo de los retinoides, permitiéndoles actuar durante un período más largo de tiempo. »
An amphiphilic compound that exhibits a direct phototoxic effect, thereby inducing tumor necrosis. »
A 4-ethylthio-3-methylpyridine analogue of omeprazole with no substituent on the benzimidazole ring, with selective and irreversible proton pump inhibitor activity. Once converted… »
A sulfhydryl-containing carbamate that is the primary in vivo metabolite of disulfiram. Diethyldithiocarbamate chelates zinc, thereby inhibiting metalloproteinases, thereby preventing the degradation… »
A nitrosourea compound with alkylating activity. Ditiomustine crosslinks DNA, resulting in the inhibition of DNA replication and eventually cellular proliferation. »
Medicamento que se usa junto con otro medicamento anticanceroso para tratar el cáncer de mama que es positivo al HER2 y que… »
Dispositivo pequeño de plástico en forma de T que se usa para impedir el embarazo. Este se coloca dentro del útero (órgano… »
An increase in the amount of urine made by the kidney and passed from the body. »
Aumento de la cantidad de orina elaborada por el riñón y excretada del cuerpo. »
A type of drug that causes the kidneys to make more urine. Diuretics help the body get rid of extra fluid and… »
The determination of the amount of any diuretic present in a sample. »
Tipo de medicamento que hace que los riñones produzcan más orina. Los diuréticos ayudan al cuerpo a eliminar el líquido y la… »
Mean solar day occurring as Earth rotates from east to west on its axis. »
A stable coordination compound comprised of sodium valproate and valproic acid with anticonvulsant and antiepileptic activities. Divalproex dissociates to the valproate ion… »
A microscopic finding indicating that a tumor exhibits more than one line of histologic differentiation. »
A form of ocular misalignment where the visual axes diverge inappropriately. For example, medial rectus muscle weakness may produce this condition as… »
A type of program designed to assist individuals and families to address diverse issues such as alcohol and drug abuse, child disobedience,… »
Variety; quality, state, fact, or instance of being different. »
Collections of different molecules, often produced through combinatorial synthetic methods, used as a starting pool to screen against a desired pharmacological… »
Inflammation of one or more pouches or sacs that bulge out from the wall of a hollow organ, such as the… »
Inflamación de uno o más sacos o bolsas pequeñas que sobresalen en las paredes de un órgano hueco, como el… »
Saco o bolsa pequeña que sobresale en la pared de un órgano hueco, como el colon. »
A condition marked by small sacs or pouches in the walls of a hollow organ, such as the colon. These sacs can… »
Afección caracterizada por la presencia de sacos o bolsas pequeñas en las paredes de un órgano hueco, como el estómago. Estas bolsas… »
Diverticula are small pouches that bulge outward through the colon, or large intestine. If you have these pouches, you have a condition… »
Los divertículos son pequeñas bolsas que se abultan en el colon o en el intestino grueso. Si tiene estas bolsas, usted tiene… »
A small pouch or sac that bulges out from the wall of a hollow organ, such as the colon. »
Separate into parts, groups, or branches. »
An administrative unit within a government, academic organization or business. »
The official that is responsible for the administrative, research and medical activities within a clinical program or subdivision of organization such as… »
This division (1) plans, directs, coordinates and evaluates the Institute's intramural programs in basic science relating to cellular, molecular, genetic, biochemical and… »
A division of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute that supports research on the causes, prevention, and treatment of nonmalignant blood… »
The Division of Cancer Biology (DCB) was created by the reorganization of NCI in 1995, and has the principal Federal responsibility for… »
Conducts and supports an integrated program of the highest quality genetic, epidemiological, behavioral, social, applied, and surveillance cancer research. »
The Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) is the primary focus within the National Cancer Institute for population based research on… »
Reorganized on October 1, 1997 to the extramural Division of Cancer Prevention and the extramural Division of Cancer Control and Population… »
Improves the lives of the American public by discovering and conducting better ways to diagnose, assess, treat, and cure cancer through stimulating,… »
A division of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute that provides leadership for a national and international extramural program in cardiovascular… »
Merged with the Division of Basic Sciences in January, 2001 to form the Center for Cancer Research »
A division of the National Eye Institute that has the mission to plan, develop, and conduct human population studies concerned with the… »
A division within the National Cancer Institute that coordinates the scientific review of extramural research for consideration of funding, and provides systematic… »
A division of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute that leads a national program in the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention… »
Divorce is the legal breakup of a marriage. Like every major life change, divorce is stressful. It affects finances, living arrangements, household… »
Indicates a person whose marriage has been legally dissolved and has not remarried. »
El divorcio es la ruptura legal de un matrimonio. Casi la mitad de los matrimonios en los Estados Unidos terminan en un… »
A domain involved in homo- and hetero-oligomerization. »
A sensation of lightheadedness, unsteadiness, turning, spinning or rocking. »
When you're dizzy, you may feel lightheaded or lose your balance. If you feel that the room is spinning, you have vertigo. »
A substance being studied in the treatment of cancer. It is a type of taxane derivative. »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento de cáncer. Es un tipo de derivado del taxano. »
A country in eastern Africa, bordering the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, between Eritrea and Somalia. »
This gene is involved in intercellular communication. »
Human DKK1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 10q11.2 and is approximately 4 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
A humanized monoclonal antibody directed against Wnt antagonist Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) with potential anti-osteolytic activity. DKK1-neutralizing monoclonal antibody DKN-01 binds to and inhibits… »
This gene plays a role in the regulation of Wnt signaling. »
Human DKK2 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 4q25 and is approximately 362 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene plays a role in signaling and morphogenesis. »
Human DKK3 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 11p15.2 and is approximately 46 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene is involved in the inhibition of the Wnt signaling pathway. »
Human DKK4 wild-type allele is located within 8p11.2-p11.1 and is approximately 3 kb in length. This allele, which encodes dickkopf-related protein 4,… »
A racemic mixture of alanine, a non-essential alpha-amino acid. Alanine is one of the most common residues for protein synthesis and is… »
A naturally-occurring form of vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin with potent antioxidant properties. Considered essential for the stabilization of biological membranes… »
The hydrochloride salt form of the amino acid DL-arginine, a racemic mixture of arginine with potential chemopreventive properties. The mechanism of action… »
A racemic mixture of phenylalanine, an aromatic amino acid with antidepressant, analgesic and appetite suppressant properties. The antidepressant effect of DL-phenylalanine may… »
A racemic mixture of proline, an imino acid. Proline is found in cartilage and is important for maintaining youthful skin as well… »
A selenium (Se) analogue of methionine in which sulfur is replaced with the trace element selenium. Selenomethionine (SeMet) can incorporate into proteins… »
This gene plays a role in cytoskeletal organization and regulation of cell growth. »
Human DLC1 wild-type allele is located within 8p22 and is approximately 432 kb in length. This allele, which encodes rho-GTPase-activating protein 7… »
This gene may be involved in tumor suppression. »
Encoded by human DLEC1 Gene, 1755-amino acid 195.8-kD DLEC1 Protein is a putative negative regulator of cell proliferation. DLC1 appears to suppress… »
Human DLEC1 wild-type allele is located within 3p22-p21.3 and is approximately 261 kb in length. This allele, which encodes deleted in lung… »
This gene is involved in tumor suppression pertaining to chronic lymphocytic leukemia. »
Expressed in testis, thymus, small intestine, prostate, spleen, peripheral blood lymphocytes, and ovary and encoded by human DLEU1 Gene, DLEU1 Protein is… »
Human DLEU1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 13q14.3 and is approximately 23 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene may be involved in regulation of cell growth. »
Expressed in thymus and testis and encoded by human DLEU2 Gene, DLEU2 Protein is an 84-amino acid 10-kD putative tumor suppressor… »
Human DLEU2 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 13q14.3 and is approximately 98 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene plays a role in cellular communication and organization/biogenesis. »
Human DLG1 wild-type allele is located within 3q29 and is approximately 254 kb in length. This allele, which encodes disks large homolog… »
This gene is involved in synaptic plasticity and transmission. »
Human DLG4 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 17p13.1 and is approximately 30 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene plays a role in cell-cell signaling. »
Human DLK1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 14q32 and is approximately 8 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene is involved in notch signaling. »
Human DLL1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 6q27 and is approximately 8 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene is involved in both notch-mediated signaling and neurogenesis. »
Human DLL3 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 19q13 and is approximately 10 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene is involved in the notch signal transduction pathway. »
Human DLL4 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 15q14 and is approximately 10 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
A cholesterol carbonate derivative of 4-demethylpenclomedine (DM-PEN) with potential antineoplastic alkylating activity. Upon intravenous administration of 4-demethylcholesteryloxycarbonylpenclomedine, the carbonium moiety binds to… »
A humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody directed against the cell surface-associated protein Cripto and conjugated to the maytansinoid DM4 with potential antineoplastic… »
This gene may play a role in tumor cells and immune system interactions; however this function has not been substantiated. »
Human DMBT1wild-type allele is located within 10q25.3-q26.1and is approximately 85 kb in length. This allele, which encodes deleted in malignant brain tumors… »
This gene is involved in muscle development. »
Human DMD wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of Xp21.2 and is approximately 2225 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
Afección en la cual hay un deterioro lento de las células en el centro de la retina (capas de tejido nervioso sensibles… »
Medida de la cantidad de minerales (por lo general, calcio y fósforo) que contiene cierto volumen de hueso. Las mediciones de la… »
This gene plays a role in osteoblast differentiation and ossification. »
Human DMP1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 4q21 and is approximately 14 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
Afección en la cual hay un deterioro lento de las células en el centro de la retina (capas de tejido nervioso sensibles… »
This gene plays a role in male gonad development. »
Human DMRT1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 9p24.3 and is approximately 127 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
Dosis más alta de un medicamento o tratamiento que no causa efectos secundarios inaceptables. La DMT se determina en ensayos clínicos por… »
The NCI term type designation for a "display name". »
An oral high dose formulation of calcitriol, the biologically active form of Vitamin D. Acting as a ligand for the Vitamin… »
Deoxyribonucleic acid, a chemical found primarily in the nucleus of cells. DNA carries the instructions or blueprint for making all the structures… »
DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1 protein (1613 aa, ~183 kDa) is encoded by the human DNMT1 gene. This soluble, nuclear protein is involved in… »
DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 3A protein (909 aa, ~102 kDa) is encoded by the human DNMT3A gene. This soluble, nuclear protein is involved in… »
DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 3B (853 aa, ~96 kDa) is encoded by the human DNMT3B gene. This protein is involved in DNA methylation. … »
A structure formed when a chemical is attached to DNA by a covalent bond. »
An agent capable of attaching to DNA with a covent bond. DNA adduct forming agents cause disruption of DNA replication and… »
DNA Adduction involves formation of a covalent bond between a molecule and the DNA macromolecule. »
DNA Alkylation involves the addition of alkyl groups to any of several vulnerable positions on all four of the DNA bases. Alkylating… »
Any DNA based laboratory tests. »
Used in reference to proteins or low molecular weight solutes (ligands) that interact specifically with DNA, in either a DNA-sequence dependent or… »
DNA binding molecules regulate mechanisms central to cellular function, including DNA replication and gene expression. Many small molecules that mimic or block… »
A region of a protein that interacts with DNA. Among the various recognized structural motifs present in DNA binding domains are the… »
Proteins that non-covalently interact with deoxyribonucleic acid as a result of intermolecular physical forces and spatial complementarity. Many genetic regulatory DNA binding… »
The branch of biochemistry that is specifically concerned with the structure, synthesis, and maintenance of DNA. »
A synthetic peptide used to formulate and deliver deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA, usually in plasmid form) in gene therapy. The carrier peptides… »
A unit of measure of the concentration of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) copies per unit of volume equal to one milliliter. »
DNA cross-link repair 1A protein (1040 aa, ~116 kDa) is encoded by the human DCLRE1A gene. This protein plays a role in… »
DNA cross-link repair 1B protein (532 aa, ~60 kDa) is encoded by the human DCLRE1B gene. This protein plays a role in… »
A substance that binds DNA nucleotides together and blocks DNA synthesis. In cancer treatment, DNA cross-linking agents may kill cancer cells by… »
DNA Crosslinking involves the formation of a covalent bond between two bases on DNA. »
An agent able to covalently bind to DNA causing inter- or intra-stranded cross-linking of DNA. The cross-linking results in misreading of… »
Drug-, radiation-induced, or spontaneous injuries to DNA that introduce deviations from its normal double-helical conformation. These changes include structural distortions that interfere… »
DNA damage-binding protein 1 (1140 aa, ~127 kDa) is encoded by the human DDB1 gene. This protein is involved in both protein… »
DNA damage-binding protein 2 (427 aa, ~48 kDa) is encoded by the human DDB2 gene. This protein plays a role in the… »
DNA damage-inducible transcript 3 protein (169 aa, ~19 kDa) is encoded by the human DDIT3 gene. This protein plays a role in… »
DNA damage-inducible transcript 4 protein (232 aa, ~25 kDa) is encoded by the human DDIT4 gene. This protein is involved in responses… »
DNA dC->dU-editing enzyme APOBEC-3F (373 aa, ~45 kDa) is encoded by the human APOBEC3F gene. This protein plays a role in the… »
DNA dC->dU-editing enzyme APOBEC-3G protein (384 aa, ~46 kDa) is encoded by the human APOBEC3G gene. This protein is a member of… »
A DNA Double Strand Break involves a disruption of the covalent linkages among the phosphodeoxyribose moieties within the sugar-phosphate backbone in both… »
DNA excision repair protein ERCC-1, encoded by the ERCC1 gene, is a structure-specific DNA repair endonuclease responsible for the 5-prime incision during… »
DNA Excision Repair Protein ERCC-4, encoded by the ERCC4 gene, is a DNA repair protein. Nucleotide excision repair (NER) involves incision of… »
XPG-Complementing Protein, encoded by the ERCC5 gene is involved in transcription-coupled repair of UV-induced DNA damage. It is a single-strand specific DNA… »
DNA excision repair protein ERCC-6 (1493 aa, ~168 kDa) is encoded by the human ERCC6 gene. This protein plays a role in… »
Enzymes that sequentially catalyze the hydrolysis of single nucleotides from the end of a DNA chain. These enzymes play an important role… »
A procedure in which multilocus band patterns of a DNA sample are generated by digestion of the DNA with restriction enzymes followed… »
Energetics and biophysical mechanisms of DNA higher order structure »
A procedure that determines the sequence specificity for DNA binding proteins. Target DNA is end-labeled and exposed to the protein of… »
A process that results in the breaking of macromolecular DNA into small pieces. »
A process that allows thousands of pieces of DNA that are fixed to a glass slide to be analyzed at one… »
DNA Groove Binding involves temporary non-covalent interaction through intermolecular physical forces of attraction by a protein or low molecular weight ligand with… »
An agent that binds covalently or non-covalently in the major or minor groove of DNA and can disrupt DNA replication. »
A class of enzymes that utilizes the energy of ATP hydrolysis to unwind (unzipped) dsDNA. The enzyme participate in various of biological… »
A DNA modification process where a hydrogen at the C5-position of a cytosine residue is replaced with a hydroxmethyl group. »
A technique for quantitation of cell DNA content. »
The ratio of the DNA content or chromosome number in a tumor sample compared to that in a normal sample. »
A short DNA sequence found in prokaryotic and some eukaryotic genomes that encodes proteins involved in DNA transposition and is usually flanked… »
Any DNA sequence rearrangement in which double-stranded DNA from a donor molecule is incorporated into host DNA by the action of an… »
Agents that are capable of inserting themselves between the successive bases in DNA, thus kinking, uncoiling or otherwise deforming it and therefore… »
DNA Intercalation involves insertion by covalent linkage of a molecule into the double-stranded deoxyribonucleotide polymer between the internal purine and pyrimidine base… »
A liposomal formulation of the 24-mer oligonucleotide PNT100, with potential antineoplastic activity. PNT2258 targets and complements to untranscribed DNA sequence upstream of… »
DNA interstrand cross-links (ICLs) are very toxic to dividing cells, because they induce mutations, chromosomal rearrangements and cell death. A number of… »
DNA Interstrand Crosslinking involves the formation of a covalent bond between two bases on different DNA strand. »
DNA Intrastrand Crosslinking involves the formation of a covalent bond between two bases on the same DNA strand. »
A collection of DNA molecules that have been cloned in vectors. »
A family of enzymes that catalyze the formation of phosphodiester bonds to repair broken strands of DNA. »
DNA ligase 1 (919 aa, ~102 kDa) is encoded by the human LIG1 gene. This protein plays a role in DNA replication… »
DNA ligase 4 (911 aa, ~104 kDa) is encoded by the human LIG4 gene. This protein plays a role in non-homologous end… »
The joining together of two or more nucleic acid molecules by the action of ligase »
DNA Maintenance involves cellular mechanisms that maintain DNA integrity. In many organisms, maintenance of DNA integrity requires not only faithful DNA replication,… »
A DNA Maintenance Process consists of activities of biologic molecules, complexes, or subcellular components that preserve DNA integrity through faithful DNA replication,… »
DNA Major Groove Binding involves temporary non-covalent interaction through intermolecular physical forces of attraction by a protein or low molecular weight ligand… »
An agent that binds to the major groove of DNA, interfering with DNA replication. »
An enzyme (a protein that speeds up chemical reactions in the body) that attaches methyl groups to DNA. A methyl group is… »
The process by which methyl groups are added to nucleotides in genomic DNA. »
DNA Methylation Inhibition involves interference with, or restraint of, the process by which methyl groups are added to genomic DNA nucleotides. … »
DNA Methylation Regulation involves cellular mechanisms that control covalent addition of methyl groups to specific cytosine residues of a DNA molecule, which… »
An enzyme (a protein that speeds up chemical reactions in the body) that attaches methyl groups to DNA. A methyl group is… »
Any substance that inhibits DNA methyltransferase, an enzyme required for DNA methylation. Inhibition of DNA methyltransferase results in hypomethylation of genomic DNA… »
A dinucleotide antimetabolite of a decitabine linked via phosphodiester bond to a guanosine, with potential antineoplastic activity. Following metabolic activation by phosphorylation… »
This term describes an experiment in which probes representing genes that one wants to study are affixed to a substrate (e.g., a… »
An orderly array of DNA samples affixed to a support. Using robots thousands of samples can be arrayed on a single… »
DNA Minor Groove Binding involves temporary non-covalent interaction through intermolecular physical forces of attraction by a protein or low molecular weight ligand… »
An antineoplastic agent that either covalently or noncovalently binds to the minor groove of DNA, causing inhibition of DNA synthesis. »
A synthetic tetrahydropyrrolo [4, 3, 2-de]quinolin-8(1H)-one alkaloid analogue with potential antineoplastic activity. DNA minor groove-binding agent PM01183 covalently binds to residues lying… »
A marine-derived, synthetically produced compound with potential antineoplastic activity. DNA minor groove-binding agent PM060184 covalently binds to residues lying in the minor… »
DNA mismatch repair protein Mlh1 (756 aa, ~85 kDa) is encoded by the human MLH1 gene. This protein is involved in post-replicative… »
DNA Mismatch Repair Protein MLH3, encoded by the MLH3 gene, is ubiquitously expressed in various tissues and two isoforms are produced by… »
DNA mismatch repair protein Msh2 (934 aa, ~105 kDa) is encoded by the human MSH2 gene. This protein is involved in DNA… »
DNA Mismatch Repair Protein MSH3, encoded by the MSH3 gene (MutS family), is a 127-kD mismatch repair (MMR) protein. Mismatch recognition in… »
DNA mismatch repair protein Msh6 (1360 aa, ~153 kDa) is encoded by the human MSH6 gene. This protein is involved in the… »
DNA Mismatch Repair Protein PMS1, encoded by the PMS1 gene, is implicated, with MSH2 and MLH1, in mismatch repair of dinucleotide and… »
Biological processes that involve adding/removing chemical moieties to/from DNA, including methylation, phosphorylation, dephosphorylation, etc. »
DNA nucleotidylexotransferase (509 aa, ~59 kDa) is encoded by the human DNTT gene. This protein plays a role in DNA polymerization and… »
A test used to measure nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid content (ploidy or multiplicity of the basic number of chromosomes) in a cell. … »
Nucleotidyltransferases that catalyze the addition of deoxyribonucleotide residues to the end of a DNA. EC or EC »
An enzyme that plays major roles in DNA metabolism. The protein, which exhibits bidirectional nuclease activity is required for both DNA synthesis… »
DNA polymerase beta (335 aa, ~38 kDa) is encoded by the human POLB gene. This protein plays a role in both DNA… »
A protein complex that has dual enzymatic activities in DNA synthesis. The enzyme complex both facilitates DNA synthesis by acting as a… »
DNA polymerase delta catalytic subunit (1107 aa, ~124 kDa) is encoded by the human POLD1 gene. This protein is involved in both… »
DNA polymerase delta subunit 3 (466 aa, ~51 kDa) is encoded by the human POLD3 gene. This protein plays a role in… »
DNA polymerase epsilon catalytic subunit A (2286 aa, ~262 kDa) is encoded by the human POLE gene. This protein is involved in… »
DNA polymerase eta (713 aa, ~78 kDa) is encoded by the human POLH gene. This protein plays a role in repair of… »
Any substance that inhibits DNA polymerase, an enzyme that catalyzes the addition of deoxyribonucleotide residues to the end of a DNA… »
DNA polymerase iota (740 aa, ~83 kDa) is encoded by the human POLI gene. This protein plays a role in the repair… »
DNA polymerase kappa (870 aa, ~99 kDa) is encoded by the human POLK gene. This protein is involved in DNA damage… »
Heterodimeric human DNA Primase consists of a 49-kDa (small) and a 58-kDa (large) subunit. Eukaryotic DNA replication involves a replication apparatus containing… »
DNA primase large subunit (509 aa, ~59 kDa) is encoded by the human PRIM2 gene. This protein plays a role in the… »
DNA primase small subunit (420aa, ~50 kDa) is encoded by the human PRIM1 gene. This protein is involved in the biosynthesis of… »
A piece of DNA that has been labeled, usually radioactively or with a fluorescent dye, which is used in hybridization studies. … »
Any type of DNA sequence rearrangement involving possible exchange and frequent loss of segments of DNA by either homologous recombination or non-homologous… »
Enzymatic restoration of DNA structure after chemical, radiation, or spontaneous damage. »
DNA Repair Endonucleases specifically catalyze the hydrolysis of interior DNA phosphodiester bonds during correction of errors in DNA structure and sequence to… »
A topical agent containing a DNA repair enzyme. »
DNA Repair Genes encode DNA Repair Proteins, involved in enzymatic restoration of DNA structure after chemical, radiation, or spontaneous damage. »
DNA Repair Inhibition involves interference with, or restraint of, the enzymatic restoration of a continuous two-stranded DNA molecule without mismatch from a… »
A sequence of biological or biochemical events that play a role in DNA repair. »
Any of the proteins involved in the enzymatic restoration of DNA structure after chemical, radiation, or spontaneous damage. »
DNA repair protein complementing XP-C cells (940 aa, ~106 kDa) is encoded by the human XPC gene. This protein is involved in… »
DNA repair protein RAD50 (1312 aa, ~154 kDa) is encoded by the human RAD50 gene. This protein plays a role in DNA… »
DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 1 (339 aa, ~37 kDa) is encoded by the human RAD51 gene. This protein is involved in… »
DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 2 (384 aa, ~42 kDa) is encoded by the human RAD51B gene. This protein plays a role… »
DNA repair protein RAD52 homolog (418 aa, ~46 kDa) is encoded by the human RAD52 gene. This protein is involved in both… »
DNA repair protein REV1 (1251 aa, ~138 kDa) is encoded by the human REV1 gene. This protein plays a role in translesion… »
DNA repair protein SWI5 homolog (235 aa, ~27 kDa) is encoded by the human SWI5 gene. This protein is involved in DNA… »
The process by which a copy of the DNA in a cell is made before the cell divides. »
DNA sequence errors introduced via DNA replication. »
DNA replication factor Cdt1 (546 aa, ~60 kDa) is encoded by the human CDT1 gene. This protein plays a role in protein-protein… »
DNA replication is a process that allows two new double helixes of DNA to be created from one double helix. During replication,… »
DNA Replication Induction involves initiation of activities of biologic molecules or complexes involved in the process by which the two strands of… »
DNA Replication Inhibition involves interference with, or restraint of, the activities of biologic molecules or complexes involved in the process by which… »
A protein that is involved in the initiation of the DNA replication process. »
DNA replication licensing factor MCM2 (904 aa, ~102 kDa) is encoded by the human MCM2 gene. This protein plays a role in… »
DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 (808aa, ~91 kDa) is encoded by the human MCM3 gene. This protein is involved in the modulation… »
DNA replication licensing factor MCM4 (863 aa, ~97 kDa) is encoded by the human MCM4 gene. This protein is involved in the… »
DNA replication licensing factor MCM5 (734 aa, ~82 kDa) is encoded by the human MCM5 gene. This protein plays a role in… »
DNA replication licensing factor MCM6 (821 aa, ~93 kDa) is encoded by the human MCM6 gene. This protein is involved in DNA… »
DNA replication licensing factor MCM7 (8719 aa, ~81 kDa) is encoded by the human MCM7 gene. This protein plays a role in… »
A complex network of interacting proteins and enzymes is required for DNA replication. Generally, DNA replication follows a multistep enzymatic pathway. At… »
A function of the mismatch repair (MMR) system that promotes genomic fidelity by repairing base-base mismatches, insertion-deletion loops and heterologies generated during… »
The process that establishes the temporal order of the replication of segments of DNA along a chromosome or in an entire… »
A specific application of gene sequencing that precisely determines the sequence of bases in DNA. Resequencing is used to identify single nucleotide… »
DNA, RNA and Peptide Synthesis Laboratories provide support to researchers regarding oligonucleotide and peptide chemistry. Primary services of this facility include: synthesis… »
The sequence of nucleotide residues along a DNA chain. »
Any subcellular process affecting molecular sequence that results in a specific and defined change in the primary sequence of a double-stranded… »
Any process affecting a DNA sequence that results in the gain, loss or exchange of DNA between chromosomes and/or autonomous replicons. … »
A laboratory process used to learn the exact sequence (order) of the four building blocks, or bases, that make up DNA. Information… »
A shared facility which provides services for DNA sequencing »
The DNA Sequencing Shared Resource offers automated DNA sequencing for Cancer Center investigators. The resource provides sequence assembly services such as plasmid,… »
A DNA Single Strand Break involves one or more disruptions of the covalent linkages among phosphodeoxyribose moieties within the sugar-phosphate backbone in… »
A DNA Strand Break involves one or more disruptions of the covalent linkages among phosphodeoxyribose moieties within the sugar-phosphate backbone in one… »
The structure of a DNA molecule, consisting of its primary nucleotide sequence as well as its secondary and tertiary arrangement in… »
DNA Synthesis is the polymeric linkage of deoxyribose moieties (with adenine, guanine, cytosine, or thymine side chains) by phosphate groups attached to… »
DNA Synthesis Induction consists of the initiation of activities involved in the polymeric linkage of deoxyribose moieties (with adenine, guanine, cytosine, or… »
DNA Synthesis Inhibition involves interference with, or restraint of, the activities involved in the polymeric linkage of deoxyribose moieties (with adenine, guanine,… »
DNA Synthesis Rescue involves resumption of DNA synthesis, polymeric linkage of deoxyribonucleotides by phosphate linkage, following arrest of DNA synthesis due to… »
DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha (1531 aa, ~174 kDa) is encoded by the human TOP2A gene. This protein is involved in the modulation of… »
DNA topoisomerase 2-beta (1626 aa, ~183 kDa) is encoded by the human TOP2B gene. This protein plays a role in DNA… »
DNA topoisomerase 3-alpha (1001 aa, ~112 kDa) is encoded by the human TOP3A gene. This protein is involved in the relaxation of… »
DNA topoisomerase 3-beta-1 (862 aa, ~97 kDa) is encoded by the human TOP3B gene. This protein plays a role in the modification… »
Topoisomerase (DNA) II Binding Protein (TOPBP1), encoded by the TopBP1 gene, is a 173-kD binding protein that interacts with the C-terminal region… »
DNA Topology Regulation involves DNA topoisomerases that catalyze essential DNA transaction processes, including DNA strand scission, manipulation, and rejoining, in order to… »
A virus which uses DNA to code its genome and causes tumors in animals. »
DNA vaccines are used in vaccination in way that differs from those are designed to be inserted into germ line of… »
A cancer vaccine consisting of a DNA plasmid encoding epitopes of the human preferential antigen of melanoma (PRAME) and the prostate specific… »
A virus that has DNA as its genetic material and does not use an RNA intermediate during replication. »
DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase (318 aa, ~36 kDa) is encoded by the human APEX1 gene. This protein plays a role in… »
DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase 2 (518 aa, ~57 kDa) is encoded by the human APEX2 gene. This protein is involved in… »
DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase (298 aa, ~33 kDa) is encoded by the human MPG gene. This protein plays a role in the excision of… »
DNA-binding protein Ikaros (519 aa, ~58 kDa) is encoded by the human IKZF1 gene. This protein is a transcriptional enhancer that is… »
DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID-1 (155 aa, ~16 kDa) is encoded by the human ID1 gene. This protein plays a role in the… »
DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID-2 (134 aa, ~15 kDa) is encoded by the human ID2 gene. This protein is involved in the modulation… »
DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID-3 (119 aa, ~12 kDa) is encoded by the human ID3 gene. This protein plays a role in the… »
DNA-Binding Protein SATB1 (763 aa, ~86 kDa) is encoded by the human SATB1 gene. This protein binds DNA and may be involved… »
DNA-binding protein SATB2 (733 aa, ~83 kDa) is encoded by the human SATB2 gene. This protein is involved in both DNA binding… »
DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (4128 aa, ~469 kDa) is encoded by the human PRKDC gene. This protein is involved in both… »
A proprietary preparation of small interfering DNA (siDNA) molecules with potential chemo/radiosensitizing activity. By mimicking DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), DNA-dependent protein… »
Catalyses DNA-template-directed extension of the 3'- end of a DNA strand by one nucleotide at a time. Cannot initiate a chain de… »
A technique that produces small interfering RNA enzymatically using DNA in an expression vector as a template for transcription. »
An enzyme that catalyzes the stepwise addition of ribonucleotides to the 3' end of a growing RNA chain using a single-stranded DNA… »
DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB1 (1970 aa, ~217 kDa) is encoded by the human POLR2A gene. This protein is involved in… »
Introduction of naked DNA into cells by various methods. »
A dual inhibitor of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), with potential antineoplastic activity. CC-115 binds to and… »
The biochemical and biophysical properties governing the binding of proteins to DNA »
DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 4 (337 aa, ~38 kDa) is encoded by the human DNAJB4 gene. This protein plays a role… »
DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 6 (326 aa, ~36 kDa) is encoded by the human DNAJB6 gene. This protein is involved in… »
A family of proteins that is involved in protein folding. DNAJ proteins are co-chaperones that modulate the ATPase activity of DNAK (Hsp70)… »
This gene plays a role in both transcriptional regulation and cellular viability. »
Human DNAJB4 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 1p31.1 and is approximately 12 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene is involved in protein chaperone activity. »
Human DNAJB6 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 7q36.3 and is approximately 82 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
The determination of the amount of Dnase-B antibody present in a sample. »
A DNA footprinting method which is commonly used for analyzing specific protein-DNA interactions. In this technique, a restriction fragment containing a specific… »
A molecular genetic technique where genome-wide sequencing is performed on DNA regions that are super sensitive to cleavage by DNase I to… »
This gene is involved in regulation of gene expression. »
Human DND1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 5q31.3 and is approximately 3 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene plays a role in both GTP hydrolysis and microtubule organization. »
Human DNM2 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 19p13.2 and is approximately 118 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene is involved in epigenetic modification of DNA. »
Human DNMT1 wt allele is located in the vicinity of 19p13.2 and is approximately 62 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene is involved in epigenetic modification of DNA. »
Human DNMT3A wt allele is located in the vicinity of 2p23 and is approximately 110 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
This gene plays a role in embryonic development, imprinting, and X-chromosome inactivation. »
Human DNMT3B wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 20q11.2 and is approximately 47 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
A type of advance directive in which a person states that healthcare providers should not perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (restarting the heart) if… »
This gene is involved in DNA synthesis. It also plays a role in the generation of antigen diversity in pre-B and pre-T… »
Human DNTT wild-type allele is located within 10q23-q24 and is approximately 34 kb in length. This allele, which encodes DNA nucleotidylexotransferase protein,… »
Perform or execute. »
A question about whether an individual is able to do housework. »
A question about whether an individual cares or has cared about what people think about their appearance. »
A type of advance directive in which a person states that healthcare providers should not perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (restarting the heart) if… »
The Doberman Pinscher is a muscular and very powerful dog. Its hard, short-haired, close-fitting coat comes in black, black and tan, blue-gray,… »
Ensayo clínico en el cual ni el personal médico, ni los pacientes ni las personas que analizan los resultados saben el… »
A synthetic catecholamine with sympathomimetic activity. Dobutamine is a direct-acting inotropic agent and an adrenergic agonist that stimulates primarily the beta-1 adrenoceptor,… »
The hydrochloride salt form of dobutamine, a synthetic catecholamine with direct inotropic activity. Dobutamine hydrochloride, mimics the effects of dopamine and stimulates… »
The tartrate salt form of dobutamine, a synthetic catecholamine with sympathomimetic activity. Dobutamine primarily binds to and stimulates beta-1-adrenergic receptors located in… »
A drug used to treat certain types of cancers of the breast, stomach, lung, prostate, and head and neck. It is being… »
Medicamento que se usa para tratar ciertos tipos de cáncer de mama, estómago, pulmón, próstata, y cabeza y cuello. También está en… »
The anhydrous form of docetaxel, a semisynthetic side-chain analogue of paclitaxel with antineoplastic property. Docetaxel binds specifically to the beta-tubulin subunit of… »
An injectable emulsion formulation containing the taxane docetaxel, a semisynthetic analogue of paclitaxel, with antineoplastic activity. Docetaxel binds specifically to the beta-tubulin… »
An injectable formulation containing the taxane docetaxel, a semisynthetic analogue of paclitaxel, with antineoplastic activity. Docetaxel binds specifically to the beta-tubulin subunit… »
A lipid microsphere (LM)-based formulation containing the poorly water soluble taxane docetaxel, a semi-synthetic analogue of paclitaxel, with antineoplastic activity. Docetaxel binds… »
A regimen consisting of carboplatin and docetaxel used to treat advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer. Also used for the treatment of advanced-stage,… »
A regimen consisting of cisplatin and docetaxel used to treat advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer and squamous cell head and neck… »
A chemotherapy combination used to treat certain types of head and neck cancer and stomach cancer. It includes the drugs docetaxel (Taxotere),… »
A regimen consisting of docetaxel and estramustine used for the treatment of metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Additional steroids such as dexamethasone… »
A regimen consisting of docetaxel and gemcitabine used to treat advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer. »
A polymeric nanoparticle (PNP) formulation containing the taxane docetaxel, a semi-synthetic analogue of paclitaxel, with antineoplastic activity. Docetaxel binds specifically to the… »
A regimen consisting of docetaxel and prednisone used for the treatment of metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. »
A plant that has been used in some cultures to treat certain medical problems. It may have anticancer effects. The scientific name… »
This gene is involved in apoptosis, cell motility/migration and phagocytosis. »
Human DOCK1 wild-type allele is located within 10q26.13-q26.3 and is approximately 557 kb in length. This allele, which encodes dedicator of cytokinesis… »
A binding interaction that results in localization of the ligand. »
Docking Protein 1, encoded by the human DOK1 gene, interacts with receptor tyrosine kinases and mediates particular biological responses. This 62-kD protein… »
A polyunsaturated very long-chain fatty acid with a 22-carbon backbone and 6 double bonds, originating from the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th… »
A polyunsaturated very long-chain fatty acid with a 22-carbon backbone and exactly 2 double bonds, originating from either the 6th and 9th… »
A polyunsaturated very long-chain fatty acid with a 22-carbon backbone and 6 double bonds. Four separate isomers can be called by this… »
A saturated 22-carbon aliphatic alcohol with antiviral activity. Docosanol has a distinct mechanism of action and inhibits fusion between the plasma membrane… »
A polyunsaturated very long-chain fatty acid with a 22-carbon backbone and exactly 5 double bonds. There are 3 recognized isomers of docosapentaenoic… »
A polyunsaturated very long-chain fatty acid with a 22-carbon backbone and 5 double bonds, originating from the 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and… »
A class of polyunsaturated fatty acids with 22 carbons and 4 double bonds. »
Polyunsaturated fatty acid with 22 carbons and 4 double bonds at the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th carbons from the methyl… »
A polyunsaturated very long-chain fatty acid with a 22-carbon backbone and exactly 3 double bonds. Double bonds for docosatrienoic acid can be… »
A monounsaturated very long-chain fatty acid with a 22-carbon backbone and a single double bond originating from either the 3rd, 7th, 9th,… »
A monounsaturated very long-chain fatty acid with a 22-carbon backbone and a single double bond originating from the 9th position from… »
A courtesy title for a person who has received a doctorate degree or who practices medicine. »
Médico que se especializa en el tratamiento de las enfermedades del oído, la nariz y la garganta. También se llama otorrinolaringólogo. … »
The Doctor of Chiropractic degree is a degree awarded for graduates who have completed a medical doctoral program in accredited chiropractic… »
The Doctor of Dental Medicine degree is the first-professional, postgraduate degree awarded for graduates who have completed a program of studies in… »
The Doctor of Dental Surgery degree is the first-professional, postgraduate degree awarded for graduates who have completed a program of studies in… »
A doctoral degree in religion. »
A professional doctorate that prepares the student for academic, administrative or specialized positions in education. »
A doctoral degree awarded on the basis of advanced study and research in engineering. It is awarded by many American universities… »
A professional doctorate typically awarded by an accredited U.S. law school after successfully completing three years of post-graduate law study. Generally, a… »
The Doctor of Medicine degree is the first-professional postgraduate degree that requires completion of a program that meets all of the following… »
The Doctor of Optometry degree is the first-professional, postgraduate degree awarded to the graduates who have completed a specialized four year post-baccalaureate… »
The Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree is the first-professional, postgraduate degree awarded to the graduates who have completed an osteopathic medicine program… »
A professional, postgraduate degree that requires completion of a program in pharmacy that meets all of the following criteria: completion of the… »
The Doctor of Philosophy degree is the highest academic degree awarded in recognition of creative scholarship and research in a field of… »
The Doctor of Philosophy in Human Services is a postgraduate degree in areas of specialization addressing social challenges within the health care… »
The Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree is the first-professional, postgraduate degree awarded to the graduates who have completed an podiatric medicine program… »
Doctor of Public Health is an academic degree in public health. The prior degree is generally earned in the closely related professional… »
A doctoral degree earned with the approval of a committee on the basis of original research and publications. It is awarded predominantly… »
A doctoral degree for experienced social work practitioners in advanced practice, research and/or policy analysis (although some DSW recipients are not social… »
A doctoral degree in theology. It is a research degree, involving the publication of an original contribution to scholarship in the form… »
The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree is a postgraduate first-professional degree awarded for graduates who have completed a program of studies in… »
A collection of information about a patient's doctor. »
The Doctor's Degree is the highest award a student can earn for graduate study. The doctor's degree classification includes such degrees in… »
An organized collection of records that describe a particular body of data. »
The central message of a communication. »
A comprehensive narrated account of a document. »
The unique identification of a document in a specified context. »
Specifies whether this is the main or principal document identifier. »
A coded value specifying the kind of document identifier. »
A unique symbol that establishes identity of the document. »
A computer program (or set of programs) used to track and store images of paper documents. Document management systems commonly provide check-in,… »
A condition of a document indicating its relative position or state of affairs in relation to other documents and/or activities, especially in… »
A subset category identified within a larger group of documents. A document subtype provides more specific context for the documentation. »
An abstract of a document detailed description which represents its most significant information. »
A text that abstracts the salient information from the document summary description. »
A coded value specifying the kind of document. »
A representation of a particular edition or snapshot of a document as it exists at a particular point in time. »
A text block containing publishing and authoring information that allows receivers of this document version to refer appropriately to this document… »
The date (and time) on which the document is versioned. »
A character string of a word or phrase that describes the document and/or its context. Keywords help users find documents of… »
A coded value specifying the words or phrases that best describe the document and/or its context. Keywords help users find documents of… »
A character string that identifies a given collection of content of a document at a point in time. »
The formal title of the document. »
Specifies the meaning (or semantics) of the relationship between one document version and another. »
An integer specifying the relative rank for one document before other similar documents having the same type of association to the same… »
A coded value specifying the kind of document relationship. Each value implies specific constraints to what kinds of objects can be related… »
The reason why the document is revised. »
A textual or media-based representation that is the full or comprehensive narrative or content of the document. »
A complete reference to a website (including http://) from which the document contents can be retrieved. »
The workflow status associated with a document version from submission thru abstraction. »
A coded value specifying the state of the document version workflow. »
Additional description of the workflow status. »
The date (and time) on which the status is assigned to the document version workflow. »
Furnished with or supported by documents and documentation. »
The calcium salt of docusate, a dioctyl salt and an emollient laxative with stool-softening activity. Docusate decreases surface tension and emulsification of… »
The sodium salt of docusate, a dioctyl salt and an emollient laxative with stool-softening activity. Docusate decreases surface tension and emulsification of… »
A monounsaturated medium-chain fatty acid with a 12-carbon backbone and the sole double bond originating from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th,… »
A question about whether an individual does not feel or didn't feel self conscious when eating. »
A question about whether an individual dioes or does not go out due to their swallowing problem. »
The answer is not known by the person answering. »
An orally-available synthetic quinoline derivative with multidrug resistance modulating properties. Dofequidar binds to the drug-binding site of the transmembrane P-glycoprotein efflux pump… »
A synthetic quinoline derivative with multidrug resistance (MDR) modulating properties. Dofequidar fumarate, like many other MDR reversal agents, binds competitively to the… »
A sulfonamide class III antiarrhythmic agent and potassium channel blocker. Dofetilide selectively blocks cardiac ion channels of the rapid component of the… »
The domestic dog, Canis familiaris. »
A type of dog known for its special or distinctive characteristics. »
The Dogue de Bordeaux is a short, stocky mastiff with a huge, heavy, broad, wrinkled head. The jaw is undershot and… »
This gene is involved in the hydroxylation of lysine. »
Human DOHH wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 19p13.3 and is approximately 10 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
The determination of the number of Dohle bodies present in a sample. »
A procedure that uses light waves to create 2-dimensional (2-D) or 3-dimensional (3-D) pictures of tissues inside the body. DOI may be… »
A family of proteins that contain both an IRS-type phosphotyrosine binding domain and a pleckstrin homology domain. »
This gene plays a role in signal transduction and negative regulation of cell proliferation. »
Human DOK1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 2p13 and is approximately 3 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »
An indole derivative and a potent serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist with anti-emetic property. Dolasetron blocks the activity of serotonin released from the… »
A drug used to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. It is also used to prevent nausea and vomiting after… »
A substance being studied in the treatment of cancer. It binds to a protein that cells need to divide and it may… »
A depsipeptide originally isolated from the marine mollusk Dolabella auricularia with potential antineoplastic activity. Less potent than the structurally-related compound dolastatin… »
A substance originally isolated from the marine mollusk Dolabella auricularia with potential neoplastic activity. Dolastatin 9 binds to tubulin and blocks… »
Any of a class of natural peptides originally isolated from the marine mollusk Dolabella auricularia that bind to tubulin at the vinca/peptide… »
Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento de cáncer. Se une a una proteína que las células necesitan para multiplicarse y podría destruir… »
Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 1 (607 aa, ~69 kDa) is encoded by the human RPN1 gene. This protein plays a role in the… »
Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit DAD1 (113 aa, ~12 kDa) is encoded by the human DAD1 gene. This protein plays a role in the… »
El dolor es una sensación desencadenada por el sistema nervioso. El dolor puede ser agudo o sordo. Puede ser intermitente o ser… »
El abdomen se extiende desde abajo del pecho hasta la ingle. Algunas personas lo llaman estómago, pero el abdomen contiene muchos otros… »
Dolor que se presenta rápidamente, puede ser intenso pero dura relativamente poco tiempo. »
Dolor que puede variar de leve a grave y que persiste o evoluciona durante un largo período de tiempo. »
¡Ay, qué dolor de cabeza! Casi todas las personas han tenido un dolor de cabeza (cefalea) alguna vez. Es la razón más… »
Si alguna vez dijo "¡Ay, qué dolor de espalda!", usted no está solo. El dolor de espalda es uno de los problemas… »
Su garganta es un tubo que lleva la comida al esófago y el aire a su laringe. Técnicamente, a la garganta se… »
Tener dolor en el pecho puede asustarlo. Pero no significa que usted esté sufriendo un ataque al corazón. Hay muchas otras razones: »
Sensación de dolor u otras sensaciones desagradables en el lugar de un miembro perdido (fantasma). »
El dolor pélvico ocurre principalmente en la parte baja del abdomen. El dolor puede ser constante o aparecer y desaparecer. Si el… »
Aumento intenso del dolor que aparece rápidamente aunque se usen medicamentos para controlar el dolor. El dolor súbito se puede presentar espontáneamente… »
An area of knowledge considered as a discreet unit for some purpose. »
An internet address in alphabetic form. Domain names must have at least 2 parts: the part on the left which names the… »
A device component designed with a hemispherical shape. »
The upper, convex surface of the bladder. »
A lesion having the shape of a dome. »
A aluminum solution with astringent, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Domeboro solution is a commercial preparation of modified Burow's solution, (5% aluminum acetate)… »
Of, involving, or concerning a specific, local region such as a home or country. »
An accident taking place within a home. »
Indicates a person who is a member of an unmarried couple, including same sex couples, living together in longstanding relationships, that are… »
The name for a short-haired cat that does not have a pedigree nor belong to a specific cat breed. The domestic short-hair… »
Domestic violence is a type of abuse. It usually involves a spouse or partner, but it can also be a child, elderly… »
Exercising influence or control. »
A Dominant Negative Receptor inhibits the function of an associated protein, typically an alternate form of the same type receptor. »
Any mutation that encodes an altered gene product that acts to antagonize the wild-type allele. Dominant negative mutations are characterized by a… »
An alteration in a DNA sequence from a eukaryotic or a prokaryotic organism that results in the expression of a variant gene… »
An island between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, south of Guadeloupe and north of Martinique. »
Denotes the inhabitants of Dominica, a person from there, or their descendants elsewhere. »
Denotes the inhabitants of the Dominican Republic, a person from there, or their descendants elsewhere. »
A country comprising the eastern two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola, between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, east of… »
A specific blocker of dopamine receptors. It speeds gastrointestinal peristalsis, causes prolactin release, and is used as antiemetic and tool in the… »
La donación de órganos toma órganos y tejidos sanos de una persona para trasplantarlos en otras. Los especialistas dicen que los… »
En el campo de la medicina, una persona que dona sangre, células, tejido o un órgano para que los use otra… »
Indicates a task, process or examination that has been performed and completed. »
A drug that is used to treat Alzheimer disease and is being studied in the treatment of side effects caused by radiation… »
The hydrochloride salt of a piperidine derivative with neurocognitive-enhancing activity. Donepezil reversibly inhibits acetylcholinesterase, thereby blocking the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine… »
Medicamento usado para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Es un tipo de inhibidor de la colinesterasa. Está en estudio para… »
An herb native to China. A substance taken from the roots has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat menstrual and… »
Hierba nativa de la China. Sustancia que se extrae de las raíces y que se ha usado en la medicina china tradicional… »
A combination agent, comprised of belladonna alkaloids and Phenobarbital, with gastrointestinal anticholinergic activity. The belladonna alkaloids produce an anticholinergic effect by the… »
A rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder caused by mutations in the insulin receptor gene. Signs and symptoms include a characteristic facial appearance… »
In medicine, a person who gives blood, cells, tissue, or an organ for use in another person, such as in a blood… »
A form of adoptive immunotherapy used after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Lymphocytes from the original stem cell donor are given to… »
The subject contributing a heart for a cardiac transplant. »
A type of therapy in which lymphocytes from the blood of a donor are given to a patient who has already received… »
A population of lymphocytes from the blood of a donor and administered to a patient who has already received a stem cell… »
Donor-derived regulatory T-cells (Tregs), with potential immunomodulating activity. Tregs are a subset of CD4+ T cells that express high levels of… »
An inherited single base change at a donor splice site in a genomic DNA sequence that results in an allelic variant of… »
DONRYU: Spontaneous tumors 74% in males at 120-weeks, mostly pituitary adenomas, pheochromocytomas and insulinomas. In females incidence 89%, mostly uterine adenocarcinomas, mammary… »
The entrance through which you enter or leave a room or building used as an element of an address. »
A monoamine compound with positive inotropic activity. Dopamine is a naturally occurring catecholamine formed by decarboxylation of dehydroxyphenylalanine and a precursor of… »
Any agent that binds to and activates dopamine receptors. »
Any agent that binds to and blocks dopamine receptors. »